Network Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems: Attack Classification , Methodologies and Tools
Nareshkumar Harale || Dr. B.B.Meshram
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
Complex and common security attackshave become a common issue nowadays. Success rate of detecting these attacks through existing tools seems to be decreasing due to simple rule-bases Some attacks are too complex to identify for today's firewall systems.This paper highlights various security attacks classification techniques pertaining to TCP/IP protocol stack, it also covers an existingintrusion detection techniques used for intrusion detection , and features of various open source and commercial Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDPS) tools. Finally paper concludes with comparison and evaluation of an open source and commercial IDPS tools and techniques which are used to detect and prevent the security attacks.
KEY WORD: Signature Detection, Anomaly Detection, Static Anomaly, Dynamic Anomaly, Network Attacks, Intrusion Detection Methodologies, Network Security Tools, Network IDS (Intrusion Detection System), Network IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), Network IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention System).

Environmental Impact of Burning Electrical and Electronic Components
Kelechi Nwachukwu|| Roberta Joseph || Hashmath Fathima || Gbekeloluwa Oguntimein
United States
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
Electronic waste (e-waste) has been an increasing problem facing the global village. Much of the problem is due to the profligate disposal and burning of these devices without consideration to the municipality's ability to handle the volume of waste streams that are generated or the effects of the gases released during the burning process. The burning is used as a processing pathway to recovering some of the components of these devices as well as to reduce their volumes to more manageable levels in order to facilitate final disposal as incinerator ash. This paper highlights the effects of burning electronic waste on the local environment. It was found that due to the burning of these e-wastes, there is a tremendous and harmful impact to both the health of the local population as well as that of the environment, particularly the aquatic habitat. Thus, necessitating the need for robust and speedy implementation of legislative oversight in order to ensure a sustainable and long lasting relationship between man and the environment. Some of these laws have been highlighted in this report.
KEY WORD:Electronic devices, Environmental Health, Environmental impact Assessment, Electronic Waste Generation.

Multi Qubit Transmission in Quantum Channels Using Fibre Optics Synchronously and Perform Error Correction
H.R.Sumathi || C.Vidya Raj
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
quantum channel can be used to transmit classical information as well as to deliver quantum data from one location to another . Classical information theory is a subset of Quantum information theory which is fundamentally richer, because quantum mechanics includes so many more elementary classes of static and dynamic resources. Quantum information theory contains many more facts other than described here, including the study of quantum data processing, manipulation and Quantum data compression. Here we consider quantum channel as Bosonic channels, which are a quantum-mechanical model for free space or fibre optic communication. In this paper the overview of theoretical scenario of quantum networks in particular to multiple user access to the quantum communication channel is considered. Multiple qubits are generated in different system, the proper alignment of qubits is a must it can be first come first serve or round robin fashion. The received data are grouped into codewords each of n qubits and quantum error correction is performed. These codewords are agreed between the transmitter and the receiver before transmitting over the quantum channel known as valid codewords.
KEY WORD:Bosonic channel, Entanglement, Quantum error correction, Quantum memory, Qubits.

Bioaccumulation of Cadmium Heavy Metal And its Effect on the Level of Chlorophyll And Carotenoids of Thalassia Hemprichii in the Waters of Ambon Island
Prelly M.J Tuapattinaya|| Dominggus Rumahlatu || Stenly Tulalessy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
Cadmium is known to inhibit the biosynthesis of chlorophyll and can disrupt the photosynthesis process. This research aimed at investigating the ability of the accumulation of cadmium heavy metals (Cd) by Thalassia hemprichii in the waters of the Ambon Island and its effect on the levels of chlorophyll and carotenoid in the leaves. Cd heavy metal analysis was carried out on samples of sea water, sediments, as well as the roots and leaves of T. hemprichii using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). The ability of accumulation and translocation of Cd heavy metals T. hemprichii was determined by calculating the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF). The analysis of chlorophyll and carotenoid content used UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The results of the research showed that the BCF value of T. hemprichii reached 141.04, while the TF value was 7.63. The BCF and TF value which was more than one indicated that T. hemprichii had the potential to be metal accumulators. The effect of the levels of Cd heavy metals in the leaves and the level of chlorophyll showed a negative correlation, but not significant. The level of Cd heavy metals in the leaves also could increase the levels of carotenoids of the leaves of T. hemprichii. These results indicate that T. hemprichii had the potential as phytoremediator in the waters of Ambon island that have been contaminated with heavy metals Cd.
KEY WORD: Heavy metal cadmium, Thalassia hemprichii, chlorophyll, carotenoids

