Low-Dose Naltrexone in Diseases' Treatment: Global Review
Felipe Carmo de Moura || Conceição da Silva Martins || Paula Matias Soares || Gerly Anne de Castro Brito
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
Naltrexone is a non-selective opioid antagonist, which shows effects on delta, mu and kappa receptors. Its therapeutic use is designed for drug addicts' treatment, reducing withdrawal side effects. However, several researchers have used low-dose Naltrexone (LDN) for therapeutic purposes in diseases associated to immune system deficiency and inflammatory and tumor processes. Consequently, enhance evidences that LDN use hypothesis promotes, through a compensation mechanism, an increase of endorphins and enkephalins, in addition to opioid receptors up-regulation mechanism, in Central Nervous System (CNS), becoming it a potentially effective clinical practice in these pathologies. Thus, we present a review about LDN use in different pathologies, all they published in literature, and its therapeutic effects, enabling us to conclude that 3.0-4.5mg/day dose use in humans is effective for idiopathic diseases with alterations in immune system, as well as those ones with inflammatory and tumor characteristics.
KEY WORD: Diseases, Low dose Naltrexone, Treatment.

Investigative studies on the inhibitive effects of Newbouldialaevis extracts and magnetic fields on copper corrosion in aqueous acidic media
Kelechukwu B Okeoma || Ihebrodike M Mejeha || Sydney C Akajiaku || Francis C Eze || C.E. Orji
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
The inhibitive effects of New bouldiaLaevis (NL) leaf extract and magnetic field on copper corrosion in 0.5M H2SO4 aqueous solution were investigated experimentally by gravimetric technique and theoretically using Quantum Chemical calculations. The results show that both NL and the magnetic field caused reduction in corrosion rate. The inhibition efficiency increased with concentration. The magnetic field caused greater increase in the inhibition efficiency. Temperature increase caused a decrease in inhibition efficiency. The activation energy is low and oscillates, possibly due to error factor from non-linearity of the Arrhenius plot. Among the tested isotherms, Langmuir has the highest correlation coefficient of 0.9963 and 0.7935 with and without magnet field respectively. The magnetic field increased the change in free energy, caused the reaction to become spontaneous, one mole of the inhibitor to replace 4 moles of water mole while reducing the number of monolayer of the inhibitor on the metal. The quantum chemical calculations performed on new bouldiaquinone and lapacholconstituents of NL showed that lapachol contributed more to the inhibition efficiency due its low binding energy, high dipole moment, chemical softness and fractional electron transfer. The magnetic field and temperature played opposite roles.
KEY WORD: Copper, Newbouldialaevis, Magnetic field, Inhibition Efficiency, Quantum Chemical Calculation

Cold Plasma: Emerging As the New Standard in Food Safety
Ritesh Mishra || Sunny Bhatia || Ramesh Pal || Amit Visen || Himanshu Trivedi
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
Cold plasma is an emerging non-thermal technology for the improvement of food safety. This technique becomes a subject of high interest for a wide variety of technologies including the food industry. Cold plasma is a novel non thermal food processing technology that uses energetic, reactive gases to inactivate contaminating microbes on meats, poultry, fruits, and vegetables. The atmospheric cold plasma is proposed for decontamination of fruits and vegetables, especially, without changes in sensory attributes. Growing demand for fresh produce poses the challenge to the food industry of supplying safe food with minimal processing. It is crucial that foods are supplied without any microbial contamination as many products are eaten raw. Cold atmospheric plasma has potential in the food manufacturing sector to inactivate microorganisms, thereby improving food safety without loss of physicochemical or sensory properties
KEY WORD: Food preservation, food safety, micro-organisms, non thermal plasma, sensory attributes

An Overview of Information Systems Security Measures in Zimbabwean Small and Medium size Enterprises
Kundai Oliver S. Sai || Caleb Manjeese || Talent Mawere || Prosper T.Denhere
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
This paper reports on the Information Systems (IS) securitymeasures implemented by small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 32 randomly selected participants in order to investigate the security measures and practices in their respective organisations. The results indicated that over 50% of the respondents had installed firewalls, while more than 80% carried out regular software updates and none of the respondents had intrusion detection systems. The researchers recommended that SMEs work to enhance their knowledge on the different IS threats in order to enable the implementation of preventive measures.
KEY WORD: Information, Information Systems, Measures, Security, SMEs

