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Volume 1 ~ Issue 3
1.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12053
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: PLC Based Industrial Crane Automation & Monitoring
Country :: India
Authors :: Prof. Burali Y. N.
Pages No. :: 01-04
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/0130104
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In a traditional industrial crane control system, all control devices are wired directly to each other
according to how the system is supposed to operate. Here human is the main to control the crane & that passes
through large drawbacks such as more wiring work, appears large mechanical faults & difficulties in
troubleshooting & repair work .Due to these drawbacks industrial production decreases largely[4].

– PLC, HMI, automatic control, Hardwar configuration (crane model).
[1]. Mohammed Bani Younis and Georg Frey.," A Formal Method Based Re-Implementation Concept for PLC Programs and Its
Application". 1-4244-0681-1/06/2006 IEEE.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 11-14 July 2010, 978-1-4244-
6527-9/10/©2010 IEEE.
[3]. Vijay Kumar Khatri, Ahsan Javed Ghangro, Jetandar Kumar and Syed Jaad UI Haque.,"Industrial Data Acquisition and Control
System using two PLCs' Networked over MPI Network", 2009 IEEE symposium on Industrial Electronics and Application
(ISIEA2009), October46,2009,KualaLumpur,Malaysia.,978-1-4244-4/09/@2009IEEE.
[4]. Coia Ferrater-Simon, Lluis Molas- Balada, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt,"A Remote Laboratory Platform For Electrical Drive Control Using
ProgrammableLogicControllers".,IEEETransactiononEducation,Vol,52,No.3,August 2009.
[5]. S. Da'na, A. Sagahyroon , A. Elrayes, A.R. Al-Ali, R. Al-Aydi, "Development of a monitoring and control platform for PLC-based
applications", Computer Standards & Interfaces 30 (2008) 157–166.
[6]. .J.Velagić, A. Galijašević, "Design of Fuzzy Logic Control of Permanent magnet DC motor under real co nstraints and disturbance", 3.
IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2009), Saint Petesburg, Russia (in press), July 8-10, 2009.
[7]. Jonas Lidén, "Design and Implementation of an IEC 61850 gateway PLC Systems", KTH Electrical Engineering, Master Thesis
Stockholm, Sweden 2006.
[8]. YU Huiqun., "The Design and Realization of PID Liquid Level Control System",Based on S7-200 and EM235, 2010 International
Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 978-
[9]. Liu Le, Wang Changsong, Wang Xingbing, "The research of the free mode communication between Siemens S7 -200 PLC and PC,"
Mechanical Engineering&Automation, no.04, pp. 22 – 24.
[10]. Jasmin Velagić, Kerim Obarčanin, Enisa Kapetanović, Senad Huseinbegović, Nedim Osmić "Design of PLC - based PI Controller for
the Permanent Magnet DC Motor under Real Constraints and Disturbances".
[11]. Mohamed Endi.,Y.Z.Elhalwagy.,Attalla hashad., "Three-Layer PLC/SCADA System Architecture in Process Automation and Data
Monitoring" 978-1-4244-5586-7/10/C 2010 IEEE.

2.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12082
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Data Mining System for Selection of Best Basket Ball Team
Country :: INDIA
Authors :: Mr. N. V. Wankhade||Prof. S. P. Deshpande
Pages No. :: 05-07
Paper Index :: :07.4721/0130507
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Selection of a team for any game is a difficult task. It is totally governed by the selection committee
members, which may be bias and therefore appropriate team is not selected. This may cause the failure in the
National & International level competitions. In the current scenario there is no scientific method available and
used for the team selection.
In this research paper, Data Mining techniques are suggested to design & develop a software tool for
the selection of a team for a sport/game especially for Basketball.

Keywords –Sports Science, Sports Skill Tests, Basketball, Data mining, Classification, K- Nearest Neighbor.
[1.] Devinder K. Kansal, Test and Measurement, D.V.S. Publications, New Delhi, India, 1997.
[2.] S.N. Omkar, Cricket team selection using genetic algorithm, International Congress on Sports Dynamics (ICSD2003), 1-3 September,
Melbourne, Australia
[3.] MARGARET H. DUNHAM, Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics, Pearson Education, New Delhi, India, 2003
[4.] Abdul Muqeet, Wajid Ali Siddiqui: Data mining
[5.] Deshpande S., Thakare V., Data Mining Application in Sport Sciences, 8th Annual Conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and
Applications, Organized by Deptt. Of Statistics & Computer Science Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities, Amravati,

