Research Article
Control and Monitoring System Design for Industrial Ovens: Identification and Tuning Methods
Pedro Prates Valério, Margarete Aparecida Pereira, Breno Augusto Ribeiro Arêdes, Chana Joao Mendoca, Salvador Carlos Grande
Brazil Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
This study investigates the identification and tuning of controllers for a resistive electric furnace using first-order system approximation methods. Three methods were compared: Ziegler-Nichols, Smith, and Hägglund. The results revealed that the Ziegler-Nichols method led to a significantly higher time constant, making it less suitable for systems with high dead time. The Smith and Hägglund methods yielded similar results, but Hägglund demonstrated greater robustness with a higher controllability factor. Using the Hägglund method as a basis, PI and PID controller parameters were determined using the Ziegler-Nichols, Tyreus-Luyben, and Cohen-Coon methods......
Keywords: Process Automation, PID Controller, Temperature Control, Industrial Ovens, Control System Design.
Research Article
A Contextual Approach to Enzymatic Hydrolysis in Ethanol Production
Pedro Prates Valério, Margarete Aparecida Pereira, Vanessa dos Santos, Camila Fortuna, Chana Joao Mendoca, Salvador Carlos Grande
Brasil Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
The increasing global demand for renewable energy has led to significant advancements in the production of biofuels, with ethanol being a leading candidate for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One of the most promising approaches for improving the efficiency and sustainability of ethanol production is enzymatic hydrolysis, a process that utilizes enzymes to break down complex carbohydrates into fermentable sugars. This study explores the potential of enzymatic hydrolysis in enhancing ethanol production, focusing on the enzymatic breakdown of starch, cellulose, and hemicellulose, which are key components of biomass.........
Keywords: Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Ethanol Production, Biofuels
Research Article
Optimizing Process Parameters and Minimizing Ecological Impact: A Factorial Design Approach to Soap Production
Pedro Prates Valério, Margarete Aparecida Pereira, Chana Joao Mendoca, Salvador Carlos Grande
Brazil Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
This study explores the optimization of process parameters and ecological impact in handmade soap production using a 2^4 factorial design with three central point repetitions. the goal was to identify the factors that influence the pH of the soap and to optimize operational conditions for producing soap with a pH below 11.5. conducted in the chemistry laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Zambeze, Mozambique, the experiment utilized recycled vegetable oil, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and standard laboratory equipment. potentiometric measurements of pH were taken using a digital pH meter.........
Keywords: Factorial Design Approach, Sustainability, Soap Production.
Research Article
Drawing Classification for Early Detection of Parkinson's Disease: CNN and Transfer Learning Models
Yasin ÖZKAN, Sibel Barın ÖZKAN
Turkey Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
In this study, a new Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is developed to classify the drawings of individuals with Parkinson's disease and healthy individuals in Wave and Spiral classes. The dataset used is the Parkinson's Drawing Dataset, which contains drawings related to Parkinson's disease. The designed Proposed CNN model is compared with five different transfer learning models in classifying drawings of Parkinson's disease and healthy individuals: VGG16, DenseNet169, MobileNetV2, ResNet50, and EfficientNetB7. The results show that the Proposed CNN outperforms all other models in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score metrics for both classes (Wave and Spiral)..........
Keywords: Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis, Convolutional Neural Network, Spiral and Wave Drawings.
Research Article
Fighter Planes Of The Future
Turkey Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
In recent years, dizzying developments in many fields such as computer systems, space technologies, and metallurgical science have led to the production and development of new generation fighter aircraft. These aircraft, which will have advanced electronic systems, will be the most advanced fighter aircraft on active duty. Although there is no clear definition, new generation fighter aircraft can be defined as multi-role aircraft with features such as being invisible to radar, agile chassis resistant to supersonic speeds, advanced electronic systems, being in constant communication with other air and land elements, and advanced imaging..........
Keywords: New Generation Fighter Aircraft, Electronic Systems, Supersonic Speeds, afterburner cruise, Sensors.
Research Article
The Future Of Autonomous Weapons
Turkey Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
Autonomous weapon systems are systems that can operate independently without being dependent on an operator and generally identify a target without the need for a human element and attack that target when necessary. An autonomous weapon system is pre-programmed to destroy a specific "target profile". These weapons are placed in an environment where the artificial intelligence searches for the "target profile" defined using sensor data. When the weapon detects that the algorithm matches the target profile or encounters something, it fires and destroys it........
Keywords: Autonomous weapons, artificial intelligence, Sensor, killer robots, autonomous drones.