Area relation of two right angled triangle in trigonometric form
Deshmukh Sachin Sandipan
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
In this research paper ,explained trigomomatric area relation of two right angled triangle when sidemeasurement of both right angled triangle are equal. And that explanation given between base ,height ,hypogenous and area of right angled triangles with the help of formula.here be remember that, sidemeasurement of both right angled triangle are same.
KEY WORD: Area, Sidemeasurement, Relation, trigonometry, Right angled triangle

Appari's design of fan for Buildings and wind mills
Hari Venkateshwar Rao || Mallesh Jaknur || Chakali Chandra Mohan
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
Appari's design of fan for residential and public buildings is effective to give the maximum wind from the same capacity of the motor. Also it can be used for wind mills. It is very simple and very effective to generate the wind energy. Also it works when there is not sufficient wind. The combination of the blade angles bent zero to ninety degrees along with black and white coloured blades will prove very effective to develop the maximum wind energy. The same fan blades can also be used for vehicles and helmets. If the same blades are used along with one dynamo and small bulb fitted in the fan portion will work effectively to give the sufficient light, which is produced by the wind and light & heat generated from the sunlight.
KEY WORD: Fan Wind Mill, Wind Energy and National Economy.

Design Analysis of Bumper Beam Subjected To Offset Impact Loading For Automotive Applications
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 2 (February 2016)
The bumper beam is fixed to front portion of the automobile structure and it is one of the primary component which undergoes damage and transfers the forces to the rest of the structure. Thus the modern bumper beam systems should play a key part in the safety concept of an automobile, ensuring that minimal accelerations are transferred to the passenger. Further the automotive producers are demanding for robust bumper beam systems showing good and reproducible impact behavior. The objectives of this study were to increase the physical understanding of the different phenomena taking place during the offset impact of an automotive bumper beam-longitudinal system as well as to validate a modeling procedure for the system's crash performance. In presented work the attempt has been made with Simulation of forming process for generating the FE-model of the bumper beam with required curvature. Finally the design and analysis bumper beam subjected to offset impact loading with different materials using FE-code ANSYS-LS DYNA and suggested the best material.
KEY WORD: Bumper Beam, FE-Model, Deflection and ANSYS-LS DYNA

Boost Inverter Circuit with a Coupled Inductor Using Renewable Energy Source
B Rajesh||P Ananda Mohan
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 1 (January 2016)
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Renewable power systems often experience big changes in generating output due to fluctuations of energy resources. A boost converter is added to step up the dc voltage when the energy resources are at a weak point. When a very high boost gain is demanded, it experiences serious reverse-recovery problemsdue to large duty cycles. This paper proposes a coupled inductor,by employing a coupled inductor in the circuit and proper adjustment of shoot-through state of a three-phase inverter the converter can realize higher boost gain and a stable ac output voltsge. Finally, the simulation using matlab/simulink results are presented in the paper.
KEY WORD: Boost inverter, coupled inductor, shoot-through zero state

PI and Fuzzy controlled Two-Phase Interleaved PFC Boost Converter
J Alfred|| B Padma
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 1 (January 2016)
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The applications of power electronic converters has increased widely in different sectors like industrial, commercial, residential, aerospace due to rapid development in power semiconductor devices. Due to presence of power semiconductor devices the current drawn from line is distorted resulting in a high Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and low Power Factor (PF). So there is a need to improve Power Factor and reduce line current harmonics. This paper aims to develop a circuit for PFC using a pi and fuzzy controlled two phase interleaved boost converter. The PFC strategy uses the interleaving scheme with pi and fuzzy controllers for reducing input current harmonics. The developed circuit model is simulated by using matlab software. The simulation result will show that there is a significant decrease in THD and improvement in Power Factor
KEY WORD: PFC Boost converter, interleaving scheme, pi and fuzzy system.

