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Volume 3 ~ Issue 5
1.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 27018
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Network Based Signal Recovery in Wireless Networks
Country :: India
Authors :: Mr. Mustak Pasha || Prof. Asma Parveen
Pages No. :: 01-18
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/03501018
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One of the severe problems in wireless interaction is the interference. Interference is caused due to collision. In wireless network, the signal sent by a node will reach all its neighboring nodes. The signal will collide, if a neighbor apart from the target node is receiving data from more than one node at the same moment then the required signal will get cracked, which result in communication crash. In conventional wireless networks, this crash of signals may cause communication failure if no division procedure is accepted. This will corrupt the system performance, which include packet loss rate and energy effectiveness. In traditional transmission when a terminal is receiving messages, its neighbors cannot transmit until receiving is finished, such a mechanism is not efficient and a lot of bandwidth is wasted. The inefficiency of traditional wireless transmission is mainly due to regulating the signal collision. In dispersed network such as ad hoc and some sensor networks, the organize hub will not present in the network. This will increase the clash and interference. In wireless networks, when signal crash, electromagnetic waves will overlap on each other. This strategy is much more practical and easier to realize. Neither strict synchronization nor power control is needed among the different terminals

KEYWORDS -Block fading, network coding, scheduling, time variant and wireless network


[1] A. Bachir, D. Barthel, M. Heusse, and A. Duda, "Hidden nodes avoidance in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. Int. Conf.
Wireless Netw., Commun. Mobile Comput., Jun. 13–16, 2005, pp. 612–617
[2] Kaveh Pahlavan, "Wireless information networks examines sensor and mobile ad-hoc networks", International journal of
wireless information, ISSN: 1068-9605, 2010, J.No. 10776
[3] T. C. Keong, presented at the Ad hoc mobile wireless networks: Protocols Syst. Conf., 2002.
[4] S. A. Aly and A. E. Kamal. Network protection codes against link failures using network coding. In Proc. Of IEEE 2008 Global
Telecommunications Conference, Dec. 2008.
[5] Morgan Kaufmann, "Wireless Communications and Networking", Jul 28, 2010

2.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 27008
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Acoustic Studies of Molecular Interaction in 1,1`-Diacetyl Ferocene (DAF) in Different Solutions
Country :: India
Authors :: Dinesh Saxena || Somesh Kumar Saxena || Neetesh Mishra
Pages No. :: 19-23
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/035019023
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The acoustic studies for three binary mixture namely, 1,1`-Diacetyl ferocene (DAF)-Benzene (C6H6), 1,1`-Diacetyl ferocene (DAF)-Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and 1,1`-Diacetyl ferocene (DAF)-1-4 Dioxane (C4H8O2) have been determined at three different temperatures. The measured speed of sound (u), density (ρ) in different mole fraction and the computed acouctical parameters like adiabatic compressibility (β), acoustic impedance (Z) and free length (Lf) have been calculated and also find Wada's constant (W) and Rao's constant (R). The trend in acoustical parameters indicates that there are molecular interactions between the components.

KEYWORDS: Acoustic impedance, Adiabatic compressibility, Binary mixture, Free length of interaction, Rao's constant, Wada's constant.


[1] V.A. Tabhane and B.A. Patki, Indian J Pure Appl Phys,23(1985)58.
[2] V D Bhandakkar et al., Indian J Pure Appl Phys,23(1995)248.
[3] Z T Fidkowaski, M F Doherty and M F Molons, AICHE Journal, 39(1993)1303.
[4] R Tiyagaranjan and L Palaniappan, Indian J Pure Appl Phys, 46(2008)15.
[5] G Thomas, Chem for Pharma and Life Sci, Prentice Hall, London, 2(1996)15.
[6] V D Bhandakkar et al., Indian J Pure Appl Phys, 41(2003)849.
[7] Ali A, Yasmin A and Nain A K, Indian J Pure Appl Phys, 40(2002)315.

3.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 26120
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Principle Elements and Framework of Internet of Things
Country :: India
Authors :: Bhagyashri Katole || Manikanta Sivapala || Suresh V
Pages No. :: 24-29
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/035024029
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as a dynamic environment where uniquely identifiable things with self configuring capabilities based on standardized and interoperable communication protocols are integrated into the information network. This paper introduces key enablers of Internet of Things and elaborates on principle elements of Internet of Things like Machine To Machine (M2M) paradigm, device mobility and device discovery, communication protocols suitable for IoT environment. It also addresses challenges in Internet of Things. This paper also discusses about our prototype of IoT based navigation solution and gives overview of proposed architecture of IoT framework.

