Characterization of leachates of the special handling wastes with different storage ages
Diana Ibarra Rodríguez|| Mercedes T. Oropeza Guzmán ||J. Bernardino Velázquez Fernández|| I. Paz Hernández Rosales
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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In present work, the aim was to evaluate the physical-chemical composition of a leachate from two special handling wastes of different ages; two years and two days of storage in the city of Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. Some physical parameters (turbidity, density, particle size and suspended solids), chemical (pH, Z potential, electrolytic conductance, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb y Ni), ammonia nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, inorganic nitrogen and total nitrogen) parameters were determined. The results agreed other previous studies described within the bibliography and values were observed within the ranks given by the authors.
KEY WORD: Leachate, Z potential, urban solid waste, special handling waste.

A Dualistic Sub-Image Histogram Equalization Based Enhancement and Segmentation Techniques with NN for Medical Images
Mandeep Kaur ||Ishdeep Singla
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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Histogram Equalization is a contrast enhancement technique in the image processing which uses the histogram of image. Segmentation of image plays a vital role in many medical imaging applications by automatically locating the regions of interest. Segmentation of image is the more crucial functions in figure analysis and processing. The segmentation results of a figure affect all the subsequent processes of image analysis. This is necessary to develop medical figure segmentation algorithms that are accurate and efficient. In this work; develop a dualistic sub-image histogram equalization based enhancement and segmentation techniques. Dualistic sub image histogram equalization (DSIHE) which divides the image histogram into two parts based on the input mean and median respectively then equalizes each sub histogram independently. Further to enhance work, use NN to present better result as compare to previous work. The proposed method has been tested and evaluated on several medical images. In paper, the medical figure is lineated and extracted out so that it can be viewed individually. Then results demonstrate that the developed algorithm is highly efficient over hierarchical grouping technique. It is valid using the performance measures such as completeness and clearness. For the implementation of this proposed work; use the GUI and NN Toolbox under Matlab software
KEY WORD: Histogram Equalizations; Contrast Enhancement; Brightness Preservation; Absolute Mean Brightness Error; Peak Signal to Noise Ratio; Structure Similarity Index and Image Processing

Detection Of Dyslexia From Eye Movements Using Anfis & Bbwpe Feature Extraction Methods
P.M. Gomathi ||Dr. G.M. Nasira
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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The control of attention orienting was studied in children with specific reading disorder (SRD) or dyslexia, and it was compared with that of normal readers. The main goal of the study was to propose and implement new feature extraction method for extracting the features efficient from the signals and it is classified using the classifier from eye movement signal. Eye movements of 76 school children were measured using videooculographic (VOG) technique during one reading and four nonreading tasks. Videooculographic (VOG) is used to measure the Eye movement's signals of children through single reading and four non reading tasks. Time and frequency domain features were extracted and various feature selection methods were performed to select subsets of significant features. The best basis-based wavelet packet entropy method (BBWPE) is proposed in this research for extracting the features from the eye movement signal. The improved ANFIS based on PSO is used as a classifier. The parameters used for finding accuracy of the proposed methodology are sensitivity, specificity and p-value. The Experimentation confirmed that the proposed ANFIS with BBWPE model has good detection results than ANFIS with MAR and ANN model in terms of parameters like sensitivity, specificity, detection accuracy and p-value.
KEY WORD: Learning disability, Feature Extraction, Classification, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Best Basis-based Wavelet Packet Entropy method (BBWPE).

Growth and characterization of EDTA doped BupropionHydrochloride
G.Madhurambal|| B.Kavitha
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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Good transparent single crystals of EDTA doped BupropionHydrochloride are successfully grown by using slow evaporation technique at room temperature with double distilled water as solvent. The vibrational modes of the molecules are elucidated from FTIR spectra. Its optical behavior has been examined by uv-vis spectral analysis, which shows the absence of absorbance in the visible region. Thermal properties of EDTA doped BPH crystal were carried out by TGA and DTA technique which indicate the thermal stability of the sample. The effect of the influence of dopant on the surface morphology of EBPH crystal faces are analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDAX) of EBPH show the almost same composition. The grown crystals were subjected to powder X – ray diffraction studies to identify the morphology and structure.
KEY WORD:crystal growth, X –ray diffraction, optical absorption studies, Thermo gravimetric analysis

