Volume 3 ~ Issue 12
Research Article 
A Study of Assessment Mechanism and Training Approach of College English Writing Through Sharing & Improving Online Learning Community
WEI Li, China
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/03120105

A Study of Assessment Mechanism and Training Approach of College English Writing Through Sharing & Improving Online Learning Community
WEI Li, China
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
Coast area of North Maluku is a coastal region of the island chain strung with high potential mangrove vegetation. The structure of mangrove forest vegetation is an organization of individuals in a particular space that form a stand; the composition of the mangrove forest is the typical border, the border is due to the selective effect of land salinity duration and severity of flooding tidal currents. Until now, the populations of mangrove forests The article firstly reviews the main features of four prevalent teaching approaches of English writing, and then introduces a new approach titled Online Four-dimension Assessment Mechanism which fulfills four types of assessment in sequence including self-assessment, peer assessment, teachers' assessment, and public assessment and presentation. The great advantages of this assessment mechanism lie in its timeliness, its multi-dimension interaction, its open and equal dialogue, and its seamless English teaching and learning practice as well. All these assessment procedures are accomplished through Sharing & Improving online learning community. In the final part, the article elaborates on the effective practice of online assessment mechanism by means of a real assessment case.
KEYWORDS : Assessment mechanism, college English writing, online learning community, Sharing & Improving, training approach
KEYWORDS : Assessment mechanism, college English writing, online learning community, Sharing & Improving, training approach
Research Article 
Effects Of Doping With Iron III Chloride On The Electrical And Thermal Conductivities Of The Polymer Polystyrene
Uleanya Kelechi .O || Eboatu Augustine.N, Nigeria
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/03120609

Effects Of Doping With Iron III Chloride On The Electrical And Thermal Conductivities Of The Polymer Polystyrene
Uleanya Kelechi .O || Eboatu Augustine.N, Nigeria
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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This work on effects of doping with FeCl3 on the electrical and thermal conductivities of the polymer polystyrene was conducted. The idea behind this experiment is to find a means of reducing the cost of making conductive polymers since it is evident that tailor-made conductive polymers such as poly aniline, poly acetylene etc. do not actually have readily available starting materials and are quite expensive. Five grams of poly styrene was mixed with eight different concentrations of the FeCl3 (0.00%,0.05%,0.1%,0.5%,0.75%,1.00%,1.25%,1.5%) after melting with heat application and compressed in a wooden mould into tablets of doped polystyrene materials. On testing for the electrical and thermal conductivity of the doped polymer, it was observed that its electrical conductivity and thermal conductivities was actually enhanced by the potentiating capacities of the dopant.
Research Article 
The Effect of Temperature on the Performance of A Photovoltaic Solar System In Eastern Nigeria
Ike, C. U., Nigeria
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/0312010014

The Effect of Temperature on the Performance of A Photovoltaic Solar System In Eastern Nigeria
Ike, C. U., Nigeria
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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This paper presents the influence of the ambient temperature on the performance of a stand-alone photovoltaic solar system at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. This system composed of a PV generator, DC-Dc adaptor, Deep Cycle Trojan batteries, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) charge control, LED lamp heads and circuit breakers. The MPPT control allows the extraction of the maximum output power delivered by the PV generator. This research was carried out by monitoring the variation in power output of the system with ambient temperature of the area during dry and raining seasons in the year 2013. From the results, there is an indirect proportionality between the power output performance of the system and the ambient temperature. The results indicate that PV solar panels must be installed at a place where they receive more air currents so that the temperature remains low while the output remains high..
Research Article 
Stealth Technology And Counter Stealth Radars: A Review
Swayam Arora|| RamanpreetKaur, India
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/0312015019

Stealth Technology And Counter Stealth Radars: A Review
Swayam Arora|| RamanpreetKaur, India
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
The purpose of this paper is to look into the developments in "counter stealth radars" contrary to stealth aircrafts which remained unanswered by conventional radars for decades. Stealth technology is based on the principle of reflection and absorption that makes the objects' observability lower. A 'stealth' vehicle will generally have been designed from the motive to reduce RCS (Radar Cross Section) of aircrafts i.e. radar signature of aircrafts. Stealth technology is based on the principle of reflection and absorption that makes the objects stealthy. It also gives the principle of operation of latest radars – quantum radar and LIDAR. It compares stealth & anti-stealth technology, consequently shows the future vulnerability of stealth aircrafts.
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, passive radar, quantum radar, RAM, RCS
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, passive radar, quantum radar, RAM, RCS
Research Article 
Computer game modeling organizational structures of enterprises and industrial associations
Ostroukh Andrey Vladimirovich||Barinov Kirill Aleksandrovich||Surkova Nataliya Evgenievna,Russia
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/0312020029

