An Overview of Friction Stir Welding (FSW): A New Perspective
H.M.Anil Kumar || Dr. V. Venkata Ramana
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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Friction Stir Welding (FSW), being a novel process and facilitates welding various joints required for several industrial applications. It is an attractive technology for solid state material joining, contrary to conventional welding methods, having ability to produce welds with higher integrity and minimum induced distortion and residual stresses. In this paper, the operation of FSW, critical parameters, history, advantages, and limitations were discussed. Further different applications of the process are presented along with critical review of literature; finally recognized areas of research work on materials such as cubic boron nitride, mild steel on tool profiles, boundary etc., and conditions to achieve better quality welds.
Key words:Welding, joint, parameter, material, tool profile

Conceptual Design of a Commercial Spent Pot Liner Treatment Plant
B. Mazumder || S. Rani Devi
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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All aluminium smelter plants discharges high volume extremely toxic electrolytic cell waste known as spent pot liner. Over the years scientists have improvised various methods for disposing these toxic wastes either by diluting with inert material or recovering its carbon value after decontaminating the toxic waste. Present paper outlines conceptual design of a commercial treatment plant which allows recovery of its carbon value. The design is based on long experience of the authors in decontaminating SPL and recovering its carbon value.

Effect of Hydro Distillation Process on Extraction Time and Oil Recovery at Various Moisture Contents From Mentha Leaves
Karanvir Gill|| Rahul Gupta||Suresh Bhise||Manoj Bansal||Gurnaz Gill
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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The experiments were carried out to study the kinetics of mentha oil extraction from mentha leaves (Mentha arvensis L.) and the quality analysis was carried out for the oil extracted. The oil was extracted from mentha leaves at three different moisture contents of 74.30 per cent (fresh leaves), 42.30 per cent (shade dried) and 19.35 per cent (sun dried) using hydro distillation method. Various physicochemical tests were carried out on the oil extracted. The results revealed that the hydro distillation process took more time for oil extraction and oil recovery was less. Various physicochemical properties such as acid value, refractive index, specific gravity, saponification values and solubility in water did not show significant variations with respect to oil extracted by differently pretreated mentha leaves.
KEYWORDS : Hydro distillation, Mentha, Oil recovery

Experimental Investigation of a Household Refrigerator using Air-cooled and Water-cooled Condenser
Sreejith K.||Sushmitha S.||Vipin Das
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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The objective of this paper was to investigate experimentally the effect of water-cooled condenser in a household refrigerator. The experiment was done using HFC134a as the refrigerant and Polyol-ester oil (POE) oil as the lubricant. The performance of the household refrigerator with air-cooled and water-cooled condenser was compared for different load conditions. The results indicate that the refrigerator performance had improved when water-cooled condenser was used instead of air-cooled condenser on all load conditions. Water-cooled condenser reduced the energy consumption when compared with the air-cooled condenser between 8% and 11% for various load conditions. There was also an enhancement in coefficient of performance (COP) when water-cooled condenser was used instead of air-cooled condenser. The water-cooled heat exchanger was designed and the system was modified by retrofitting it, instead of the conventional air-cooled condenser by making a bypass line and thus the system can be utilized as a waste heat recovery unit. The hot water obtained can be utilised for household applications like cleaning, dish washing, laundry, bathing etc. Experimental result shows that about 200 litres of hot water at a temperature of about 58ºC over a day can be generated and thus the system signifies the economic importance from the energy saving point of view.
Keywords: - Household refrigerator, HFC134a, Air-cooled condenser, Water-cooled condenser