Performance Evaluation of Household Refrigerator using CuO Nanoparticle Lubricant Mixture and various Compressor Oils with Different Condenser Modes
Sreejith K.|| Christy V. Vazhappilly|| Nice Menachery|| Nikhil N.S. || Manoj Kumar V.K.|| Praveen Raj
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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The objective of this paper was to study the performance of household refrigerator with 0.06% mass fraction CuO nanoparticle-lubricant mixture and different types of compressor oil having both air-cooled and water-cooled condenser. The experiment was done using HFC134a as the refrigerant, CuO nanoparticles, Polyol-ester oil (POE) oil which is used as the conventional lubricant in the household refrigerator and SUNISO 3GS mineral oil as the lubricant alternatively. The result indicates that the refrigerator performance had improved while using CuO nanoparticle-lubricant mixture. The performance was also improved when HFC134a/SUNISO 3GS mineral oil system was used instead of HFC134a/POE oil system and there was also an enhancement when water-cooled condenser was used instead of the conventional air-cooled condenser on all load conditions. The HFC134a/CuO/SUNISO 3GS mineral oil system works normally and safely in the refrigerator. HFC134a/CuO/SUNISO 3GS mineral oil system reduced the energy consumption between 12% and 19% when compared with the HFC134a/POE oil system and between 9% and 14% while working with water-cooled condenser on various load conditions. There was also an enhancement in coefficient of performance (COP) when CuO nanoparticle-lubricant mixture was used instead of POE oil as the lubricant. The water cooled heat exchanger was designed and the system was modified by retrofitting it, along with the conventional air-cooled condenser by making a bypass line and thus the system can be utilized as a waste heat recovery unit. Experimental result shows that about 200 litres of hot water at a temperature of about 58ºC over a day can be generated.
KEY WORD:CuO nanoparticles, Household refrigerator, HFC134a, POE oil, SUNISO 3GS mineral oil, Water-cooled condenser

Analytical Evaluation of Generalized Predictive Control Algorithms Using a Full Vehicle Multi-Body Dynamics Model For Mobility Enhancement
Ross Brown|| Muthuvel Murugan|| Marcus Mazza
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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This paper discusses research conducted by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) - Vehicle Technology Directorate (VTD) on advanced suspension control. ARL-VTD has conducted research on advanced suspension systems that will reduce the chassis vibration of ground vehicles while maintaining tire contact with the road surface. The purpose of this research is to reduce vibration-induced fatigue to the Warfighter as well as to improve the target aiming precision in-theater. The objective of this paper was to explore the performance effectiveness of various formulations of the Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) algorithm in a simulation environment. Each version of the control algorithm was applied to an identical model subjected to the same ground disturbance input and compared to a baseline passive suspension system. The control algorithms considered include a GPC with Implicit Disturbances, GPC with Explicit Disturbances, and GPC with Preview Control. A two-axle tactical vehicle with independent front and rear suspensions was modeled in the TruckSim full-vehicle dynamics simulator. The control algorithms were compared based on their effectiveness in controlling peak acceleration and overall average acceleration over a range of vehicle speeds. The algorithms demonstrated significant reductions in the chassis acceleration and pitch of the full-vehicle model.
KEY WORD:Vehicle vibration control, vehicle dynamics simulation, control algorithm, advanced suspension, generalized predictive control.

Using en19 alloy steel optimizing surface Griding operation using g.r.a
Mr.K. Sudhakar Reddy || Mr.N.Surya || Mr.P.Ravi kumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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Conventional grinding fluid is widely used in grinding process, which results in high consumption and impacting the environment. Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) is alternative source for the Conventional grinding process. In this study, Water based nanofluid applied to grinding process with MQL approach for its excellent convection heat transfer and thermal conductivity properties. The grinding characteristics of hardened steel can be investigated. Water based nanofluid MQL grinding can significantly reduce the grinding temperature, decrease the grinding forces and gives better surface finish than conventional grinding process. The process parameters considered are Nanofluid Type, Nanofluid Concentration, Depth of Cut & feed rate and multiple responses are surface roughness, Temperature, Grinding Wheel Wear & Material Removal Rate. CuO 2% concentration has the better surface roughness. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is done to find out significant process parameter at 95% confidence level. ANOVA shows that Nanofluid Type has significant factor, because its p-value less than 0.05. The use of GRA converts the multi response variable to a single response Grey relational grade and simplifies the optimization procedure.
KEY WORD:Conventional Grinding, Gray Relational Analysis, MQL, Nanofluid Concentration, Surface Roughness.

Improving the Efficiency of 4" Submersible Pump Usingc.F.D Analysis
Mr.Karigi Sarath Chandra|| Mr. Chigurupati Venkata chalapathi rao || Mr.Labesh kumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 1 (January 2015)
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Harson Pumps and Motors" a company that manufactures high quality submersible pumps of various sizes and capacity. This project deals with the modification in the existing design of radial flow impeller made out of plastic material in many cases may be called rotor. By modifying the design of impeller either by changing the blade angle or by changing the width we could achieve a considerable increase in the output discharge which will be shown in the further work. Ansys software is used to analyze the performance of pump and the equivalent output of the new impeller design and use Pro-e for the design of impeller. After modeling the impeller we will calculate the equivalent theoretical efficiency so as to prove that the impeller that is designed newly is of better design than the previous one. The sole objective of this project is to increase the efficiency of the submersible pump by increasing the net output discharge. The pump in which we are modifying the design of impeller is 4" submersible pump.
KEY WORD:Submersible Pump&Impeller.