Computer game modeling organizational structures of enterprises and industrial associations
Ostroukh Andrey Vladimirovich||Barinov Kirill Aleksandrovich||Surkova Nataliya Evgenievna,Russia
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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The paper proposes a formalized representation of technological processes and queuing network modelling (QNM) to assess the temporal characteristics that allow implementing the mechanisms of modeling and parameterization of the local environments of the individual processes; in addition, we have developed a Petri net for the compatibility of logical conditions to the technological processes implementation using an event approach.The following was used in the development of formal models for the components: general systems theory methods, the classical set theory apparatus, theory of stochastic processes, queuing systems theory and experiment planning, graph theory, methods of mathematical programming, simulation, etc. The practical value of the work lies is the development of methods for modeling the technological processes included in the simulation system of organizational management structures and others. The developed methods and algorithms have been tested and implemented for practical use in a number of companies.
KEYWORDS: collaborative learning, business game, corporate learning system, distance learning, formal models and method, Petri nets, queuing networks
KEYWORDS: collaborative learning, business game, corporate learning system, distance learning, formal models and method, Petri nets, queuing networks
Research Article 
Study of the Persepolis skylight the castles and their arrangement on the main page, with an emphasis Pattern
Sara bahmani kazerooni,Iran
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/0312030035

Study of the Persepolis skylight the castles and their arrangement on the main page, with an emphasis Pattern
Sara bahmani kazerooni,Iran
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
Various palaces are among numerous evidences of Achaemenid art which are scattered in present borders of Iran. In most archaeological and architecture studies, the dispersion, architectural structures and features and engravings are highly taken into consideration. However, there has been no engineering approach and emphasis on the architectural design which is in accordance with climate.
Using a technical approach and geometric analysis, the following research tries to take the skylight and ventilation into consideration.
In accordance with this, the library and review of literature were conducted using Kerfter indications and available 3Ds from Afkhami and Kamback.
Results to this research suggest that skylight and ventilation systems in palaces function due to the height differences among palaces and the main platform in Persepolis, so that, some skylights are done through sidelong ventilations, some are done from upper skylights and some are done through walls flanks.
KEYWORDS: Achaemenid, Persepolis, skylight, ventilation
KEYWORDS: Achaemenid, Persepolis, skylight, ventilation
Research Article 
The Best Catalyst for Implementing e-Health
Mahnaz Saeedi || Esmaeil Najafi || Narges Zeinolabedin
Tehran, Iran
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/0312036044

The Best Catalyst for Implementing e-Health
Mahnaz Saeedi || Esmaeil Najafi || Narges Zeinolabedin
Tehran, Iran
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
In the field of telemedicine, e-Health aims at remotely monitoring the health status of the patient living independently at home. Also, IT governance is one of concepts that suddenly emerged and became an important issue in the information technology area .In addition, ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) provides a framework of Best Practice guidance for service management. This paper demonstrates how ITIL can help to implement e-Health systems.
Keywords: e-Health; IT Governance; Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
Keywords: e-Health; IT Governance; Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
Research Article 
Lyotropic liquid crystalline phase in binary mixtures of Cetostearyl alcohol and Dimethyl sulfoxide
Sreelatha, C.J|| Anuradha, P.|| Satyanarayana, Ch.
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
: 07.4721/0312045049

Lyotropic liquid crystalline phase in binary mixtures of Cetostearyl alcohol and Dimethyl sulfoxide
Sreelatha, C.J|| Anuradha, P.|| Satyanarayana, Ch.
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
DSC and Optical microscopic studies shows that the mixtures of two non mesogenic compound
viz. Cetostearyl alcohol and DMSO exhibit polymorphic mesophases at different temperatures. With the help of
phase diagrams of this binary mixture, the phase behavior is discussed. The clear measurement of transition
temperature, from the isotropic liquid phase to anisotropic mesophase plays an important role in the study of
physic-chemical properties of materials.
Key words: Lyo phase, Density, birefringence, Optical microscopy, Phase transition
Key words: Lyo phase, Density, birefringence, Optical microscopy, Phase transition
Research Article 
An Effective Approach to Designing Seven Segment Static Display Systems with Complete Character Representation
Ezekwe Chinwe Genevra||Okwu Patrick Ikechukwu||Mbonu ekene Samuel|| Ude Nnaemeka Godwill
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::

