Exact solutions of N-dimensional Bianchi Type-V space-time in f (R) theory of gravity
R. A. Hiwarkar|| V. K. Jaiswal|| Jyotsna Jumale|| K D Thengane
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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In the present paper, we have obtained two exact vacuum solutions of the field equations in f (R)
theory of gravity in N-dimensional Bianchi type-V space time which is the generalization of the work of M.
Sharif and M. Farasat Shamir (2009) in 4 V and our earlier work V 5 ( ) 6 V too. The first vacuum solution is
singular and second one is non-singular for r 0 and r 0 respectively. The value of f (R) is also evaluated
for both the solutions. Some physical properties of these solutions have been studied. It is interesting to note that
all the work in 4 V and 5 V ( ) 6 V can be reproduced by reducing the dimensions
Key words: f (R) theory of gravity, N-dimensional Bianchi type-I space-time, N- dimensional vacuum field
equations in f (R) theory of gravity

Mercury Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Mixed Mineral Systems Injected with Zinc Sulfide in Sulfidic- Anoxic Conditions II. The role of solution composition and Ageing
D.E. Egirani|| J.E. Andrews|| A.R. Baker
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014,Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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This study investigates Hg(II) removal onto binary mixed mineral sorbents from simulated mercury contaminated water, in zinc sulfide related sulfidic-anoxic condition. The sorbents used were zinc sulfide, kaolinite, montmorillonite, goethite, and their mixtures. Batch mode studies at room temperature demonstrate a linear increase in mercury sorption with increase in pH up to pH 4, gradually flattening for the rest of pH investigated. Increase in Cp-particle concentration does not reveal a corresponding increase in sorption of mercury. Except for zinc sulfide, kaolinite and montmorillonite, increase in residence time could not lead to a corresponding increase in mercury removal. The complex behavior of mineral-mercury interaction under sulfidic-anoxic condition may be attributed to increased hydroxylation of the mineral surface and the presence of thiol (≡S-H) and hydroxyl (≡Me-OH) functional groups and reactive sites on surface of metal sulfides
Keywords:mercury, mixed mineral systems, particle concentration, residence time, sulfidic-anoxic, zinc sulfide.

The Finite Element Analysis & Improvement on a Single Cylinder Head of Spark Ignition Engine
Pradeep Mani Tripathi||Satya Prakash|| Rahul Singh|| Satish Kumar Dwivedi
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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The finite element method is applied to find the stresses field from the parts of a single cylinder head of a spark ignition engine. There are thus identified the most stressed component elements and respective regions. This paper aims to study the stresses on an engine cylinder head spark ignition, which is known constructive characteristics and the thermal parameters. The paper deals with thermal & structural stress analysis and improvement of the cylinder head assembly of SI (Spark Ignition) engine. A detailed FE model was created for this purpose. The FE model consists of main parts of the cylinder head assembly and it includes a description of thermal and mechanical loads and contact interaction between its parts. The model considers a temperature dependency of a thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient on wall temperature. The paper presents a comparison of computed and measured temperature. The design was carried out using the SolidWorks v12 and analysis was carried out using the FE program ANSYS v14.
Key words—Actual process, Cylinder Head, Deformation Spark Ignition Engine, Temperature, Finite element, Stresses, mesh.

Mercury Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Mixed Mineral Systems Injected with Zinc Sulfide Under Sulfidic- Anoxic Conditions 1: Reactivity and Removal Kinetics
D.E. Egirani|| J.E. Andrews|| A.R. Baker
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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This study investigates the reactivity and removal kinetics of mercury on mixed mineral systems from aqueous solution related to contaminated waters. The sorbents used were zinc sulfide, kaolinite, montmorillonite, goethite, and their mixtures. Batch mode studies at room temperature (23 ± 2 ◦C). Reactivity studies demonstrate high level of protonation by some of the mineral systems during the sorption process. The complex behaviors of the mixed mineral systems in mercury sorption suggest that different reactive sites inclusive thiol (≡S-H) and hydroxyl (≡Me-OH) functional groups are involved at the onset of sorption, with reactions and sorption ending with inner-sphere complexation. Increase in contact time during mercury-mineral system interaction could help increase mercury removal by some mixed mineral systems.
Keywords: Zinc sulfide, mercury, sulfidic-anoxic, proton coefficient, mass transfer rate, mixed mineral systems.