Segmentation of Blood Vessels and Optic Disc in Retinal Images
Kota Prajwal Kant
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
Retinal image analysis is increasingly prominent as a non-intrusive diagnosis method in modern ophthalmology. In this paper, we present a novel method to segment blood vessels and optic disc in the fundus retinal images. The method could be used to support non-intrusive diagnosis in modern ophthalmology since the morphology of the blood vessel and the optic disc is an important indicator for diseases like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and hypertension. Our method takes as first step the extraction of the retina vascular tree using the graph cut technique. The blood vessel information is then used to estimate the location of the optic disc. The optic disc segmentation is performed using two alternative methods. The Markov Random Field (MRF) image reconstruction method segments the optic disc by removing vessels from the optic disc region and the Compensation Factor method segments the optic disc using prior local intensity knowledge of the vessels. The proposed method is tested on three public data sets, DIARETDB1, DRIVE and STARE. The results and comparison with alternative methods show that our method achieved exceptional performance in segmenting the blood vessel and optic disc.
KEY WORD: Retinal images, vessel segmentation, optic disc segmentation, graph cut segmentation

Photo Elastic Coating Materials in Thermo-Photo Elasticity
A.H.Ingle || Dr.A.V.Vanalkar || Dr.S.S.Khandare
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
In the combine use of thermo-photo elasticity Photo elastic – coating materials plays vital role. Photo elastic - coating materials must have thermal conductivity & thermal expansion equal to that of structural materials, and if strain-optical sensitivity did not vary with temperature. Surface strains induced by external loading and by thermal stresses can be performed in the temperature range of -600 F to + 3500F which may extend to + 5000F for short period. The objective of this paper is to describe the applicability of the photo elastic coating materials & their coating method for problems involving temperature changes.
KEY WORD: Adhesive, coating, Photo elasticity, Thermo elasticity

GIS Based Semi Automated Extraction of Sites for Artificial Recharge
D Gayathri || C J Kumanan || SM Ramasamy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
The artificial recharge has emerged as the only alternative to restore the alarmingly falling water table. Hence, various nations including India have embarked into major programs on artificial recharge. But maximum benefits can be achieved if only the sites are selected on geological and other terrain conditions. But many a times, as these structures are to be constructed on emergency basis, the scientific protocols could not be followed. To get over this, a computer model was developed on GIS based semi-automated extraction of artificial recharge sites. In this model, a set of seven geosystem variables/maps which control the overall infiltration were prepared and converted into spatial GIS databases showing the favorable (pervious) and unfavorable (impervious) zones for artificial recharge, imported to a specially written software in VB.NET called RECHARGE. The program has been written in such a way that the user can retrieve these geosystem maps from the computer showing only the favorable areas, integrate them and on the basis of number of variables coincided, suitable sites on various priorities for recharge can be displayed in the computer by following the tutored protocol provided in the software. This will be an useful tool, and further detailed studies would bring out generic software to benefit the larger cross section of the countries
KEY WORD: Artificial, Automated, Extraction, GIS, Recharge, Semi.

Age related macula detection using Trimmed Median Filter (TMF)
Dr. V. Vidya devi|| K Jail Singh|| N Sai Sruthi
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
The Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a deterioration or breakdown of the eye's macula. The macula is a small area in the retina ,the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye that is responsible for your central vision, allowing you to see fine details clearly. Most important part of the retina for human vision is fovea. The destruction of delicate cones of fovea causes the person to become blind. The size of fovea zone in fundus eye image is related to various diseases that lead to blindness. Usually a circle of radius 200 micron is approximately the zone of fovea. If the radius is smaller then it may be an indication of an infection of the eye that may lead to disease. The radius of the fovea region is also an indication of the stages of retinopathy. This paper compares the cases where the images are exposed to two types of noises like salt and pepper and Gaussian noise ,De noising using two different filters namely adaptive wavelet filter and Modified Decision Based Unsymmetrical Trimmed Median Filter (MDBUTMF) .The two methods are compared on the basis of PSNR values. The proposed method is used to carry out general-purpose method for detecting the Fovea region of noisy images. Then using Mathematical Morphology the blood vessel and hence the fovea region is found. Publicly available DRIVE database of 250 people was taken with different eye problems are analyzed and the profosed filter filter outperform the excising methodology .Matlab 7.5 tool box was used to analysize the result.
KEY WORD: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Median Filter (MF), Fundus, Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter (UTMF), Alpha Trimmed Mean Filtering (ATMF), Modified Decision Based Unsymmetrical Trimmed Median Filter (MDBUTMF)

