Assessment of Molluscan Diversity of Dativare Coast of Vaitarna Estuary, Dist .Palghar, Maharashtra (India).
Vanmali H.S.|| Jadhav R.N
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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The present communication is aimed at assessing the molluscan diversity at Dativare Coast of Vaitarna Estuary in Palghar District of Maharashtra for two years i.e. from January 2013 to January 2015. About 30 different species from 20 different families were observed. About 7 different orders observed. There were 6 subclasses and 3 Classes. Gastropod forms the major class and constitutes about 56.6%, whereas 40% were bivalves. Subclasses Heterodonta and Caenogastropoda constitute about 36.66% each. Order Veneroida was the largest order observed which about 33.33%. Family Veneridae has been the largest family observed at the Dativare coast. About 7 species are belonging to this family. Veneridae makes 23.33%of the total families observed at the site under study.
KEY WORD: Mollusca, Bivalves, Caenogastropoda, Dativare, Diversity.

Complex Dehydration of the Rock Mass
Jamil Sami Haddad | Sukharyev Vitaliy Vitalievich || Kostyrya Sergey Vladimirovich
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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The article presents the results of a complex dehydration of the rock mass. Complex influence on the wet rock mass consists of three mechanisms of dehydration processes: vibration, vacuum and electroosmotic. The novelty of the dehydration device is that it concentrates the mechanisms for implementing all three methods of dehydration. Experimentally are established dependences of the residual moisture in the material of the oscillation frequency of the working body, its length and the inclination angle, the magnitude of the perturbing force of the vibration generator, the electric field voltage, as well as the influence of each individual mechanism set up efficiency of the device and is noted that the electroosmotic method is effective for reducing the capillary moisture and vibration and vacuum methods are effective in the selection of external moisture from large pores of bulk layer of the rock mass.
KEY WORD: dehydration, vacuumization, electroosmosis, vibrotransportation, integrated approach.

Buying Behaviour and the Perceptions of the Customers of Shopping Malls : A Case Study of Mangalore Region
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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The buying behaviour and the perceptions of the traditional customers who are slowly shifting their buying patronage and loyalty from traditional unorganized retailing to organized retailing have to investigated. In the backdrop of this situation, the present study was undertaken to examine and investigate the buying behaviour and the perceptions of the customers of malls with special reference to Mangalore region where there is unprecedented growth of organized shopping malls can be seen, to name a few Empire Mall, Bharath Mall, City Centre Mall, Mischief Mall, Fiza Forum Mall etc. The survey findings clearly indicate that consumers have gained lot of benefits from organized retail on multiple counts like wider choice of products and well known brands, one stop shopping, new market arrivals, festive offers, huge discounts, and other benefits. The survey results revealed that almost all income groups get benefited through organized retail purchases. Most of the consumers opined that they tend to gain in terms of low pricing when they shop with corporate organized retailers. Thus from the consumers' perspective, expansion of organized retailing is more preferred as different malls and corporate retailers compete with each other resulting in reduced prices with reasonable quality products.

Spectroscopic properties of Eu3+-doped lithium sodium bismuth borate glasses for red luminescent optical devices
M. Parandamaiah|| K. Naveen Kumar|| S. Venkatramana Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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The spectroscopic investigations of Eu3+-doped lithium borate glasses in the 60B2O3+20LiF+10NaF+10Bi2O3 system for different concentrations of Eu3+ ions between 0.2 to 2 mol% are presented. We have successfully synthesized the above titled glasses doped with Eu3+ ions using melt quenching technique. Amorphous nature of the glass matrix has been confirmed from the XRD analysis. We have been analyzed the morphological and elemental analysis of the glass matrix by using SEM and EDAX profiles. Compositional, complex formation and ion-glass interactions were demonstrated from FTIR studies. Optical absorption studies have been systematically elucidated. Photoluminescence spectra show five prominent emission bands centered at 612, 577, 590, 651 and 701 nm corresponds to the 5D0 to several excited states under the excitation of 464 nm. Among all the concentrations of Eu3+ ions, at 1.5 mol% Eu3+ contained glass sample exhibit prominent red emission at 612 nm. Lifetime decay dynamics have been systematically analyzed for all the glasses. From the photoluminescence analysis, 1.5 mol% Eu3+ contained glass sample has been suggested as potential red luminescent glass matrix for several photonic device applications.
Keywords – Lithium sodium bismuth borate glasses- Eu3+- Photoluminescence, SEM, EDXA and FTIR

Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of Quartic Functional Equation in Paranormed Spaces
Roji Lather|| Manoj Kumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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Throughout this paper , we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of Quartic functional equation f(3x + y) + f(x + 3y) = 24f(x + y) 6f(x y) + 64 f(x) + 64f(y) in Paranormed Spaces.
Keywords – Hyers-Ulam stability , Quartic Functional Equation, Paranormed Spaces.