KEYWORDS - CoAP (Constrained application protocol), IoT, M2M (Machine to Machine), MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), Zero-entropy


[1] ITU Internet Reports 2005: The Internet of Things – Executive Summary, 2-5
[2] Dr. Sebastian Wahle, Machine Type Communication and M2M Platform Evolution: Horizontal Service Capabilities or Vertical Silo Mindset?, 3rd IoT Forum, Bled, Slowenia ,2012
[3] XiuJia Jin, A Survey on Network Architectures for Mobility, http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/cse574- 06/ftp/mobility_arch/#TOP
[4] Jayavardhana Gubbi, Rajkumar Buyya, Slaven Marusic, Marimuthu Palaniswa, Internet of Things (IoT): A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions, Cornell University Library Open access http://arxiv.org/pdf/1207.0203.pdf
[5] Carsten Bormann Angelo P. Castellani, Zach Shelby, CoAP: An Application Protocol for Billions of Tiny Internet Nodes, Proc. IEEE Internet computing, 2012, Volume:16 Issue:2
[6] Urs Hunkeler & Hong Linh Truong, Andy Stanford-Clark, MQTT-S – A Publish/Subscribe Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. Communication Systems Software and Middleware and Workshops, 2008. COMSWARE,2008.

4.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 25035
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Prediction and optimization of in stainless steel cladding deposited by GMAW process using response surface methodology, ANN and PSO
Country :: India
Authors :: P, Sreeraj || T, Kannan || Subhasis Maji
Pages No. :: 30-41
Paper Index :: :07.4721/03503041
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Now a day's gas metal arc cladding became an important process because it allows deposition of thick protective coatings on substrates. This article presents an experimental investigation of the influence of processing parameters on clad angle in GMAW process. Because of high reliability, easiness in operation, high penetration good surface finish and high productivity gas metal arc welding (GMAW) became a natural choice for fabrication industries. This paper presents five level four factor central composite rotatable designs with full replication technique to predict critical dimensions of clad angle. The clad angle is determined from mathematical expression relating to clad height and clad width. Using regression analysis a mathematical model is developed. The developed model has been checked for adequacy and significance. The main and interaction effects of process variables and clad angle are presented in graphical form. Using artificial neural network clad angle is predicted. Again using particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) parameters were optimized.

KEY WORDS: GMAW, Weld bead geometry, Multiple Regression, Mathematical model, ANN, PSO.

[1] Kannan,T.;Murugan,N.(2006).Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stainless steel clad quality ,journal of Material Processing Technology vol.176 pp 230-239.
[2] Kannan,T.; Murugn,N.(2006).Prediction of ferrite number of duplex stainless steel clad metals using RSM, Welding Journal. pp. 91 - 99.
[3] Gunaraj,V.; Murugan, N. (2005). Prediction and control of weld bead geometry and shape relationships in submerged arc welding of pipes, Journal of Material Processing Technology. Vol. 168, pp. 478 – 487.
[4] Kim, I,S.; Son, K,J.; Yang, Y, S.; Yaragada, P, K, D,V. (2003). Sensitivity analysis for process parameters in GMA welding process using factorial design method, International Journal of Machine tools and Manufacture. Vol.43, pp. 763 - 769.
[5] Godfrey. C. Onwubolu, Paulo Davim.J,Carlos Oliveira,Cardoso.A Prediction of clad angle in laser cladding by powder using response surface methodology and scatter search (2007).Optics & Laser Technology. Vol (39) pp.1130-1134.
[6] Serdar Karaoglu.; Abdullah Secgin. (2008). Sensitivity analysis of submerged arc welding process parameters,Journal of Material Processing Technology. Vol-202, pp 500-507.

5.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 27040
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Cost Less Individual Portable Drip Irrigation System (Gravity System)
Country :: India
Authors :: Patil Ashish P || Geete Mandar H.
Pages No. :: 42-46
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/035042046
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Climatic variation is the major factor which affects on the Indian agriculture economy. Increase in irrigation potential may be increasingly more difficult and expensive day by day in Indian continent. It is a need of India to develop of an irrigation system which gives the right amount of water at the right time for the crops at minimum cost. Individual Portable Drip Irrigation System (Gravity System) satisfies the need of an advance irrigation technology from local easily available materials at very minimum cost. Individual Portable Drip Irrigation System (Gravity System) specially designed for single, individual plant, for horticultural crops like fruit crops, flower crops, vegetative crops etc. It requires only a manpower which is abundant in Indian continent.

KEYWORDS - Pressurized irrigation methods, Surface irrigation methods, Intravenous bottle pipes, Flow rates, Water requirements

[1] A. M. Michael, T.P. Ojha, Principles of Agricultural Engineering (Jain Brothers, 2005).
[2] FrancisKuriakose, Deepa Kylasam Iyer, Land Use Agrarian Relations, Kurukshetra, A Journal On Rural Development, Vol. 61 No. 5(Publications Divisions, Ministry of I & B, Govt. of India, March 2013).
[3] Ben Ruktantichoke, Tube Length and Water Flow, ISB Journal of Physics (June- 2011).
[4] Philip JH., Intravenous Access and Delivery Principles In: Rogers MC, Tinker JH, Covino BG, Longnecker DE. Principles and Practice of Anesthesiology. (St. Louis. Mosby Year Book, Vol 2, 1992).
[5] S.S. Magar, General Horticulture, Water Management, Dr. BSKKV Dapoli, (December- 2007)..