Design Of Low Power and Area Efficient Carry Select Adder (CSLA) Using Verilog Language
Guguloth Sreekanth || V Harish || D Mohammad Elias
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
Carry select method has deemed to be a good compromise between cost and performance in carry propagation adder design. However conventional carry select adder (CSLA) is still area consuming due to the dual ripple carry adder structure. The excessive area overhead makes conventional carry select adder (CSLA) relatively unattractive but this has been the circumvented by the use of add-one circuit. In this an area efficient modified CSLA scheme based on a new first zero detection logic is proposed. The gate count in 32-bit modified CSLA can be greatly reduced, design proposed in this paper has been developed using VERILOG language and synthesized in XILINX13.2 version.

Leap Opticals for Mapping
GNV Vibhav Reddy|| Sravanthi|| Cherri prasad
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
In the era where crunch of time is the biggest problem, we all want things to be done within minutes. So, somewhere and somehow to curb this down, e-commerce sites have evolved. Whenever you want to buy yourself an optical, there are always two options for you: Shop or E-commerce. In the former, as already said, the problem is we want things to be done in minutes, but that's impossible. And in the latter, the uncertainty of choosing the best frame and limited number of options make it difficult. Here, we come, the LEAP OPTICALS to solve this problem of folks by giving them a virtual platform to choose their own optical. The application is a great combination of three technologies including Space Mapping which helps to match your eyes with right frame, they just need to upload and picture of them and check the options available there, the next is leap motion technology making it easy to use for the customers by introducing Swiping methodology and an open-source e-commerce platform called Magento, all of the three make it a junction for the frame-lovers. We aim to solve the problems of the customers with time crunch or others with problem in choosing their Opticals in e-commerce sites.
KEY WORD:-Leap Motion technology, Face Mapping, E-commerce

Mobile Cloud Computing with safe security
Sricharan yadavalli|| Srinivas upputuri|| Dileep kumar V
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
: Now a day’s Mobile Cloud computing is a emerging technology. This technology will provides so many services for mobile devices. and this technology gives so many advantages to mobile users. But there is one more issue with this technology there is a security problems and privacy issues regarding this technology. and we have solutions for this issues also but they are providing independent solutions for this issues. Now I want to propose a new system that will provide the solution for this issue is that I want to develop a Framework it is used to secure the data transmitted over the mobile device for mobile cloud computing. This frame work will provide different kinds of security properties for different kinds of data transmitted over the mobile device. and this approach will also concentrate on the issue of user preferences and mobile device performances .
KEY WORD:Mobile Cloud, Framework, Security issues.

An Ontology-Driven Solution to provide Clinical Services to Persistent Patients at Home
Asha jyothi kanaparthi || Balasani maleshwari || k Rakesh
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
: A major challenge associated with caring for patients with chronic conditions is that the early detection of exacerbations of the unwellness. Medical personnel ought to be contacted directly so as to intervene in time before AN acute position is reached, guaranteeing patient safety. This paper proposes AN approach to AN close intelligence (AmI) framework supporting time period remote observation of patients diagnosed with symptom coronary failure (CHF). Its originality is that the integration of: (i) personalised observation of the patients health standing and risk stage; (ii) intelligent alerting of the dedicated Dr. through the development of medical workflows on-the-fly; and (iii) dynamic adaptation of the important signs’ observation setting on any accessible device or sensible phone settled in shut proximity to the Dr. betting on new medical measurements, extra unwellness specifications or the failure of the infrastructure. The intelligence lies within the adoption of linguistics providing for a personalised and automatic emergency alerting that swimmingly interacts with the Dr., notwithstanding his location, guaranteeing timely intervention throughout AN emergency. it\'s evaluated on a medical emergency state of affairs, wherever within the casing of exceeded patient thresholds, medical personnel square measure localized and contacted, presenting unintended info on the patient’s condition on the foremost suited device at intervals the physician’s reach.

