Experimental Investigation of a Helical Coil Heat Exchanger
Sreejith K.|| T.R. Sreesastha Ram || Jaivin A. Varghese || Manoj Francis || Mossas V.J. || Nidhin M.J.|| Nithil E.S || Sushmitha S
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 8 (August 2015)
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Helical coil heat exchangers are one of the most common equipment found in many industrial applications. Helical coil heat exchanger is one of the devices which are used for the recovery system. The helical coil heat exchangers can be made in the form of a shell and tube heat exchangers and can be used for industrial applications such as power generation, nuclear industry, process plants, heat recovery systems, refrigeration, food industry etc. In our work we had designed, fabricated and experimentally analysed a helical coil heat exchanger and a straight tube heat exchanger. From the observations and calculations, the results of the helical coil heat exchanger and straight tube heat exchanger are obtained and are compared. From our obtained results, the helical coil heat exchanger showed increase in the heat transfer rate, effectiveness and overall heat transfer coefficient over the straight tube heat exchanger on all mass flow rates and operating conditions. The centrifugal force due to the curvature of the tube results in the secondary flow development which enhances the heat transfer rate. Comparative study shows that helical coil heat exchanger is having better performance that straight tube heat exchanger.
KEY WORD: Helical coil heat exchanger, straight tube heat exchanger, effectiveness, overall heat transfer coefficient

The Effect of Carry-over Coarticulation of Disyllabic words in Chinese
Qi Gong
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 8 (August 2015)
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In this study, the V-to-V coarticulatory effect in the VCV sequences is investigated. The stimuli are in the form of C1V1.C2V2, which is designed for V1 to affect V2. The subjects are twelve native speakers of standard Chinese, and the F2 onset value, as well as the F2 delta value, is analyzed. Results show that, due to long temporal separation between vowels for the aspirated stops relative to the unaspirated ones, the effect of aspiration is obvious, and in the contexts of aspirated stops, the effect of place of articulation is restrained.
KEY WORD: Coarticulation, formant, speech, vowel

Effect of Isolate of Trichoderma Sp. And Incubation Period to Glucose Production
Arief Budiono || Suharjono || Imam Santoso || Soemarno
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 8 (August 2015)
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This study was carried out to determine the effect of isolates of Trichoderma sp. and the incubation period to glucose production. A glucose produced by the three isolates of Trichoderma sp. (TV.0209, TV.0305 and TV.0710) which were obtained from the collection of the Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Chemical Engineering of The State Polytechnic of Malang. It was determined that the isolates had a significant correlation in producing glucose with incubation period for 10 days. Data were then analyzed using two-way anova with the alpha of 5% and using Microsoft Excel. Isolate TV.0209 was capable to produce the highest average of a total glucose production (3,616 ppm) when compared with TV.0305 (3,253 ppm) and TV.0710 (2,448 ppm). The optimum incubation period of treatment isolate variables was achieved during 6 days.
KEY WORD: Incubation Period, Trichoderma, Cellulase, Glucose

A study of Magneto-Rheological Fluid (MRF) Boring Bar For Chatter Stability
Srilatha|| Shalaja || Shiva Kumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 8 (August 2015)
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Chatter is a concern in boring process, due to the low dynamic stiffness of long cantilever boring bars. Chatter suppression in machining permits higher productivity and better surface finishes. The MR fluid, which changes stiffness and undergoes a phase transformation when subjected to an external magnetic field, is applied to adjust the stiffness of the boring bar and suppress chatter. The stiffness and energy dissipation properties of the MR fluid boring bar can be adjusted by varying the strength of the applied magnetic field. The focus of this research work is to design and develop the magneto-rheological fluid (MRF) boring bar and test the same for chatter stability during boring process.
KEY WORD: Chatter, MR Fluid Boring Bar, Dynamic Stiffness, Boring Process, Surface Finish

Modeling and Analysis of a Brake Caliper
Gs.Patil || G.Bhanu Prakash || M.Narsimulu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 8 (August 2015)
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Safety aspect in automotive engineering is of prime importance. Effective Braking system along with good suspension systems, good handling and safe cornering is very important for determining the performance of the vehicle. The objective of this work is to design, analyze and investigate the strength and stiffness of the brake caliper during braking operation using ANSYS Workbench 15.0This analysis is further used to identify the critical locations of low stiffness on the brake caliper and also aimed at evaluating the performance of brake caliper under severe braking conditions. Hence best suitable design is suggested based on the performance and strength criteria..
KEY WORD: Brake caliper, Braking system, Analysis