Ingredients of Amino – Acids in cheese Kaçkaval produced from Combened milk (2: 1 Cows &Sheep milk) in milk industry in Kosova
Maxhuni, Shukri || Lushi, Isuf || Lamçe, Enkeleda
Prizren – Kosovo
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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The role of milk in nature is to ensure food and immunological protection of the young mammals. Milk processing in Kaçkavall cheese takes very important place in productivity of dairy, in the same time takes very important role in domestic economy as well as nutritive for human kind. The task of this paper is to determine the influence of type of milk (cow and sheep, and a mixture of these two types of milk (ratio between the milks 2:1) on the properties of cheese kashkaval, then determine how to produce the milk used type of change affects the amino acids properties of cheese during ripening. This study is done to research the ingredients of amino acids of Kaçkaval cheese, (these type of cheese is classified to hard group of cheeses), daily fresh cheese (One day), 15 to 30 days maturing, produced from combened cows and sheep milk, from fresh milk. There were made 45th of analyses with aminoanaleiser to searching ingredients of amino acids.
Keywords: - Milk, Proteins, Amino-acids, Cheese, Kaçkavall.

Research on the Effect of Focus on Neutral Tone Words in Chinese: The Variation of Spectral Emphasis
Maolin Wang
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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In this study, the spectral emphasis and the effect of focus on it of neutral tone words in Chinese is analyzed. It is shown that, the spectral emphasis of the onset is always greater than that of the rhyme, and the effect of stress and focus on spectral emphasis is great, so spectral emphasis is a more reliable correlate of stress and focus in Chinese. The rhyme of the stressed syllable is the most prominent part of the neutral tone word, so the increase of spectral emphasis on it under focused condition is comparatively great.
Keywords: - Focus, spectral emphasis, onset, rhyme

Shoreline Pilling Foundation Design in Karst Formation, Port Sudan, Red Sea, Sudan
Al-Imam, O. A. O.|| Kheiralla, K. M|| Elzien, S. M.||Mohammed, A. A.
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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Coastal reef limestone almost covered the Sudan‟s coastal plain. The limestone in coral reefs shows the effect of chemical solution forming channels and caverns when submerged by Sea water. Site investigation in Dama Dama including drilling standard penetration test, geophysical survey, soils and water sampling, geotechnical properties of soils and geotechnical map had been done in this work. The overall objective of this study is to Pilling foundation designation on shoreline in karst formation for heavy constructions. Many tests have been done to confirm load predictions and account for design uncertainly includes safety factor, Settlement, Load test, Skin friction and Load Capacity. The best layer which pile should rest is coral reef limestone of weathering grade III. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use pilling foundation in the intertidal zone and highly safety measures must be consider in building in lightly hazardous zones.
Keywords: - Dama Dama, Coastal reef, backshore and design

Higher Separation Axioms via Semi*-open sets
S. Pious Missier|| A. Robert
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce new separation axioms semi*-regular, semi*-normal, s*-regular, s**-normal using semi*-open sets and investigate their properties. We also study the relationships among themselves and with known axioms regular, normal, semi-regular and semi-normal. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 54D10, 54D15
Keywords: -s**-normal, s*-regular, semi*-normal, semi*-regular.

Privacy Preserving Ranked Multi-Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners in Cloud Computing
J.Satya Kiran|| Vmr Kiran || Mrs. Venkata Ram Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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With the advent of cloud computing, it has become increasingly popular for data owners to outsource their data to public cloud servers while allowing data users to retrieve this data. For privacy concerns, secure searches over encrypted cloud data has motivated several research works under the single owner model. However, most cloud servers in practice do not just serve one owner; instead, they support multiple owners to share the benefits brought by cloud computing. In this paper, we propose schemes to deal with Privacy preserving Ranked Multi-keyword Search in a Multi-owner model (PRMSM). To enable cloud servers to perform secure search without knowing the actual data of both keywords and trapdoors, we systematically construct a novel secure search protocol. To rank the search results and preserve the privacy of relevance scores between keywords and files, we propose a novel Additive Order and Privacy Preserving Function family. To prevent the attackers from eavesdropping secret keys and pretending to be legal data users submitting searches, we propose a novel dynamic secret key generation protocol and a new data user authentication protocol. Furthermore, PRMSM supports efficient data user revocation. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets confirm the efficacy and efficiency of PRMSM
Keywords: Cloud computing, ranked keyword search, multiple owners, privacy preserving, dynamic secret key