Case Study on Data Mining Application in Health Care Monitoring Systems
Prof.GVNKV Subbarao|| Prof.MD Sameeruddin Khan || K.VIJAY KUMAR
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
In this research paper, we have focused to compare a variety of techniques and various approaches and different types of tools and its effect on the healthcare sector. The objective of data mining application is to find out that data are nothing but facts, numbers, or text which can be processed by a computer into knowledge or information. The purpose of data mining application in healthcare monitoring systems is to develop an automated tool for identifying and disseminating relevant healthcare information. This paper aims to make a study report of different types of data mining applications in the healthcare monitoring and to reduce the complexity of the study of the healthcare data transactions. Also presents a detailed study of different data mining applications, technologies and different methods applied for previous knowledge from database healthcare industry. Finally, the existing data mining techniques concepts with data mining algorithms and its application tools which are more valuable for healthcare services are discussed in detail in this research paper in the fullest perspective.
KEY WORD:Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery Database, Data Mining classification, Data Mining Application, WEAK.

Hace Theorem based Data Mining using Big Data
Prof.MD Sameeruddin Khan ||Prof.GVNKV Subbarao ||GNV VIBHAV REDDY
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
: Big Data concern large-volume, complex, growing data sets with multiple, autonomous sources. With the fast development of networking, data storage, and the data collection capacity, Big Data are now rapidly expanding in all science and engineering domains, including physical, biological and biomedical sciences. This paper presents a HACE theorem that characterizes the features of the Big Data revolution, and proposes a Big Data processing model, from the data mining perspective. This data-driven model involves demand-driven aggregation of information sources, mining and analysis, user interest modeling, and security and privacy considerations. We analyze the challenging issues in the data-driven model and also in the Big Data revolution..
KEY WORD:Big data, Data mining, Hace theorem,3V's,Privacy

Sustaining Solitude Security Within Adapted Web Hunt
Prof.MD Sameeruddin Khan || Prof.GVNKV Subbarao || GNV VIBHAV REDDY
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
Web Hunt engaines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Live Search, etc.) are widely used to find certain data among a huge amount of information in a minimal amount of time. Howe ver, these useful tools also pose a solitude threat to the users: web Search engines profile their users by storing and analyzing past hunts submitted by them. To address this solitude threat, current solutions propose new mechanisms that introduce a high cost in terms of computation and communication. In this paper we present a novel protocol specially designed to protect the users' solitude in front of web hunt profiling. Our system provides a distorted user profile to the web search engine. We offer implementation details and computational and communication results that show that the proposed protocol improves the existing solutions in terms of query delay. Our scheme provides an affordable overhead while offering solitude benefits to the users.

Activity Based Secure Login Mechanism
Prof.MD Sameeruddin Khan|| AVSM ADISHESHU|| Prof.GVNKV Subbarao
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 5 (May 2016)
One of the most imperative topics in information security today is user authentication & authorization. In today's insecure information world any login activity must be secure from hackers who can access the authorized system in an unauthorized manner. Authentication is protecting any system from unauthorized access. Current authentication mechanisms suffer from many flaws.With the express growth of internet and its usage, there is probability for hackers to obtain the textual passwords with ease because most of the users choose their textual passwords which are usually the common words from dictionary or phrases from day to day life; which can be easily obtained by shoulder surfing attack or by guess. To overcome the shoulder surfing attacks we propose an idea that makes use of activity based secure login mechanism which is a pre-defined collection of activities. In activity based login the user needs to select the activity for each login attempt after entering user name and password which is predefined by the user during sign up process. Though the text password is known to the unauthorized user he/she will not be able to login because the unauthorized user is not aware of activity that should be chosen for the current attempt. The user should choose the activity from the activity list as per login attempt. The user may be allowed to choose any number of activity types and any number of activity objects in each activity type during the registration. In the initial development phase of the proposed idea we plan to choose only on activity type and three objects of that activity type.
KEY WORD:-Login, Authentication, Authorization, Activity, Activity-Type, Activity-Object..