Research Article
Measurement Of Attentıon Levels From Eeg Sıgnals Wıth Bıosensors Usıng Elman Feedback Artıfıcıal Neural Network
Turkey Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
In this study, Neurosky Biosensor, which measures EEG signals while students are studying and sends them to the computer via bluetooth, was used by using Elman Feedback Artificial Neural Network. Attention levels of people were examined from EEG signals with biosensors. For this purpose, brain signals were examined through EEG biosensors by following three different ways: reading aloud-silent, telling the truth-lying and listening to different music (Turkish Art Music, Classical Music and Rock Music). EEG biosensors produce numbers between 0 and 100...........
Keywords: Attention level, Neurosky, electroencephalogram, voice-quiet reading, true-lying, music types, ANN with feedback.
Research Article
Research on Engineering Cost Risk Assessment and Control Strategy Based on Artificial Intelligence
Nie Qiuxiang, Huang Xinyao, Yang Shufen
China Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, its application in the field of engineering cost is also increasingly widespread. This paper first describes the importance of engineering cost risk assessment and control, and analyzes the limitations of traditional engineering cost risk assessment and control methods. Then it introduces the advantages of the application of artificial intelligence technology in engineering cost risk assessment and control, including the improvement of assessment accuracy, enhancement of prediction ability, and improvement of decision-making efficiency. Then the construction of engineering cost risk assessment model based on artificial intelligence is discussed in detail, including data collection and preprocessing, feature selection, model selection and training. At the same time, corresponding engineering cost risk control strategies are proposed, such as risk early warning, dynamic monitoring, optimized decision-making and so on. Finally, the effectiveness of the engineering cost risk assessment and control strategy based on artificial intelligence is verified through actual case study, and the future development trend is outlooked.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Engineering cost; Risk assessment; Risk control.
Research Article
Study on impact assessment and mitigationstrategy of dam
construction project onecological environment
Li Xunhai, Huang Xinyao, Zhang xinyuan
China Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
This paper aims to deeply explore the multifaceted impacts of dam construction on the ecological environment and put forward corresponding mitigation strategies. By analyzing the changes brought about by dam construction in geology, hydrology, vegetation, etc., this paper elaborates on the impact mechanisms, and introduces on-site investigation, model simulation, and social and economic analysis assessment methods. Furthermore, it puts forward mitigation strategies from the perspectives of engineering, construction period, and ecological restoration, with the goal of providing reference for achieving coordinated development of ecological and economic social benefits in dam construction.
Keywords: Dam Construction Project; Ecological Environment; Impact Assessment; Mitigation Strategies.
Research Article
Traditional Architecture of Shu
Fan Hongyan
China Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
The traditional architecture of Shu occupies an important position in the field of architecture in China, this paper takes the historical development of traditional architecture in Shu as the entry point, analyzes the spatial form of the buildings in the region, the regional characteristics, stylistic features and craftsmanship of the traditional architecture, and explores the unique charm and value of the traditional architectural art in Shu. It is hoped that this study can provide certain help for the development and protection of traditional architecture in Shu.
Keywords: Traditional architecture in Shu; residential space patterns; regional characteristics.
Research Article
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Applications in Chemical Engineering
Köksal Erentürk, Saliha Erentürk
Türkiye Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
In the field of machine learning, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have arisen as an influential tool demonstrating exceptional capabilities in generating synthetic data that closely comply with real-world samples. The last decade has seen remarkable advances in speech, image and language recognition tools that have been made available to the public through computer and mobile devices' ap-plications in broad area of sciences, including Chemical Engineering. In this pa-per, existing and future potential applications of GANs in Chemical Engineering have been given in detail.........
Keywords: Generative Adversarial Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Chemical Engineering.
Research Article
Environmental protection work in Binh Gia district, Lang Son province in 2023
Nguyen Thi Bich Hanh
Vietnam Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
The transfer of copyright gives Research Inventy the right to develop, promote, distribute, sell, and archive a body of scientific works throughout the world. The Author hereby grants and assigns to Research Inventy all rights in and to Author's work in and contributions to the Work. In connection with this assignment, the Author acknowledges that Research Inventy will have the right to print, publish, create derivative works, and sell the Work throughout the world, all rights in and to all revisions or versions or subsequent editions of the Work in all languages and media throughout the world. The author(s), reserve the following rights.
Research Article
The hovering of a balloon-multicopter with a special assembly scheme
Tran Duy Duyen
Vietnam Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 12
The balloon-multicopter or ballooncopter is a new flight vehicle type that combines the advantages of a balloon (long flight, high lift without losing energy, environmental friendliness) and those of a multicopter/ multirotor device (VTOL capability, easy to control both the attitude and the CG position when hovering and flying at low speed in windy conditions). The ballooncopters, esspecially with reduced-drag-shaped balloon, can be highly effective in different fields such as long-time monitoring, tourism and transportation to the areas that are difficult to reach by conventional means..........
Keywords: Balloon-multicopter, balloon, ballooncopter with special asamble sheme, possibility to maintaine desired coordinates, windy conditions.