3.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12079
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Coastal Zone Environmental Management in Udupi District, Karnataka State, India
Country :: Karnataka State, India
Authors :: Dodda Aswathanarayana Swamy||Dr.B.E.Basavarajappa||Prof.E.T.Puttaiah||
Pages No. :: 08-11
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/01308011
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The Udupi coastal zone represents varied and highly productive ecosystems such as mangroves, coral
reefs and sand dunes. These ecosystems are under pressure on account of increased anthropogenic activities such as
discharge of industrial and municipal sewage, land use, tourism, maritime transport, dumping at sea degrade the
coast. It is necessary to protect these coastal ecosystems to ensure sustainable development. This requires
information on habitats, landforms, coastal processes, water quality, natural hazards on a repetitive basis. The Coastal zone environmental management plan tool is also required for protection of environmental components.
1. Beach protection through bio-shielding:
The construction of seawalls to end Erosion and breakwaters can have adverse consequences. Seawalls and
breakwaters should be restricted to areas where they are extremely necessary. Since a good beach is the best
protection for the coast, beach nourishment, strand vegetation etc. along with selected technological interventions
should be preferred.
2. EIA for seawalls and breakwaters:
Construction of seawalls/breakwaters should be subjected to comprehensive environment impact assessment.
3. Beaches to be zero waste areas:
Steps should be taken to promote beaches as zero waste areas through awareness programmes, village and town
level solid waste management programmes, providing sanitation facilities all along the coast and periodic cleaning
of beaches.
4. Baseline Knowledge on Flora and Fauna:
Beaches should be evaluated for their floristic and fanual richness and appropriate restoration and conservation plans
to be implemented for suitable beaches.
5. Special protection for turtle breeding areas:
Many of the beaches which marine turtles like Olive Ridley visit to lay eggs should be given special protection and
preferably be brought under co-management programmes.
6. Beach Management to Strengthen Local economy:
Planting of various plant species of medicinal, food and other economic value, suitable for beaches need to be
promoted and brought under co-management with the local people. Beach beautification programmes through
restoration of natural vegetation can also enhance their tourismPotential and benefit the local residents.
7. Nursery of beach plant species: District-wise plant nurseries may be started for propagation of key plant species,
both local and selected introduced ones, after proper evaluation of their economic and ecologic values.

4.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12056
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Computational Marvels
Country :: Mumbai, INDIA
Authors :: Dr. Mangala R. Gurjar
Pages No. :: 12-14
Paper Index :: :07.4721/013012014
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In this paper we will consider several instances where results of computation are contrary to
people's expectations. Better understanding of Mathematics helps people to determine the merit of the scheme
or the bet they were entering in. Also we will consider examples where knowledge of Mathematics helps in
managing money. Some examples are real life examples, some are fables. But all the examples are amusing and
[1.] I want to be a Mathematician by Paul Holmos, MAA Spectrum. Mathematics Associatian of America, 1985.
[2.] Mathematical Magic Show- Martin Gardner, Penguin Books (1985).
[3.] Mathematics can be fun – Yakov Perelman, Mir publishers, Moscow (1979).

5.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12049
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Design of Convolution Encoder and Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder
Country :: Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Authors :: Mahe Jabeen||Salma Khan
Pages No. :: 15-21
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/013015021
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Error-correcting convolution codes provide a proven mechanism to limit the effects of noise in
digital data transmission. Convolution codes are employed to implement forward error correction(FEC) but the
complexity of corresponding decoders increases exponentially with the constraint length K. Convolution Encoding
with Viterbi decoding is a powerful FEC technique that is particularly suited to a channel in which the transmitted
signal is corrupted mainly by Additive white Gaussian Noise. In this paper, we present a Convolution Encoder and
Viterbi Decoder with a constraint length of 3 and code rate of 1/2. This is realized using Verilog HDL. It is
simulated and synthesized using Modelsim Altera 10.0d and Xilinx 10.1 ISE. The main aim of this paper is to design
FPGA based Convolution Encoder and Viterbi Decoder which encodes/decodes the data. This architecture has
comparatively simpler code and flexible configuration when compared to other architectures and saves silicon area
through efficient device utilization which makes it favorable for FPGA's.

Keywords –Convolution Encoder, Viterbi Decoder, Viterbi Algorithm.
[1] Viterbi.A.J, "Convolution codes and their performance in communication systems," IEEE Transaction on Communications, vol.com-
19, pp. 751 to 771, October 1971.
[2] Wong, Y., Jian, W., HuiChong, O., Kyun, C., Noordi, N. "Implementation of Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder using
VHDL", Proceedings of IEEE International conference on Research and Development Malaysia, November 2009.
[3] "A Viterbi Decoder Using System C for Area Efficient VLSI Implementation" Thesis by Serkan Sozen.
[4] http://www.1-core.com
[5] http://www.xilinx.com/itp/xilinx10/books/docs/sim/sim.pdf
[6] Architectures for ASIC implementations of low-density parity-check convolutional encoders and decoders Swamy, Bates, et al. - 2005
[7] http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx13_1/ug685.pdf
[8] Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical primer By J. Bhaskar.