An Effective Approach to Designing Seven Segment Static Display Systems with Complete Character Representation
Ezekwe Chinwe Genevra||Okwu Patrick Ikechukwu||Mbonu ekene Samuel|| Ude Nnaemeka Godwill
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
A seven-segment display, or seven-segment indicator, is a form ofectronic display device for displaying decimal alphabets-numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot-matrix displays. Normally seven segment display letter from a-g then numbers from 0-9 quite unlike nine-segment, fourteen-segment and sixteen-segment. Due to these limitations, most display projects go for dot matrix display even with the advantages of sharp display and availability of seven segments. This paper presents various ways of combining two seven segment display to achieve other letters from h-z using piece-wise continuous algorithm via an assembly coded microcontroller (AT89C51). The paper also presents an achieved physical project with seven- segment for faculty of science in the form "FACULTY OF SCIENCE". We wrote codes in assembly language via notepad, which must be saved as .asm file. The saved file was built with an assembler (MIDI - 51) which generated three files; hex file, obj file and list file. The hex file was used for the simulation of the design in Proteus 7.7 VSM professional and burning of the microcontroller for construction. The results were overwhelming as the piece-wise continuous algorithm was implemented, creating rooms for manipulation of 7-segments to form nine – segment, 14-segments and sixteen-segment displays
Key words: seven segment, piece wise continuous algorithm, microcontroller
Key words: seven segment, piece wise continuous algorithm, microcontroller
Research Article 
Design of Wall Climbing Robot Using Pic Microcontroller
Mr. S.Rama kishore || Mr.M.Amru
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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Design of Wall Climbing Robot Using Pic Microcontroller
Mr. S.Rama kishore || Mr.M.Amru
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
The climbing robot comprises of two limbs. Each limb has two suction cups. The suction cups are used to stick on to the surfaces. The two limbs are connected to two servomotors, one for each. The air removal from suction cups is done using vacuum pump, controlled by solenoid valves. A microcontroller is used to control the relays that in turn switch electricity to solenoid valves. Suction pipes are used to connect solenoid vales to suction cups. Up and down, right and left movements are controlled by the controller PWM signals, applied to the servomotors. Gears and joints are used to convert the rotational motion of the servos to linear motion of the robot limbs. An air reservoir is mounted on the climbing robot platform as well. The entire platform can find applications in wall cleaning for high rise buildings, wall painting application, sensing applications like weather monitoring station etc.
Key words: Robot, suction cups, microcontroller, solenoid valves, wireless camera.
Key words: Robot, suction cups, microcontroller, solenoid valves, wireless camera.
Research Article 
Protection with Reflection Dispensation
Dr. Arul Dalton || Mr.KM.Rayudu || Mr. Omkar Sharama
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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Protection with Reflection Dispensation
Dr. Arul Dalton || Mr.KM.Rayudu || Mr. Omkar Sharama
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
Utilizing picture sewing and picture steganography security can be given to any picture which must be sent over the system or exchanged utilizing any electronic mode. There is a message and a mystery picture that must be sent. The mystery picture is separated into parts. The first stage is the Encrypting Phase, which manages the procedure of changing over the genuine mystery message into ciphertext utilizing the AES calculation. In the second stage which is the Embedding Phase, the figure content is installed into any part of the mystery picture that is to be sent. Third stage is the Hiding Phase, where steganography is performed on the yield picture of Embedding Phase and different parts of the picture where the parts are covered by another picture utilizing minimum noteworthy piece substitution. These individual parts are sent to the concerned collector. At the beneficiaries end decoding of Hiding stage and Embedding Phase happens individually. The parts got are sewed together utilizing k closest strategy. Utilizing SIFT highlights the nature of the picture is made strides.
Key words: Cryptography, image steganography, image stitching.
Key words: Cryptography, image steganography, image stitching.
Research Article 
Optimisation of Process Parameters for Machining With Wire Cut EDM Using Grey-Taguchi Method
A. Hareesh Kumar || B. Pavan Kumar|| Dr.K.R.VijayaKumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::

