Disturbances in Solar Wind Electrons during the Ascending Half of the Solar Cycle 23
Antony Dhivya Tharshini.S|| Nisha Rani.T || Shanthi.G
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 8 (September 2016)
Ulysses achieved a solar orbit with an inclination of 80.200, perihelion of 1.34 AU, aphelion of 5.4 AU and a period of 6.2 years. By comparing observations taken over nearly all heliolatitudes and two different intervals covering the same radial distances, we are able to separate the radial and latitudinal variations in the solar wind. This paper describes the detailed results of the studies devoted to the solar activity impact on the Earth's upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The methods used in this study are based on the data driven from the Ulysses spacecraft. The primary objective of the Ulysses solar wind plasma investigation uses SWOOPS (Solar Wind Observations over the Poles of the Sun) instrument to investigate and establish bulk flow parameters and internal state conditions of the solar wind as a function of solar latitude. The electron temperature Te and the electron density Ne are found to exhibit a sharp enhancement during the ascending half of the solar cycle 23 (1996 – 2004).
KEY WORD: solar wind electrons, solar activity, ionosphere, solar cycle.

The Acute Effects of Vibroacoustically-Induced Microvibrations on Eeg Activity In Rats
Olivera Stanojlović|| Dragan Hrnčić|| Aleksandra Rašić – Marković|| Duško Kornjača|| Dušan Mladenović|| Dragan M. Djurić
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 8 (September 2016)
A 7-13 c/s mechanographic signal (amplitude 1-5μV) is detectable over relaxed limbs, phenomenon termed microvibration (MV). Exposure to mechanographic signals, low frequency noise, on other side, results in vibroacoustic disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of vibroacoustically-induced MV in regio nuchae (vibroacoustic device Vitafon, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) using four different modes of MV of specific amplitude (2.8 μm - 12.3 μm) and frequency (30 Hz – 18 kHz) on native undulating electrical CNS activity (EEG registration) in the adult rats. The experiments were performed on Wistar male rats and were divided into control and experimental groups. Rats subjected to the same experimental protocol, but with vibroacoustic treatment switched off, served as controls. EEG activity was registered during application of vibroacoustic MV and following was observed regardless of working regime: none of the graphoelements indicating hyperexcitability; there were no reduction in vigilance; beta rhythm and moderate transition alpha in beta rhythm were observed. Slightly override the beta waves in relation to alpha EEG band, under the stimulus of vibroacoustically-induced microvibration by Vitafon, suggests that mental alertness increased as well as focused attention, with no signs of hyperexcitability in rats.
KEY WORD: Vitafon, microvibrations, rats, EEG

Comparative study of fluoride with chemical parameters of brine solutions, salt and pan soil from salt pans located in the coastal belts of Tamil Nadu
S. Ponnusamy|| R. Sundarakumar
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 8 (September 2016)
Variations in the fluoride content of saline water, salt and pan soil from nine different salt pans located at the East Coast belt of Tamil Nadu have been documented. Fluoride which is non-degradable and persists in the environment was estimated by Zirconyl-alizarin method. The fluoride level varied from 0.6 to 1.7 ppm. Fluoride level in the salt of Marakkanam (Bore well) was found to be slightly higher than other salt pans.The chemical parameters which are used to study the level of fluoride in saline waters included chloride, sulphate, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
KEY WORD: Fluorosis. Salt pan. Pan soil. Born-Haber cycle, Fluoride.

Improved Stability of Formate Dehydrogenase by Coating with Didodecyldimethylammonium Bromide
Matthias Reichert|| Marco Haumann|| Rainer Buchholz||Christoph Lindenberger
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 8 (September 2016)
Hydrophilic formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from candida boidinii was chemically modified by coating it with didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB). This coating changed the phase behavior of the enzyme, making it highly soluble in hydrophobic solvents and thereby offering the chance for biphasic enzyme recycling from hydrophilic substrates and products. Different coating procedures of FDH with DDAB were investigated and all proved suitable for efficient coating of the enzyme's outer surface. A 50 mM Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-amminomethan (tris) buffer at pH 8 was chosen to make DDAB soluble and avoid aggregation. The reaction of NAD+ with uncoated and coated FDH to NADH and CO2 was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy and kinetic parameters (rmax, Km, KI, EA) for the the FDH were determined. The coated enzyme resulted in a lower relative initial activity between 40-60% compared to the uncoated one. The stability of the coated enzyme (FDH*) was improved significantly and remained stable in long-term experiments, resulting in a deactivation rate kD smaller than 3% per day and a half-life time t1/2largerthan 23 days, while the deactivation rate of the uncoated enzyme was 260% per daywitha t1/2of 0.3 days. Both activation energies were similar, with 42 kJ mol-1 for the coated and 48 kJ mol-1 for the uncoated enzyme.This result suggests that there is not significant transport resistance originating from the DDAB coating layer. The reason for the significantly lower activity of the coated FDH probably stems from accumulation of formed CO2 in the coating layer, thereby preventing high equilibrium conversions.

Micro-Tensile Behavior of AA7020/Carbon Black Nanoparticle Metal Matrix Composites
T.Prasad || A.Chennakesava Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 8 (September 2016)
The micro-tensile behavior of AA7020/carbon black nanoparticle composites was examined by using finite element analysis and representative volume element models for three different volume fractions. The uniform distributions of the nanoparticles were constructed to produce a representative volume element of the composites. The predicted mechanical properties and overall tensile stress-strain by finite element analysis corresponded well to the experimental results at the elastic region and near the yield surface, but the model slightly overestimated the strength of the composites at higher stress. This deviation possibly occurs from micro-mechanical factors, which were not considered in the RVE models. In contrast to FE analysis, fracture of the nanoparticle-matrix debonding occurred because of large localized stress. In the case of a high applied load, non-linear behavior of reinforcements and interfacial strength should be considered to obtain accurate results
KEY WORD: AA7020, carbon black, RVE, micro-tensile behavior, finite element analysis.

Experimental Investigation of Mini Cooler cum Freezer
Sreejith K.|| T.R. Sreesastha Ram|| Antony Babu|| Anvar A.Y.|| Calwin J. Kundukulam|| Deepak Charles
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 8 (September 2016)
In general cases the refrigerator could be converted into an air conditioner by attaching a fan. Thus a cooler as well as freezer is obtained in a single set up. The freezer can be converted to an air conditioner when the outside air is allowed to flow beside the cooling coil and is forced outside by an exhaust fan. In this case a mini scale cooler cum freezer using R134a as refrigerant was fabricated and tested
In our mini project work we had designed, fabricated and experimentally analysed a mini cooler cum freezer. From the observations and calculations, the results of mini cooler cum freezer are obtained and are compared.
KEY WORD: Mini Cooler, R134a, Exhaust fan.