6.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12048
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Analysis ofteam working on Organizational Commitment in
SafaIndustrial Group in Iran
Country :: Iran
Authors :: MasoudGhorbanhosseini
Pages No. :: 22-25
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/013022025
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of team working on effective commitment in Safa
industrial group in Iran. It is very important for the organizations to have keen and determined committed
employees as these employees will help organization reach its future goals. If the employees working for the
organization are not committed then productivity falls down and the whole operations of the company are
hindered. The organizational commitment is a mental mode that can show the level of individual's willingness,
need and attitude to continuing of service in organization. The research adopts both qualitative and quantitative
approaches through a survey with 1200 worker in this factory. Data were collected in a survey on a sample
composed of 132 respondents chosen among employees working in different categories (workers and
Supervisors). Finding showed that team working was positively related to the organizational commitment.

Keywords –team working, organizational commitment, Safa industrial group, Iran.
[1]. Antonio Arago´n-Sanchez, Isabel Barba-Arago´n and Raquel Sanz-Valle Effects of training on business results García Fernando, M.
(2006), "Posmodernidady Deportee: Entre la Individualization laMasificación. Encuestahábitosdeportivos de los Espanola", 2005,
Madrid, CIS/Siglo XXI.
[2]. Business Daily. (2008,). "Crisis Has Eroded Commitment to Work". Africa News., Kenya; February 2008.
[3]. Hawkins, W. D. (1998). "Predictors of Affective Organizational Commitment among High School Principals."Allen & Meyer, 1990;
cited in PSU Psych. 484 Commentary, Lesson 12, p. 5).
[4]. Florkowski, G & Schuster, M. (1992) "Support for profit sharing and organizational commitment: A path analysis". Human
Relations, 45, 5, 507-523.
[5]. 9- (Fisher,Hunter, &Macrosson, 1997; Johnson & Johnson, 1995, 1999; Parker, 1990
[6]. Helen mlydka (1994). "Organizational commitment: a review of research Organizational Commitment": A Longitudinal Study of
Attitudinal and Behavioral Commitment among United Kingdom. Graduates, Henley Management College, 1994 by Helen Lydka).
[7]. Likert, R. (1967). "The human organization: Its management and value". New York, USA: McGraw-Hill.
[8]. Meyer, J.P. & Allen, N.J. (1991). "A Tree-component conceptualization of organizational commitment". Human Resource
Management Review, 1, pp.61-89.
[9]. 9-susan g cohen ,diane baily university of southern California , journal of management 1997 vol 23 no 3
[10]. 10- Luca, J., &Tarricone, P. (2001). Does emotional intelligence affect successful teamwork? Proceedings of the 18th Annual
Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education at the ASCILITE, p. 367 – 376, Melbourne:
University of Melbourne.
[11]. 11- Smith, K. (1996). Cooperative Learning: make group work. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 67, fall, pp. 71-82.
[12]. 12-Scarnati, J. T. (2001). On becoming a team player. Team Performance Management: An International Journal,7(1/2), 5-10.

7.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12017
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Fault Localization with Graphical Models in Software Engineering Applications
Country :: Hyderabad, INDIA
Authors :: V.Jyothsna||R.Sailaja||M.Naresh
Pages No. :: 26-31
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/013026031
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It costs more to solve and verify the problems in the product after the product was shipped. We know
that a mistake leads to errors and errors leads us to faults. In this paper we explain the methods to solve the faults
that are identified after products are shipped. We use a graphical method called probabilistic program dependence
graph (PPDG), which facilitates probabilistic analysis and reasoning about uncertain program behavior,
particularly that associated with faults, which derived from program dependence graphs (PDG).
This Program Dependence Graphs (PDGs) had proven useful in software engineering applications such as
testing, debugging and maintenance. This paper explains and uses PPDG, which is used to identify the faults and
their probability of occurrence in product. This paper also indicates how PPDG is applied to identify and solve
faults in both Team Software Process (TSP) and Personal Software Process (PSP) implementations and also in this
paper we introduce different algorithms to identify the location where actual error had taken