Design Approach To High Voltage High Power Steam-turbine driven Alternator
Avijit Maity|| Kesab Bhattacharya || Amar Nath Sanyal
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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Abstract-The paper deals with the design methodology of high voltage high power alternators driven by steam turbines. These alternators run at a high speed of 3000 rpm in most part of the world (at 3600 rpm in USA) and are of cylindrical pole construction. The design procedure suggested in the text-books of design does not well-suit for large alternators of modern time. Modern high power alternators are designed with a low value of SCR to reduce the size, inertia and cost of the rotor. The diameter is limited by the consideration of centrifugal stresses. The no of stator slots is determined by the no. of turns. The ventilating circuit has to be designed for hydrogen as coolant and in addition with water flowing through hollow conductors, if required. The data for the design variables and the design constraints are quite different from those for small power ratings. The materials to be chosen must be of very high quality. The computer programme has been chalked out and the case-study has been conducted keeping all these points in view.
Keywords:Cylindrical pole, synchronous generator, high voltage, centrifugal force, design variables and constraints

Digital Image Technique using Gabor Filter and SVM in Heterogeneous Face Recognition
M.Janani|| K.Nandhini|| K.Senthilvadivel||S.Jothilakshmi
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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The main reason for the decrease in changes in appearance of the user is due to the factors such as ageing, beard growth, sun tan. Heterogeneous face recognition involves matching two face images from alternate imaging aesthetic forms, such as an infrared image to a photograph or a sketch to a photograph. A generic HFR framework is proposed in which both probe and gallery images are represented in terms of nonlinear similarities to a collection of prototype face images. The prototype subjects have an image in each modality (probe and gallery), and the similarity between an image and prototype images are measured. The features of this nonlinear prototype are projected into a linear discriminant subspace which increases the accuracy of this nonlinear prototype representation. In HFR framework we introduce Random sampling to control the small sample size problem which arises as a challenge. The excellence of the proposed approach is demonstrated in the experiment result as prototype random subspace. Previous studies have shown that the accuracy of Face Recognition Systems (FRSs) decreases with the time elapsed between enrollments and testing. So we have proposed Gabor filter along with SVM for Feature Extraction and Robustness.
KEY WORDS— nonlinear similarity, local descriptors, ambiences, Random subspaces, Mugshot, infrared image, discriminant analysis, sketches, SVM, Gabor Filter.

Turing Machine and the Conceptual Problems of Computational Theory
Edward E. Ogheneovo
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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As computer hardware and software continue to develop at an ever increasing rate, one will be forced to believe that no problem is too hard for a computer to solve. Given enough memory, time, and ingenuity on the part of the programmer, one will think that there is no problem too difficult for the computer to solve. Yet there are many problems inherently unsolvable by a computer. There are problems for which, if a program were to exist, whether or not there was a machine big enough and fast enough to actually perform it, a logical contradiction would result. In this paper, we discuss Turing machines and the conceptual problems of computational Theory. The paper argues that there are some set of problems that cannot be computed by Turing machine and these set of problems are called uncomputable sets and functions. Examples of such sets and functions were provided. The paper also discuss how we can simulate one Turing machine to another Turing machine which of course can act as a universal Turing machine that can be used to solve all computable problems. A proof of the theorem was proposed.
KEYWORDS: Turing machine, computation, computational theory, computability, computer simulation

