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Volume 2 ~ Issue 8
1.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 23001
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Implementation of a 3D Graphics Rasterizer with Texture and Slim Shader on FPGA
Country :: India
Authors :: Ajay Kashyap || Ashish Sharma
Pages No. :: 01-05
Paper Index :: :07.4721/0280105
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In this paper, we designed 3D graphics hardware with rasterizer having texture and slim-shader for the efficient 3D graphics accelerator. The rasterizer consists of vertical shader and triangle set-up with AAL slim-shader. We developed all modules (vertex shader, pixel shader, slim shader, clipping engine, triangle set-up engine and raster operator) of 3D pipeline on FPGA using RTL design. It is designed to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 and Shader model 3.0. This paper also gives a brief description about generic graphics pipeline and OpenGL pipeline.

Key words:3D Graphics, OpenGL, 3D pipeline, AAL, FPGA, Texturing, Shading, Rasterization.

[1] Foley, Van Dam; "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice", Second Edition, 2003.
[2] OpenGL ES, http://www.khronos.org/opengles.
[3] Richard S, "OpenGL Super bible", Third Edition, 2004.
[4] Bo Han and Bingfeng Zhou,"Efficint Video Decoding on GPUs by Point Based Rendering", Graphics Hardware, 2006.
[5] Anders Kugler," The Setup for Triangle Rasterization", 11th Euro graphics workshop on Computer Graphics Hardware, August 26- 27, Poitiers Ffrance, 1996.
[6] "An Effective Pixel Rasterization Pipeline Architecture for 3D Rendering Processors", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.52., No-11, PP1501-1508, November 2003.
[7] Mesa 3D Graphics Library, http://www.mesa3d.com.
[8] Z. S. Hakura and A. Guptsa," The Design and Analysis of a Cache Architecture for Texture Mapping", Proceeding of the 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, PP 108-120, June 1997.
[9] Hyun Jae Woo," A Design of an Effective Control and Execution Method For Geometrical Engines and Rasterization within Embedded 3D Graphics Accelerator", Yonsei Univ. Phd Thesis, 2003.12
[10] Tomas, Eric," Rel-Time Rendering", Second Edition, 2002

2.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 23039
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: On The Zeros of Analytic Functions
Country :: India
Authors :: M. H. Gulzar
Pages No. :: 06-10
Paper Index :: :07.4721/02806010
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In this paper we consider a certain class of analytic functions whose coefficients are restricted to certain conditions, and find some interesting zero-free regions for them. Our results generalize a number of already known results in this direction.

Keywords –Analytic Function , Coefficients, Zeros
[1] A. Aziz and Q. G. Mohammad, On the zeros of a certain class of polynomials and related analytic functions, J. Math. Anal.
ppl.75(1980), 495-502.
[2] A. Aziz and W. M. Shah, On the location of zeros of polynomials and related analytic functions, onlinear Studies 6 (1999), 91-
[3] N. K. Govil and Q.I. Rahman, On the Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem II, Tohoku Math.J. 20 (1968), 126-136.
[4] W. M. Shah and A. Liman, On Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem and related analytic functions, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol.
117, No.3,
August 2007359-370.

3.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 15033
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Damage Characterization of a Thin Plate Made Of ABS under Uniaxial Solicitation
Country :: Maroc
Authors :: H. Farid|| K. Elhad || M. Elghorba || F. Erchiqui || M. Chergui
Pages No. :: 11-17
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/028011017
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There is an important soaring in theuse of polymers in many industrial fields. Although they are abundantly used both in ordinary and high performance products, their versatility makesthem highly needed for newer applications; and thisrequires a detailed knowledge of their physical, chemical, rheological and mechanical properties. The determination of mechanical behavior of those materials becomes very necessary either during processing or under operation. In this work, we are interested in characterizing a notched polymeric ABS flat plate under uniaxial solicitation. TheUnified Damage Theory for characterizing and quantifying the damage is used. Our crucial aim, being thestudy of the stress concentration factor,and a contribution to the determination of the damage degree of notched structures.

Keywords –Damage mechanics, Damage theory, Uniaxial characterization, Softened polymer, ABS.

[1] Sanchez-Santana U., Comportement dynamique des matériaux et structures après sollicitation en fatigue. Thèse de doctorat, Université des sciences et technologies de Lille, 2007.
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4.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 11016
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Characterization of Polymeric Membranes under Large Deformations by a Neural Model
Country :: Maroc
Authors :: Farid Hicham || El Ghorba Mohamed || Erchiqui Fouad || M'hamed Chergui
Pages No. :: 18-22
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/028018022
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Recent progress in polymers modeling shows a need for a precise description of the material behavior under the combined effect of the applied efforts and temperature.The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), whose operation is based on some properties of biological neurons, contain various architectures strongly interrelated treating elements and offering an alternative to conventional computational approaches. They respond in parallel to a set of inputs, and are affected by transformations more than by algorithms and procedures. They can achieve complicated operations of Input-Output without explicit relationships (linear and nonlinear) between all the presented data during a learning process.In our work, we are interested by the characterization of circular thermoplastic membranes, ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), under biaxial deformation using the free blowing technique. Hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin model is considered. A neural algorithm (based on artificial neural networks) is used to model the behavior of blowing these membranes, the results are compared with experimental studies and numerical finite differences model.