6.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 27028
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Web Based Spatial Ranking System
Country :: India
Authors :: Mr. Vijayakumar Neela || Prof. Raafiya Gulmeher
Pages No. :: 47-53
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/035047053
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A spatial preference query ranks objects based on the qualities of features in their spatial
neighborhood. For example, using a real estate agency database of flats for lease, a customer may want to rank
the flats with respect to the appropriateness of their location, defined after aggregating the qualities of other
features (e.g., restaurants, cafes, hospital, market, etc.) within their spatial neighborhood. Such a neighborhood
concept can be specified by the user via different functions. It can be an explicit circular region within a given
distance from the flat. Another intuitive definition is to assign higher weights to the features based on their
proximity to the flat. In this paper, formally define spatial preference queries and propose appropriate indexing
techniques and search algorithms for them. Extensive evaluation of this methods on both real and synthetic data
reveals that an optimized branch-and-bound solution is efficient and robust with respect to different parameters.

KEYWORDS - Query processing, spatial databases


[1] M.L. Yiu, X. Dai, N. Mamoulis, and M. Vaitis, "Top-k Spatia Preference Queries," Proc. IEEE Int"l Conf. Data Eng. (rCDE), 2007.
[2] N. Bruno, L. Gravano, and A. Marian, "Evaluating Top-k Queries over Web-Accessible Databases," Proc. IEEE Int"l Conf. Data Eng. (lCDE), 2002.
[3] Guttman, "R- Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching," Proc. ACM IGMOD, 1984.
[4] G.R. Hjaltason and H. Samet, "Distance Browsing in Spatial Databases," ACM Trans. Database Systems, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 265 318,1999. [5] R. Weber, H.-J. Schek, and S. Blott, "A Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study for Similarity-Search Methods in HighDimensional Spaces," Proc. Int"l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 1998.

7.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 27027
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: On The Non Homogeneous Ternary Quintic Equation
Country :: India
Authors :: M.A.Gopalan || S. Vidhyalakshmi || A.Kavitha, M.Manjula
Pages No. :: 54-57
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/035054057
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The ternary Quintic Diophantine Equation given by is 2 2 5 x  xy  y  7 z analyzed for its
patterns of non – zero distinct integral solutions. A few interesting relations between the solutions and special
polygonal numbers are exhibited.

KEY WORDS: Quintic equation with three unknowns, Integral solutions


[1]. L.E.Dickson, History of Theory of Numbers, Vol.11, Chelsea Publishing company, New York (1952).
[2]. L.J.Mordell, Diophantine equations, Academic Press, London(1969).
[3]. Carmichael ,R.D.,The theory of numbers and Diophantine Analysis,Dover Publications, New York (1959)
[4]. M.A.Gopalan & A.Vijayashankar, An Interesting Diophantine problem x2 - xy + y2  =7 z5 Advances in Mathematics, Scientific Developments and Engineering Application, Narosa Publishing House,2010, Pp 1-6.

8.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 27002
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Enhancement In Revisiting Dynamic Query Protocol In Unstructured Peer-To-Peer Networks
Country :: India
Authors :: Dipti Gogawale|| Madhuri Chopade
Pages No. :: 58-63
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/035058063
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The Peer to peer architecture run over internet are mostly used in unstructured topology . Random walk based and control flooding resource query algorithms are mostly used in peer to peer network . In this paper we consider searching of file in ad hoc network We propose Enhanced Selective Dynamic Query algorithm .The main aim of this algorithm is to minimize traffic cost and response latency for resource query response. When user want to search a query first history table is referred . If query is present in history table next searching is not required.It is directly redirected to particular path otherwise optimal combination of integer TTL value and set of neighbor for next query round is calculated in network. This algorithm tries to achieve best tradeoff between traffic cost and response latency.

KEYWORDS : Peer to Peer network, Query algorithm, Selective Dynamic Query, wireless ad hoc network.


[1] ChenTian,Hongbo Jiang,Xue Liu,Wenyu Liu"Revisiting Dynamic Query Protocol in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks",Jan 2012.
[2] N. Chang and M. Liu, "Revisiting the TTL-Based ControlledFlooding Search: Optimality and Randomization," Proc. ACM MobiCom, 2004.
[3] R. Beraldi, "Biased Random Walks in Uniform Wireless Networks,"IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 500- 513,Apr. 2009.
[4] N. Chang and M. Liu, "Optimal Controlled Flooding Search in aLarge Wireless Network," Proc. IEEE Third Int'l Symp. Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2005.
[5] E. Cohen and S. Shenker, "Replication Strategies in UnstructuredPeer-to-Peer Networks," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2002.
[6] O.S. Community, http://gnutella.wego.com/, 2010.[10] A. Crespo and H. Garcia-Molina, "Routing Indices for Peer-to-Peer Systems," Proc. IEEE 22nd Int'l Conf. Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2002.