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Volume 2 ~ Issue 11
1.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 24143
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Effect of Hardness and Microstructure on En 353 Steel by Heat Treatment
Country :: India
Authors :: P. Tamil Arasu || R. Dhanasekaran || P. Senthil Kumar || N. Srinivasan
Pages No. :: 01-05
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/02110105
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En 353 steel is an easily available and cheap material that is acceptable for heavy duty applications. Heat treatment on En 353 steel is improved the ductility, toughness, strength, hardness and relive internal stress in the material. X-ray diffraction (XRD) method is used to analyze the composition and the phase of the alloy material. The experimental results of hardness and microstructure are done to get idea about heat treated En 353 steel. It is found that the hardness of the En 353 steel is improved after the heat treatment and the microstructure is changed from ferrite to martensite.

Key words:En 353 steel, Heat treatment, Hardness, Microstructure.

[1]. A. Bensely, S. Stephen Jayakumar, D. Mohan Lal, G. Nagarajan , and A. Rajadurai, "Failure investigation of crown wheel and pinion", Engineering Failure Analysis, 13, 2006, 1285–1292.
[2]. A. Bahrami, S.H. MousaviAnijdan, M. A. Golozar, M. Shamanian, and N. Varahram, "Effects of conventional heat treatment on wear resistance of AISI H13 tool steel", Wear, 258, 2005, 846-851.
[3]. R. Dhanasekaran, P. Senthil Kumar, and K. Santhi, "Crack failure of planetary gearbox sun gear", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, 3, 2010, 12-14.
[4]. M. Ueda, K. Uchino, and A. Kobayashi, "Effects of carbon on wear property in pearlitic steel", wear, 253, 2002, 107-113.
[5]. Narasak Sunwang, Panyamat Wangyao, Yuttanat Boonyongmaneerat, "The effect of heat treatments on hardness and wear resistance in Ni-W alloy coatings", Surface & Coating Technology, 206, 2011, 1096-1101.
[6]. EnverAtık, UmutYunker, and CevdetMerıc, "The effects of conventional heat treatment and boronizing on abrasive wear and corrosion of SAE 1010, SAE 1040, D2 and 304 steels", Tribology International, 36, 2003, 155-161.
[7]. A. Bensely, A. Prabhakaran, D. Mohan Lal and G. Nagarajan, "Enhancing the wear resistance of case carburized steel (En 353) by cryogenic treatment", Cryogenics, 2006, 45, 747-754.
[8]. H. Khorsand, S.M. Habibi, h.Yoozbashizadea, K. Janghorbon, S.M.S. Reihani, H. Rahmani Seraji, and M.ashtari "The role of heat treatment on wear behavior of powder metallurgy low alloy steels", Material and Design, 23, 2002, 667-670.
2.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 24011
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Hybrid Learning For Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr.C.Loganathan ||K.V.Girija
Pages No. :: 06-13
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/021106013
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Neuro fuzzy hybrid system is a learning mechanism that utilizes the training and learning neural networks to find parameters of a fuzzy system based on the symptoms created by the mathematical model. Adaptive learning is the important characteristics of neural networks. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is used for system identification based on the available data. The main aim of this work is to determine appropriate neural network architecture for training the ANFIS structure inorder to adjust the parameters of learning method from a given set of input and output data. The training algorithms used in this work are Back Propagation, gradient descent learning algorithm and Runge-Kutta Learning Algorithm (RKLM). The experiments are carried out by combining the training algorithms with ANFIS and the training error results are measured for each combination. The results showed that ANFIS combined with RKLM method provides better training error results than other two methods.

Keywords –Neuro Fuzzy Hybrid System, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Gradient Descent Learning Algorithm, Runge-Kutta Learning Algorithm
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[3] Er. Parveen Sehgal, Sangeeta Gupta and Dharminder Kumar, "A Study of Prediction Modeling Using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) With Error Back Propagation", Proceedings of AICTE sponsored National Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Network Security: (February 2011), pp. 17-20.
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3.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 24046
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Invention Of The Plane Geometrical Formulae - Part II
Country :: India
Authors :: Mr. Satish M. Kaple
Pages No. :: 14-19
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/0211014019
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In this paper, I have invented the formulae for finding the area of an Isosceles triangle. My finding is based on pythagoras theorem.