Improved Proficient and Protected Public Auditing In Cloud Environment for Big Data Storage
Dr.Subrahmanyam..Dvss|| Kalpana .A|| U Madhuri
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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Cloud and Big Data are two of the most alluring ICT research subjects that have developed as of late. Necessities of huge information handling are presently all over the place, while the pay-as-you-go model of cloud frameworks is particularly taken a toll effective as far as preparing huge information applications. On the other hand, there are still worries that obstruct the expansion of cloud, and information security/protection is a top sympathy toward information proprietors wishing to move their applications into the cloud environment. Contrasted with clients of customary frameworks, cloud clients need to surrender the nearby control of their information to cloud servers. Another test for huge information is the information dynamism which exists in most enormous information applications. Because of the successive overhauls, productivity turns into a noteworthy issue in information administration. As security dependably acquires bargains proficiency, it is troublesome however in any case vital to research how to effectively address security challenges over element cloud information. Information honesty is a vital part of information security. Aside from server-side honesty assurance systems, confirmation from an outsider reviewer is of equivalent significance in light of the fact that this empowers clients to check the uprightness of their information through the evaluators at any client picked timeslot. This sort of check is likewise named 'open reviewing' of information. Existing open examining plans permit the uprightness of a dataset put away in cloud to be remotely confirmed without recovery of the entire unique dataset. Then again, by and by, there are numerous difficulties that obstruct the use of such plans. To give some examples of these, in the first place, the server still needs to total a proof with the cloud controller from information hinders that are disseminated put away and prepared on cloud occasions and this implies encryption and exchange of these information inside of the cloud will get to be tedious. Second, security blemishes exist in the present plans. The check procedures are shaky against different assaults and this prompts worries about sending these plans by and by. Third, when the dataset is extensive, examining of element information turns out to be excessive as far as correspondence and stockpiling. This is particularly the case for countless information overhauls and information reports on multi-copy cloud information stockpiling

A Novel Trust Management Framework for Multi-cloud Environments Based on Trust Service Providers
Azaharali Baig Md || A.Naga Malleshwar Rao || Raju M
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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In this paper, we address the issue of trust administration in multi-cloud situations utilizing a trust administration construction modeling taking into account a gathering of circulated Trust Service Providers (TSPs). These are free outsider suppliers, trusted by Cloud Providers (CPs), Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and Cloud Service Users (CSUs), that give trust related administrations to cloud members. TSPs are dispersed over the mists, and they evoke crude trust proof from distinctive sources and in diverse configurations, i.e., adherence of a CSP to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for a cloud-based administration and the criticism sent by CSUs. Utilizing this data, they assess the target trust and subjective trust of CSPs separately. Moreover, we present a trust proliferation system among TSPs crosswise over distinctive mists, which is utilized by a TSP to get trust data around an administration from different TSPs. The proposed trust administration structure for a multi-cloud environment depends on the proposed trust assessment model and the trust engendering system. Tests demonstrate that our proposed system is successful in separating reliable and dishonest CSPs in a multi-cloud environment.
KEYWORDS: trust management, trust service provider, multi-cloud, subjective trust, objective trust, trust propagation

Enhanced Network File System
J.Raja Ram|| M Ranjith Kumar|| L.Roshini
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science 2014, Volume 4 ~ Issue 4 (April 2014)
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We think about the issue of key era for secure numerous to numerous interchanges. The issue is raised by the multiplication of vast scale appropriated record framework supporting parallel access to various stockpiling gadgets. Our work concentrates on current Internet benchmarks for such document frameworks, i.e. the parallel Network File System (pNFS), which makes utilization of Kerberos to set up parallel session keys in the middle of customer and stockpiling gadgets. Our survey of the current Kerberos-based convention has various constraints: (i) a metadata server encouraging key swapping in the middle of customers and stockpiling gadgets has overwhelming workload which confines the adaptability of the convention; (ii) the convention does not give forward mystery; (iii) metadata server build up itself all the session keys that are utilized between the customers and capacity gadgets, and this intrinsically prompts the key escrow. In this paper, we propose an assortment of confirmed key swapping conventions that are intended to address above issues. We demonstrate that our conventions are fit for lessening up to roughly 54% of workload of a metadata server and simultaneously supporting forward mystery and escrow-freeness.
KEYWORDS: Parallel sessions, authenticated key swapping, network file systems, forward secrecy, key escrow