Optimisation of Process Parameters for Machining With Wire Cut EDM Using Grey-Taguchi Method
A. Hareesh Kumar || B. Pavan Kumar|| Dr.K.R.VijayaKumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
The main objective of this work is to demonstrate the optimization of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining process parameters for the machining of H13 HOT DIE STEEL, with multiple responses Material Removal Rate (MRR), surface roughness (Ra) based on the Grey–Taguchi Method. taguchi'sL27(21x38) Orthogonal Array was used to conduct experiments, which correspond to randomly chosen different combinations of process parameter setting, with eight process parameters: TON, TOFF, IP, SV WF, WT, SF, WP each to be varied in three different levels. Data related to the each response viz. material removal rate (MRR), surface roughness (Ra) have been measured for each experimental run; With Grey Relational Analysis Optimal levels of process parameters were identified. The relatively significant parameters were determined by Analysis of Variance. The variation of output responses with process parameters were mathematically modeled by using non-linear regression analysis. The models were checked for their adequacy. Result of confirmation experiments showed that the established mathematical models can predict the output responses with reasonable accuracy.
Key words: Grey-Taguchi method, MRR, H13, WEDM
Key words: Grey-Taguchi method, MRR, H13, WEDM
Research Article 
A Practical Review Approach of CFD in Engineering Applications
V. Raja Kiran Kumar || Ch. Kiran Kumar || Dr. K. Sreenivasa Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::

A Practical Review Approach of CFD in Engineering Applications
V. Raja Kiran Kumar || Ch. Kiran Kumar || Dr. K. Sreenivasa Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
Right from the 18th century enormous amount of research is going in the field of fluid flow and its application to everyday problems. From the invention of the computer and development in the field of fluid mechanics, its governing equations and advent of numerical methods, CFD has started and has evolved extremely. The design and the development process of any product over the years has become relatively more easy and less time consuming to the orthodox methods, so here the basic intention of this paper is to provide a history, have the importance and feasibility study of computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a computational tool for various analysis of engineering related application based problems. It deals with the current scenario, overall scope of CFD, its relevance for engineering problems, test for its validation of the obtained results and its advantages over the experimental methods. CFD as a tool can be applied for problems related to turbo-machinery, building performance for different weather conditions, storm analysis, heat exchangers, fully developed turbulent flow in pipes, analysis of fluid flow and airfoil of an airplane, cooling of electronic chips in the processor using forced convection etc
Key words: CFD, simulation, analysis, validation, turbulence models.
Key words: CFD, simulation, analysis, validation, turbulence models.
Research Article 
A Recent Approach to Wear Concept in Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings
G.V.Punna Rao || Y.Bhargavi || A.Navanth
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::

A Recent Approach to Wear Concept in Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings
G.V.Punna Rao || Y.Bhargavi || A.Navanth
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
The importance of friction and wear control cannot be overemphasized for economic reasons and long-term reliability. This paper presents the reviews of different works in the area of wear and friction in hydrodynamic journal bearings and tries to find out latest developments and trends available in industries and other fields in order to minimize the total equipment cost, minimize damages and maximize the safety of machines, structures and materials. This paper helps us to find out the parameters on which a hydrodynamic journal bearing is selected for different conditions i.e. dry as well as lubricated conditions.
Key words: Friction, Hydrodynamic Journal bearing, Machine, Materials, Wear
Key words: Friction, Hydrodynamic Journal bearing, Machine, Materials, Wear
Research Article 
Study of Wire Cut Electric Discharge Machining Process Using Taguchi's Design
V.Mastan || N.B.Jyothi || P.M.Naresh Kumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::

