Agricultural by-Products/Waste as Dye and Metal IONS Adsorbent: a Review
Mohamed Sulyman
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
A major treat to the comfort of human life has been imposed by the unintentional and great increased industrialization and urbanization. Their generations and land disposals of huge amounts of toxic materials and pollutants have contributed in contaminating our environment frighteningly. Synthetic dyes (SD) and heavy metals (HM) are becoming increasingly prevalent in soil and surface water environments, as the most dangerous pollutants. They are present a great concern worldwide, due to their toxicity to many life forms. Environment-friendly utilization of agricultural by-products/waste materials either as raw materials or in production of the so-called activated carbons (AC) is an important issue. Because, it is apparent from our literature review that the main factors characterizing these materials are the inexpensiveness, the local availability and their efficiencies in removal of heavy metals and dyes from contaminated water. A number of different agricultural by-product/wastes as renewable and potential sources for green adsorbent production has been listed in this review. Additionally, the paper has provided the reader with an overview of a number of case studies which were conducted by scientists and researchers. These case studies have pointed out to the efficient removal of SD/HM ions from aqueous solutions by the agricultural by-products/wastes in the form of a raw material, spent tea leaves (STL), spent coffee ground(SCG), and rice husk (RH) wastes were selected as a good examples. Besides, the efficient removal of such ions by AC produced from the same raw materials has been also reviewed. Both kinds are widely used adsorbents in the treatment of wastewaters. High adsorption capacity, cost effectiveness, and environmentally friendly, and their abundance in nature are the important roles which explain why the adsorption is economical for wastewater treatment. Comparison of different technologies of wastewater treatment especially heavy metals and dyes were also listed in this review.
KEY WORD: Adsorption, Activated carbon, Coffee grounds, Dyes, Heavy metal, Rice husk, Spent tea leaves

Experimental Investigation of Sheanut Shells Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement for Sustainable and Affordable Concrete Production
Zievie, P|| Yalley, P. P|| Saan, R.
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
Modern scientific and technological move towards concrete production is aimed at achieving sustainable and affordable concrete construction. This move has led to the search for non-conventional local supplementary cementitious materials (SCM's) including the possibility of using industrial and agricultural based pulverized and combustible wastes in concrete construction. In this study, an experimental investigation was conducted on the potential use of sheanut shells ash, derived from the combustion of sheanut shells – an agro-based waste, as partial replacement of cement in concrete. The cement content in the concrete mix was partially replaced 0%, 10% and 20% by mass with sheanut shells ash. The effect of the ash on setting time and workability were examined. Five concrete cubes were prepared for each of the replacement levels from which three cubes were randomly selected from each replacement level and tested for compressive strength at three stages of curing age (14, 28 and 90 days). There were high and minimal reductions in the compressive strengths of the experimental cubes over the control cubes at the 14 and 28 curing age respectively. However, there was a significant increase in strength of the experimental cubes over the control cubes at the 90 days curing age. Though the ash has an improved increasing effect on strength, the findings will limit it use in situations where long term strength development is required.
KEY WORD:Sheanut shells ash, partial replacement, setting time, workability, compressive strength.

An Approach for Power Flow Analysis of Radial Distribution Networks
Ujjavala Singla || Rajni Bala
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
This paper provides an easy and effective approach to the load flow solution of Radial distribution networks. As compared to the various methods proposed in the past, this work presents a new technique consisting of load flow solution of the network, facilitated by the identification of all the nodes beyond a particular branch. The proposed method is quite accurate and reliable for the system having any number of nodes. The primary target of this work is to evaluate the results with high precision and convergence.
KEY WORD:Convergence, load currents, nodes beyond branch, Radial Distribution network.

Ionospheric TEC Disturbances over South KoreaFollowing the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake
Byung-Kyu Choi || Sang Jeong Lee || Ha Su Yoon
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
Ionospheric total electron contents (TEC) disturbances following the 2011 great Tohoku earthquake on March 11, 2011 were observed by a GPS network in South Korea. The impulsive TEC enhancements were first observed approximately 16.5 minutes after the beginning of the earthquake. Various types of seismic waves were also observed over South Korea.To investigate more detailed disturbances in the TEC, we processed the GPS data with a sampling rate of 1Hz and applied a band-pass filter with corner frequencies of 0.0 and 0.005 Hz. Small-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) with a period of approximately 4minutes (~250 seconds) were observed from 6:15 to 7:10 UT. These variations are considered to be a clear manifestation of the acoustic resonance oscillations. We also observed medium-scale TIDs with a period of approximately 15 minutes and a duration of approximately 60 minutes. A remarkable finding is that the damping of the amplitude of the medium-scale TIDs was observed clearly in the time series.
KEY WORD:ionosphere; earthquake; TEC; disturbance

A Hybrid DWT-SVD Method for Digital Video Watermarking Using Random Frame Selection
Shaik.Farooq Abdulla || S. Anjaneyulu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
Digital watermarking refers to embedding watermarks in a multimedia documents and files in order to protect them from illegal copying and identifying manipulations. We proposed a technique is Hybrid DWT- SVD method for digital video watermarking. This paper presents a robust and secure watermarking algorithm for video sequence. Proposed scheme divide the video in to frames and then blue channel is used for watermarking insertion. Discrete wavelet transform is used for watermark embedding. Watermark is inserted in to mid frequency component for better resistance to video manipulation operation. PSNR and MSE are computed for testing the proposed method.

Impact of Student Satisfaction on Teaching Practice: A Case Study of Engineering Department
Zinab Aalaoui || Jamal Echaabi || Amine Rahoui || Souad Ben Souda
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
This article presents the results of a student satisfaction study of an engineering program in relation to the quality of training received. The objective is to evaluate the existing system and propose a qualitative approach directing teaching practices to better meet the expectations of different stakeholders. As an indicator of performance of the process of teaching, descriptive statistical analysis of the level of student satisfaction evaluated using a questionnaire will confirm the usefulness of the proposed conceptual framework to improve the quality of training.
KEY WORD:Satisfaction, Quality, Higher education, innovation, teaching practices

Research of Woodchip Automation System Modernization Boiler Using O2 Concentration Optimization Options in the Flue Gas
Ansis Steinbergs || Igors Uteshevs
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 6 (July 2016)
This topic is the research woodchip boiler automation system modernization feasibility study, through the optimization of the concentration of O2 in the flue gas. Goal is to reserach and identify existing furnace automation control systems in one company, and the development of automation control systems improvement model to one chip furnace .
KEY WORD:Automation control systems, gas detectors, sensor systems and applications