The Impact of Employment Progression on Students Towards Higher Education
V.Maheswari || R.Haridas
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 6 (June 2015)
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The aim of this study is to describe the impact of employment progression towards higher education. This study is based on previous studies which had looked into the involvement between the employment sequence and higher education sector. About 625 questionnaires had been distributed to under graduate students in arts and science colleges in Coimbatore district. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. The analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the personal variables and employment progression of the respondents. Results of this study demonstrate that the students drift from the under graduation to post graduation for the purpose of employment opportunities.
KEY WORD: Students, Employment progression, Higher education

Elliptic Curves as Tool for Public Key Cryptography
Srinivas Madhira || Sammulal Porika
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 6 (June 2015)
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Cryptography is the technique of transforming an intelligible message into unintelligible format so that the message can't be read or understood by an unauthorized person during its transmission over the public networks. A number of cryptographic techniques have been developed over the centuries. With technological advancement, new techniques have been evolved significantly. Public key cryptography offers a great security for transmitting data over the public networks such as Internet. The popular public key cryptosystems like RSA and Diffie- Hellman are becoming slowly disappearing because of requirement of large number of bits in the encryption and decryption keys. Elliptic Curve Cryptograph (ECC) is emerging as an alternative to the existing public key cryptosystems. This paper describes the idea of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and its implementation through two dimensional (2D) geometry for data encryption and decryption. This paper discusses the implementation of ECC over prime field. Much attention has been given on the mathematics of elliptic curves starting from their derivations.
KEY WORD: decryption, discrete Logarithm, Elliptic Curve (EC), Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), encryption, private-key, public-key.

Endorsement of Technology in Mathematics: Secondary Educational Perspective
Dr. Babitha Ann Joseph
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 6 (June 2015)
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This theoretical paper intends to explore the endorsement of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary educational perspective. The secondary education scenario constitutes the most remarkable constituent in the educational life of each person. Mathematics is an exquisite factor which helps in the enhancement of learners intellectual proficiencies in intuitive thinking, logical reasoning, problem solving, spacial visualization and abstract thinking. Through this paper the investigator bring about the significance, recent trends and implications of using technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. This paper will be beneficial for the learners and teachers in their mathematics educational endeavors.

Design of CPW-fed Capacitive CoupledPatch Antenna forWiGig Applications
K.J. Silva Lorraine || Pavana sai.R || Suresh babu.T || Rama krishna.K || Tejavanth Hari.V
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 6 (June 2015)
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The area of microstrip antennas has seen some inventive work in recent years and is one of the most dynamic fields of antenna theory. The ever increasing need for mobile communication and the emergence of newer technologies require an efficient design of antenna of smaller size for wider frequency range applications such as WiGig. The design, simulation, and characterization of a CPW-fed microstrip antenna capable of covering the entire IEEE 802.11ad (WiGig) frequency band (57–66 GHz) has been presented in this paper. A conductor-backed (CB) coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed loop slot couples the energy to the patch antenna, resulting in a broad bandwidth. The substrate used here is quartz substrate (r=3.9, tan δ=0.0002 at 60 GHz), on top of which an SU-8-based three-dimensional (3-D) structure with air cavities has been placed. The patch metallization is deposited on top of this 3-D structure. Simulation of the proposed antenna has been carried out for different geometries and impedance tuning coupling mechanisms. Parametric study was included to determine the effect of design towards the antenna performance. The design was optimized to meet the best possible result. The proposed antenna has also found to be promising to be embedded with devices employing WiGig applications.
Keywords : Coplanar waveguide (CPW), IEEE 802.11ad, SU-8, WiGig.

Time to Recruitment for a Single Grade Manpower System with Two Thresholds, Different Epochs for Inter-Decisions as an Order Statistics and Exits
G. Ravichandran || A. Srinivasan
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 6 (June 2015)
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In this paper, the problem of time to recruitment is studied using a univariate policy of recruitment involving two thresholds for a single grade manpower system with attrition generated by its policy decisions. Assuming that the policy decisions and exits occur at different epochs, a stochastic model is constructed and the variance of the time to recruitment is obtained when the inter-policy decision times and inter- exit times form an order statistics and an ordinary renewal process respectively. The analytical results are numerically illustrated with relevant findings by assuming specific distributions.
Keywords: Single grade manpower system; decision and exit epochs; order statistics; ordinary renewal process; univariate policy of recruitment with two thresholds and variance of the time to recruitment.

The factors importance to economization produced cheese mozzarella from cow's milk
Dr.Sc.Shurki Maxhuni, Prof.Assis. || Dr.Sc.Halil Kukaj, Prof.Assis.
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 6 (June 2015)
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Milk used for cheese making is normally standardized and heat treated. In some case, milk is homogenized. An acid – producing starter culture is then added. The standardization of milk has become necessary to ensure that the milk obtained from several producers or dairies is of a "standard" composition and condition throughout the year. This is critical in cheese making because the legal standards of various cheeses specify certain fat-to-protein rations. Though there are numerous cheese varieties, the manufacturing processes of most of them share several common steps. Variations at one or more steps during manufacture produce cheese of different textures and flavors. This study is done to research the examinations for production of mozzarella cheese, after research and analyses of physical-chemical peculiar feature of milk. We have followed the processes from drying of cheese until preparing it for market, physical-chemical peculiar feature. We carried out three experiments for each milk-kind. For every experiment, we took three patterns and analyzed. Production of this sort of cheese, the application of producing technology and the supply of Kosova's trade market with mozzarella cheese produced from cow's milk is the objective of this presentation work research.
Keywords: Cow, milk, coagulum, cheese, whey, mozzarella.