Simulation Modeling and Control of Hybrid Ac/Dc Microgrid
Dr.Ch Padmanabharaju|| A Venkat Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 1 (January 2016)
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This paper proposes simulation modeling and control of hybrid ac/dc micro grid. The micro grid concept introduces the reduction of multiple reverse conversions in an individual AC or DC grid and also facilitates connections to variable renewable AC and DC sources and loads to power systems. The interconnection of DGs to the utility/grid through power electronic converters has risen concerned about safe operation and protection of equipment's. The performance of proposed hybrid AC/DC micro grid system is analyzed in a grid-tied or autonomous mode. Here photovoltaic system, wind turbine generator and battery are used for the development of microgrid. Also control mechanisms are implemented for the converters for smooth power transfer and properly coordinate the AC sub-grid to DC sub-grid. The system is simulated in the MATLAB/ SIMULINK environment
KEY WORD: Energy management, grid control, grid operation, hybrid micro grid, PV system, wind power generation.

Doubly Loaded Resonant Converter for the Application of DC to DC Energy Conversions
B Padma||E Saidulu
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 1 (January 2016)
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The resonant power conversion having many advantages over conventionally adopted pulse width modulation that includes a high efficiency, low electromagnetic interference, small volume, low switching losses, and light weight of components due to a high switching frequency, and low reverse recovery losses in diodes owing to a low di/dt at switching instant. This paper presents the doubly loaded resonant power converter for dc to dc conversion. The proposed circuit consists of half bridge inverter, Double LCL filter and diode bridge rectifier. The output is filtered by a low pass filter. A MATLAB based simulation circuit is designed and verified for the different loads. The proposed novel loaded resonant circuit reaches up to 92% efficiency. The circuit result performs a satisfactory performance of the topology. The loaded resonant power conversion circuit is used in telecom power supplies, solar energy generation systems, UPS, battery charging system, switching circuits and power electronic circuits.
KEY WORD: Zero voltage switching, Zero current switching and resonant converter.

A New PWM Strategy for three phase Inverters applied for Induction motor
Dr.K Mekala|| M Sandeep
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 1 (January 2016)
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Pulse width modulation is the process of modifying the width of the pulses in a pulse train in direct proportion to a small control. In the PWM technique reference is commonly taken depended on the output waveform. Depending on the frequency there are two types of switching frequencies; constant switching frequency and variable switching frequency. Compared with constant switching frequency pulse width modulation method, variable switching frequency PWM can benefit more because of the extra freedom. Two methods are discussed in this concept. The first method is designed to arrange the current ripple peak value within a certain value and can reduce the equivalent switching frequency and electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise, the second method is designed to keep ripple current RMS value constant and reduce the EMI noise. Simulation results should be validating by showing the variable switching frequency applied with induction motor drive could improve the performance of EMI and efficiency of converter by using Mat lab / Simulink
KEY WORD: current ripple, three phase inverter, pulse width modulation, variable switching frequency, induction motor.

Nine-Level Diode Clamped Asymmetric Dual Converter Based Statcom with Dc Link Voltage Control
M Rakesh||A Venkat Reddy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 6 ~ Issue 1 (January 2016)
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Static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs) provide a power-electronics-based means of embedded control of transmission-line voltage and power flows. The integration of multilevel inverter to a STATCOM can extend traditional STATCOM capabilities to two way power flow control. This paper gives an overview of multilevel dual converter based STATCOMs with a focus on achieving minimum harmonic distortion and reasonable power quality improvement. The dual converter consists of two converters with different voltages to supply/absorb reactive power to/from the grid. The controller used in the STATCOMs can balance individual dc capacitor voltages when H-bridges run with different switching patterns and have parameter variations[1]. Reduced component count, simpler layout for switches, and smaller dc-link capacitor values are the attractive features of the proposed topology over the cascaded multilevel converters[2]. In extension to this the proposed system with STATCOM is designed with nine-level diode clamped multilevel inverter with sinusoidal PWM.
KEY WORD: Diode-clamped inverter, cascaded inverters, voltage source converter(VSC), Pulse width modulation (PWM), cascaded Multi cell inverter, static compensator (STATCOM)