Study of Wire Cut Electric Discharge Machining Process Using Taguchi's Design
V.Mastan || N.B.Jyothi || P.M.Naresh Kumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
This research outlines the Taguchi‟s Parameters Design Approach which is applied to optimize machining parameters of dimensional accuracy in wire cut electric discharge machining (WEDM). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to study the effect of process parameters on machining process. This procedure eliminates the need for repeated experiments, save time and conserves the material as opposed by the conventional procedure. The machining parameters investigated are pulse on time(Ton) , pulse off time (Toff),Spark gap voltage(SV) and gap current(IP). A series of experiments are conducted using EDM to related the machining parameters and dimensional accuracy. An orthogonal array has been used to conduct the experiments and raw data and signal to noise ratio are employed to analyse the influence of these parameters on dimensional accuracy. The methodology could be useful in predicting dimensional accuracy parameters as a function of machining parameters and specimen parameters. The main objective is to find out the important factors and combination of factors influencing the machining process to achieve the best material removal rate (MRR). It has been observed that effect of combination of factor for each parameter measure is difficult. In this study MINITAB 15 is used to: find out the effect of each parameter on response characteristic and to predict the optimum setting of control parameters. In this study EN24 Steel is used for the experimental work as work piece.
Key words: Wire electrical discharge machining , EN 24 , Minitab 15 Software , Taguchi Method
Key words: Wire electrical discharge machining , EN 24 , Minitab 15 Software , Taguchi Method
Research Article 
Performance Analysis and Comparison of Various FACTS Devices In Power System
G.Archana || Shaik Basha
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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Performance Analysis and Comparison of Various FACTS Devices In Power System
G.Archana || Shaik Basha
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
Performance analysis of Fixed Capacitor Thyristor Controlled Reactor (FC-TCR), Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM),Thyristor controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), Static synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for power system stability enhancement and improvement of power transfer capability have been presented in this paper. First, power flow results are obtained and then power (real and reactive power) profiles have been studied for an uncompensated system and then compared with the results obtained after compensating the system using the above-mentioned FACTS devices. The simulation results demonstrate the performance of the system for each of the FACTS devices in improving the power profile and thereby voltage stability of the same. All simulations have been carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment
Key words: FACTS, real and reactive power, FC- TCR, STATCOM, Voltage stability, SSSC, TCSC, power profile, UPFC.
Key words: FACTS, real and reactive power, FC- TCR, STATCOM, Voltage stability, SSSC, TCSC, power profile, UPFC.
Research Article 
Modeling of Cycling Pedal for Agricultural Usage
Dr. T .Madhu Sudan Reddy || Dr. H N.Suresh || Dr. B.Raghu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::

Modeling of Cycling Pedal for Agricultural Usage
Dr. T .Madhu Sudan Reddy || Dr. H N.Suresh || Dr. B.Raghu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
Pedal power is the transfer of energy from a human source through the use of a foot pedal and crank system. This technology is most commonly used for transportation and has been used to propel bicycles for over a hundred years. Less commonly pedal power is used to power agricultural and hand tools and even to produce electricity. Some relevance includes pedal powered grinders and pedal powered water wells. Some third world development projects currently transform used bicycles into pedal powered tools for sustainable development. The main aim of this project is to reduce the human effort for machining various materials. Now a days we are using hand pump in agriculture for spraying the insecticides in our farm and also we use hand operated fan for removing waste from grains. It is very harmful to our farmers. It cause total load on single hand and it require more effort for that man. Also it takes more time for these operations. After studying all these considerations, we are having some of the basic ideas to improve or easy this method to our farmers. By using pedal system it is so easy to operate above operations with less time and effort. We can use this pedal operated system for multiple applications in agriculture use.
Key words: Pedal Operate, Agricultural Unit, Human Efforts, Improvement in Basic Agricultural Unit.
Key words: Pedal Operate, Agricultural Unit, Human Efforts, Improvement in Basic Agricultural Unit.
Research Article 
Single Microstrip Patch Antenna For Wlan Application
Ananda kumar Chittipothul || K Jail Singh || M Madhuvani
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
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Single Microstrip Patch Antenna For Wlan Application
Ananda kumar Chittipothul || K Jail Singh || M Madhuvani
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2013, Volume 3 ~ Issue 12 (December 2013)
Paper Index ::
This paper covers Microstrip antenna designs. It includes the analysis and design of single element rectangular Microstrip antenna which operates at the central frequency of 2.40 GHz designed and simulated. Design The simulation process has been done through IE3D electromagnetic software. For rectangular Microstrip antenna design used RT- Duriod which is Teflon based, Microstrip board with dielectric constant 2.4 and the substrate height is 1.58 mm, The properties of antenna such as bandwidth, S-Parameter has been investigated..
Key words:Microstrip Patch Antenna, S-Parameters, VSWR, IE3D.
Key words:Microstrip Patch Antenna, S-Parameters, VSWR, IE3D.
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