Direct to operations complete business processes
M.Manohar || K.Srinivas || G.Vidhyulata
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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Straight to Operations (S2O) is one of the biggest global IT transformation initiatives of in Bank in Consumer Banking division to deliver standard operating models (process, controls, KPI's, policy and governance) for end-to-end service requests and application processing. Complete document management project from scanning the documents using eFlow as scanning solution to workflow management using IBM FileNet.We have been managing end to end functional requirements for multiple countries. The key areas were streamlining and optimizing complete business processes of Consumer Banking division in these countries.
Keywords: IBM Filenet5.2,CE,PE,AE,IBM Workplace ,LDAP

Congestions and Control Mechanisms in Wired and Wireless Networks
Gnv Vibhav Reddy|| G.Vijay Kumar|| L.Roshini
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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In today's world, network is becoming compulsory technology even in a normal human life ranging from a student to a professional. In every field networks are being used. In olden days networks are formed by connecting the computer systems through cables. As the days are going on more number of computer systems are connected to the network. As a result network size gets increased and networks like LAN, MAN, WAN came into existence. Huge networks with cables has so many disadvantages like, if the cable is damaged there will be no communication between the system, and since one cable may be shared between many users the communication may become slower, and the users may put heavy load on the communicating cable than it's capacity which may cause congestion. To overcome all these demerits of wired networks wireless networks are proposed. In wireless networks there are no communicating physical cables. The system will communicate with each other by using radio or infra red waves which travels through air. The wireless networks will also suffer from so many problems like node mobility, , high error rate, long latency and even congestions. In this paper we are going to discuss various congestion control mechanisms in wired and wireless networks and their merits and demerits
Keywords: -congestion, congestion control TCP, wired network, wireless network

Survey on Hadoop Distributed File System for Cloud Computing Using Rebalancing Algorithm
Gnv Vibhav Reddy|| S Sampath || Raja Babu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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The main objective of the paper is to Enhance distributed load rebalancing algorithm to cope with the load imbalance factor, movement cost, and algorithmic overhead. The load rebalance algorithm is compared against a centralized approach in a production system and the performance of the proposal implemented in the Hadoop distributed file system for cloud computing applications. The cloud applications process large amount of data to provide the desired results. Data volumes to be processed by cloud applications are growing much faster than computing power. This growth demands on new strategies for processing and analyzing the information. The paper explores the use of Hadoop Map Reduce framework to execute scientific workflows in the cloud. Cloud computing provides massive clusters for efficient large computation and data analysis. In such file systems, a file is partitioned into a number of file chunks allocated in distinct nodes so that Map Reduce tasks can perform in parallel over the nodes to make resource utilization effective and to improve the response time of the job. In large failure prone cloud environments files and nodes are dynamically created, replaced and added in the system due to which some of the nodes are over loaded while some others are under loaded. It leads to load imbalance in distributed file system. To overcome this load imbalance problem, a fully distributed Load rebalancing algorithm has been implemented, which is dynamic in nature does not consider the previous state or behavior of the system (global knowledge) and it only depends on the present behavior of the system and estimation of load, comparison of load, stability of different system, performance of system, interaction between the nodes, nature of load to be transferred, selection of nodes and network traffic. The current Hadoop implementation assumes that computing nodes in a cluster are homogeneous in nature.
Keywords: Hadoop, Cloud computing, Dynamically, file system

Secure Network Coding In Wireless Sensor Networks
Dr Vijay Babu K|| M Ranjith Kumar || B.Kumar Swamy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 6 (June 2014)
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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of mostly tiny, resource-constraint, simple sensor nodes, which communicate wirelessly and form ad hoc networks in order to perform some specific operation. Due to distributed nature of these networks and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. However, their characteristics such as the broadcast nature of the medium, spatial diversity, and significant data redundancy, provide opportunities for new design principles to address these problems. There has been recent interest in employing network coding in wireless networks. This paper explores the case for network coding that offers packet flow un traceability and message content confidentiality against traffic analysis using WSN which gives better performance in WSN life span and nodes energy consumption. Theoretical analysis and simulative evaluation demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed scheme.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Network coding, homomorphic encryption, privacy preservation, traffic analysis.