Keywords –Fault localization, Performance, Probabilistic Program Dependence Graph.
[1] Y.Yu,J.A.Jones, and M.J.Harrod, "An Empirical Study of the Effects of Test-Suite Reduction on Fault Localization," Int'l conf.
Software Engg, pp. 201-210, 2008.
[2] M.Renieris and S.Reiss, "Fault Localization with Nearest Neighbor Queries," Int'l conf. Automated Software Engg, pp. 30-39, Nov.2003
[3] A.Podgurski and L.A.Clarke, "A Formal Model of Program Dependences and Its Implications for Software Testing,Debugging, and
Maintenance," IEEE Trans.Software Eng.,vol 16,no.9,pp.965-979,Sept.1990.
[4] J.Ferrante, K.J.Ottenstein, and J.D.Warren, "The Program Dependence Graph and Its Use in Optimization." ACM Trans Programming
Languages and Systems, vol.9,no.3, pp.319-349, July 1987.
[5] George K. Baah , Andy Podgurski, and Mary Jean Harrold, "The Probabilistic Program Dependence Graph and Its Application to Fault
Diagnosis," IEEE Trans.Software Eng., vol.36,no.4,July/August 2010.
[6] S.Bates and S.Horwitz, "Incremental Program Testing Using Program Dependence Graphs," Proc. Symp. Principles of Programming
Languages,pp 384-396, Jan. 1993.

8.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12027
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Analytic Solution of Natural Convection Flow of a Non- Newtonian Fluid between Two Vertical Flat Plates Using Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM)
Country :: Iran
Authors :: A. Kargar||M. Akbarzade
Pages No. :: 32-38
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/013032038
Full PDF ::
An analysis has been performed to study the natural convection of a non-Newtonian fluid between
two infinite parallel vertical flat plates and the effects of the non-Newtonian nature of fluid on the heat transfer
are studied. The governing boundary layer and temperature equations for this problem are reduced to an
ordinary form and are solved by Homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and numerical method. Velocity and
temperature profiles are shown graphically. The obtained results are valid for the whole solution domain with
high accuracy. These methods can be easily extended to other linear and non-linear equations and so can be
found widely applicable in engineering and science.

Keywords –Homotopy perturbation method (HPM); natural convection; non-Newtonian fluid; numerical
method (NM).
[1] R. W. Bruce and T. Y. Na, Natural convection flow of Powell–Eyring fluids between two vertical flat plates, ASME67WA/HT-25,
presented at the 1967ASMEWinter Annu Meet, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 12–17 November 1967.
[2] A. A. Farooq, A. M. Siddiqui, M. A. Rana, T. Haroon, Application of He's Method in Solving a System of Nonlinear Coupled
Equations Arising in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 1 (2012) 130-140.
[3] K. R. Rajagopal and T. Y. Na, Natural convection flow of a non-Newtonian fluid between two vertical flat plates, Acta Mech 54
(1985), 239–246.
[4] A. H. Nayfeh, Perturbation methods, Wiley, New York, 2000.
[5] J. H. He, Some asymptotic methods for strongly nonlinear equations, Int J Mod Phy B, 20 (2006), 2561–2568.
[6] Z. Z. Ganji and D. D. Ganji, Approximate solutions of thermal boundary-layer problems in a semiinfinite flat plate by using He's
homotopy perturbation method, Int J Nonlinear Sci Num Sim, 9 (2008), 415–422.
[7] S. H. Hosein Nia, H. Soltani, J. Ghasemi, A. N. Ranjbar, and D. D. Ganji, Maintaining the stability of nonlinear differential equations
by the enhancement of HPM, Phys Lett A, 372 (2008), 2855–2861.
[8] Z. Z. Ganji, D. D. Ganji, and M. Esmaeilpour, Study on nonlinear Jeffery-Hamel flow by He's semi analytical methods and
comparison with numerical results, Comput Math Appl, 58 (2009), 2107–2116.
[9] D.D. Ganji, N. Ranjbar Malidarreh, M. Akbarzade, Comparison of Energy Balance Period for Arising Nonlinear Oscillator Equations
(He's Energy Balance Period for Nonlinear Oscillators With and Without Discontinuities ), Acta Appl. Math., 108, 2009. 353 –362.
[10] L. Cveticanin, M. Kalami-Yazdi, Z. Saadatnia, H. Askari, Application of Hamiltonian Approach to the Generalized Nonlinear
Oscillator with Fractional Power, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation 12 (2010) 997-1002.

9.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 12028
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Design and Construction of an Electronic Water Softener
Country :: Nigeria
Authors :: Agelaga. A.Gabriel||B. S. Jatau
Pages No. :: 39-42
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/013039042
Full PDF ::
Hard water has taste and wastes soap. An electronic water softener was constructed using the NE
555 electronic timer in a stable multivibrator mode. It was designed to operate at a frequency of 15 kHz and
powered by a 12volt battery which delivered 150mA to the oscillator circuit. An activity indicator was designed
to monitor the working state of the water softener. The water softener was tested on hard water samples
obtained around Kaduna city. The results obtained indicated a total removal of hardness in mildly hard
samples, and a great reduction of hardness level in very hard water samples used. The electronic water softener
is an efficient and very cheap way of softening hard water that can be used in homes and industries.

Keywords –Design, Construction, Water softener, Multivibrators and Oscillators.
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