Interaction effect of Brain Hemispheric Dominance and Self-Concept on Academic Achievement in Mathematics
Parvinder Singh
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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Brain hemispheric dominance and self-concept are student level variables and are of great significance concerning their scholastic achievement. Analysis with interaction effects of the Brain hemispheric dominance and Self-concept with academic achievement in mathematics was ended in this study and discover that there is no significant relationship between academic achievement in mathematics and combined effect of brain hemispheric dominance and self concept
Keywords – Brain Hemispheric Dominance, Academic Achievement, Self-concept

Classification of Point of Sale Information Security Threats: Case of Smes In Zimbabwe.
Kundai Oliver S. Sai || Raviro Gumbo || Tinomuda Mzikamwi || Caroline Ruvinga
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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This paper reports on the classification of information security threats to Point of Sale Systems in Zimbabwean small and medium enterprises (SME's). The classification was done according to the frequency of occurrence of the threat and recommendations were given on how to secure POS to ensure maximum benefits are achieved. An empirical survey on twenty retail SMEs was carried out using self administered questionnaires. The analyses of results revealed that eleven possible security threats with varying magnitude of occurrence. The rate of occurrence of each of the eleven prevalent security breaches was found to be dependent on duration under consideration. According to daily occurrence accidental entry of bad data and power loss are the most prevalent with creation of fictious /incorrect output being the least prevalent, weekly recording reveal that creation of fictious /incorrect output is the most prevalent and accidental entry of bad data and power loss the least predominant, intentional destruction of data by employees is the most prevalent in monthly classification whilst creation of fictitious/incorrect output is the most prevalent annually.The researchers recommended intensive formalization of on the job training and awareness workshops on information security so as to strike a balance between technical and non-technical security measures.
Keywords – Point of sale (POS), information security, threats, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

Image Watermarking Based on 5/3 Wavelet Decomposition and Turbo-Code
K.Venkata Ramana || David Solomon Raju Y || B Pulla Rao
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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This paper is an attempt to describe a new scheme of image watermarking based on 5/3 wavelet decomposition and turbo-code. This new watermarking algorithm based on embedding mark (signature) in the multi-resolution field. For the purpose of increasing the image watermarking robustness against attacks of an image transmission, we encode with a turbo code an image-embedded mark. This new scheme of image watermarking is able to embed 2000 bits in medical images. Results of experiments carried out on a database of 30 - 256×256 pixel - sized medical images show that watermarks are robust to Noises, Filter attacks and JPEG Compression. Results demonstrate that fidelity can be improved by incorporating turbo code- coding mark that is shaped into the embedding process. Other advantages of our embedding process are to preserve intellectual features and to secure the mark in the image. The image degradation is measured by Relative Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (RPSNR). Experimental results show that this unit of measurement is the best distortion metric which is correlated with Human Visual System (HVS); and therefore more suitable for digital watermarking.
Keywords – Watermarking, multi-resolution field, Error Correcting Codes, Turbo code, RPSNR, Robustness

Morphological and Characteristics of Synthesized Polystyrene Composites
N.Ramachendran || Shivakumar || B.Raghu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 5 ~ Issue 9 (September 2015)
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A variety of polymers are used in engineering and medical applications. Polystyrene is one of the most important commodity polymer widely used in technical applications. It has applications in household goods, packaging, automobiles and other engineeringapplications. Four fillers calcium carbonate, graphite, mica and talcum powder of micrometer size in the form of powder with threelevel of concentration 1%, 2%, 3% by weight were synthesized with polystyrene. The composites were produced by in-situ polymerization method and the samples were prepared by hand operated injection moulding machine. The melt flow index was performed to study the effects of fillers and their concentrations on the flow properties of composites. The morphological analysis by SEM and EDX were also performed. The particle size was found to be varying from 0.2 μ m to 0.5μ m.Two-way ANOVA using "Minitab 15" software was used to see the contributions and significance of the input parameters on the output parameters.The addition of fillers are found to be significant while concentrations of fillers insignificant at 5% level of significance.
Keywords – Composites, Polystyrene, Flow characteristics, Morphologyand ANOVA.