[1]. Geometry concepts and Pythagoras theorem.

4.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 24041
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Estimation of Noise Reduction by Different Vegetation Type as a Noise Barrier : A Survey in Highway along Waru – Sidoarjo in East Java, Indonesia
Country :: Indonesia
Authors :: Utamiretnopudjowati ||B. Yanuwiyadi || R. Sulistiono ||Suyadi ||Y.Matsumoto ||T.Inoue
Pages No. :: 20-25
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/0211020025
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Noise pollution has become a common problem in bigcities. Most of the noisegenerated the sounds of transportation and everything in the air. All of these noises on the highways impact to the increasing intensity of noise pollution. The research objective was to estimate the noise reduction using vegetation as a noise barrier in the highway along Waru - Sidoarjo. The present study was conducted on the highway alongWaru - Sidoarjo with existing vegetation at the side of the highway. A series of SLM(Sound Level Meter) was arranged at various distances from the highway, in the presence of vegetation, while another series was arranged in the absence of vegetation over the vegetation, the other series as control of those was placed without vegetation. Vegetation types used as samples wereSamaneasaman,Pterocarpusindicus,Tectonagrandis and Pithecellobiumdulce.From the measurement, noise reduction could be made created equal for each of the vegetation, so that estimation of noise reduction could be generated for specific distances. Theresult showed thatPithecolelobiumdulce havethe highest noise reductioneffectivity(P < 0.01) of 10.12% at 20 m distance.Noise was reduced when the location of the listener was away from the noise source and the noise reduction equation for this vegetation was y = 2.67 ln (x) + 2.18 with coefficient determination (R2) = 0.92.It was suggested that the settlement should be built more than 20 m away from the highway.

Keywordsu : noise; noise barrier; vegetation diversity; highway; settlement


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5.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 24144
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Investigation of Physical Properties in II-VI Ternary Semiconductors of Sulphides, Selenides And Tellurides
Country :: India
Authors :: Alla Srivani || Prof Vedam Rama Murthy||G Veera raghavaiah
Pages No. :: 26-35
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/0211026035
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This work explains recent advances in II–VI Ternary Semiconductor Alloys. Current work has significant potential for low-cost, scalable solar cells. The close interplay among the properties of the materials and their utility in solar cells is also briefly discussed. Almost group II–VI materials are direct band gap semiconductors with high optical absorption and emission coefficients. Group II–VI materials are good candidates for use in solar cells. The Electrical and Optical Properties of II-VI Ternary Semiconductor Alloys from Binary Semiconductor Alloys are derived using Additivity rule with Quadratic expressions. The Electrical and Optical Properties studied in this group are confined to Refractive index, Optical Polarizability, Absorption coefficient and Energy gap. A comparison of these data is made with reported data available. The relative merit of Present method based on refractive indices without recourse to the experimental methods is stressed. Merits of study of this group alloys is also outlined.

Keywords : Semiconductors, II-VI Group, Sulphides, Selenides and Telluride Semiconductor alloys

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6.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 24030
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Influence of injection timing on combustion and heat release parameters using biodiesel of Neem, Rice bran and Pongamia in a direct injection compression ignition engine
Country :: India
Authors :: Hariram.V || Shanil George Chandy
Pages No. :: 36-43
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/0211036043
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In the present study, the effect of injection timing on combustion and heat release characteristics were analyzed in a single cylinder direct injection compression ignition engine using Neem, Rice bran and Pongamia biodiesels. The biodiesel of Neem, Rice bran and Pongamia was prepared by transesterification process using 2.5 gms of Sodium hydroxide and 400 ml of methanol between 70oC and 100oC. All the three biodiesel were blended in 5%, 10% and 15% ratios. The results showed that at 6 CAD advancement of injection timing, the maximum rise in combustion pressure was 2% to 4% and the rate of heat release was also improved with higher blends of Pongamia biodiesel. Blends of Neem and Rice bran also showed positive improvement but lower that Pongamia.
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