Keywords membrane, Artificial Neural Networks, free blowing, hyperelasticity, ABS.

[1] Rasmussen, H. K., J. H. Christensen and S. Gottsche, Inflation of polymer melts into elliptic and circular cylinders, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 93(2–3), 245–263, 2000
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[11] F. Erchiqui, Analyse Expérimentale et Numérique du Comportement de Membranes Thermoplastiques en ABS et en HIPS dans le Procédé de Thermoformage, the canadian journal of chemical engineering, Volume 83, 2005

5.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 22047
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Moisture Dependant Physical Properties Of Sunflower Seed (Psh 569)
Country :: India
Pages No. :: 23-27
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/028023027
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Physical properties of sunflower seeds were evaluated as a function of moisture content. Various physical properties of seeds and their fractions are dependent on moisture content and appear to be important in the design of handling and processing equipment. The geometric mean diameter and sphericity of the seed were 6.69 mm and 0.63 respectively. In the moisture range from 10-18% w.b., the bulk density of the rewetted seed decreased from 330.7 to 320.88 kg/m3, true density increased from 688.10 to 725.56 kg/m3, thousand kernel weight (TKW) increased from 75.31 to 78.86 g and porosity increased from 51.94 to 55.77 %. In the same moisture range the static coefficient of friction varied from 0.51 to 0.61 for seed different surfaces, while the angle of repose varied from 18.10 to 24.07 for seed. Hardness and initial cracking force for sunflower seed decreased with increase in moisture content.

Keywords membrane, Moisture, Physical property, Porosity, Sunflower.

[1] Aydin C (2002) Physical properties of Hazel nuts PH postharvest technology. Biosystems Engineering 82: 297-303.
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6.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 23114
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Waste Frying Oil as Source of Alternative Energy
Country :: Indonesia
Authors :: Luchis Rubianto|| Sudarminto || Atikah || Soemarno
Pages No. :: 28-32
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/028028032
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Waste frying oil (WFO) is a potential harmful substance to human health and environment. It can be converted as alternative energy source. Conversion WFO into fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), also known as biodiesel, can be carried out by esterification to minimize free fatty acid (FFA) content, then followed by transesterification. In this process, methanol is added with potassium hydroxide (KOH) acts as catalyst. Variations of KOH percentage and reaction temperature give yields of 98%. Physical and chemical properties of FAME produced meet standard of Pertamina (Indonesian Petroleum Company), especially on density and flash point. However, the viscosity is much higher than expected.

Keywords WFO, FAME, FFA, esterification, transesterification

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[11] Chhetri AB, Watts KC, Islam MR, Waste Cooking Oil as an Alternate Feedstock for Biodiesel Production, Energies, 2008, 13-18
[12] Baiju B, Naik MK, Das LM, A comparative evaluation of compression ignition engine characteristics using methyl and ethyl esters of Karanja oil, Renewable Energy 34, 2009, 1616–1621

7.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 23072
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Analysis of Tcp Vegas in Linux 2.6.1
Country :: India
Authors :: Ashish Vikram Singh || Anjali Chauhan || Dr. Sarika Agarwal
Pages No. :: 33-37
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/028033037
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This paper investigates the congestion control capabilities of TCP-CReno and Vegas introduced in Linux Kernel 2.6 for streamlining the kernel deploying CUBIC Congestion Control Protocol In this paper we use multilink multisource model which would consist of a distributed optimized algorithm and will provide a fundamental layout of delay, fairness and loss properties of TCP Vegas. It implies that Vegas stabilizes proportionally for allocation of network capacity when there is sufficient buffering in the network i.e. it clarifies the mechanism through which any kind of persistent congestion may arise and also its consequences. Thereafter, suggests how we might use active queue management to prevent it.

Keywords TCP-Reno, TCP-Vegas, AIMD

[1] Lawrence S. Brakmo and Larry L. Peterson. TCP Vegas: end to end congestion avoidance on a global Internet. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 13(8), October 1995. Available at http://netweb.usc.edu/yaxu/Vegas/Reference/brakmo.ps.
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[12] Sing J, Soh B (2005). TCP New Vegas: Improving the Performance of TCP Vegas over High Latency Links. Proceeding of 4th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, NCA.

8.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 23115
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Webcam Based Intelligent Surveillance System
Country :: India
Authors :: Akshada Deshmukh || Harshalata Wadaskar || Leena Zade ||Neha Dhakate || Preetee Karmore.
Pages No. :: 38-42
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/028038042
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An intelligent monitoring sensor is an application which is developed from the security point of view. The objective of this project is to develop a system that monitors the area in which it is being implemented. An Intelligent Monitoring Sensor is applicable in the area where no one is permissible to enter, also where we need to detect if any motion has been done. For this a digital camera is used. By combining the software and camera we can use this system as an Intelligent Monitoring Sensor.The Camera is used to catch the live images of the area in which it is being implemented, if any object is moving. The captured images are stored in a particular folder. The stored images will be then useful to work on. As the software detects the motion, it sends the signal from a transmitter, which is connected to the PC. The transmitter will send the wireless signal to the receiver out somewhere else, in the form of radio frequency. In this way the system will provide the security against any misdeed.

Keywords image capturing, motion detection, monitoring, receiver, security, transmitter.

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