• Inventy@editormails.com
Volume 14 ~ Issue 10

Research Article  open access
Influence des régimes d'irrigation sur la croissance et la production fourragère du sorgho multi-coupe en période de forte chaleur au Sahel
Niger    Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 10


Cette étude a été conduite sur le sorgho fourrager multicoupe en période de forte chaleur au Niger. Le dispositif expérimental adopté est un dispositif en randomisation totale, une affectation au hasard des différents traitements aux différentes unités expérimentales avec un facteur (régimes d'irrigation) et deux niveaux (traitement 1 une irrigation chaque trois (3) jours et traitement 2 une irrigation chaque six (6) jours) et trois (3) répétitions. La germination a commencé 3 jours après le semis et a pris fin 5 jours après le semis avec un taux de germination moyen dépassant les 98% des poquets. A la première coupe, la production fourragère était de 26,16 tonnes de matières sèches par hectare pour le traitement 1 contre 17,92 tonnes de matières sèches par hectare pour les parcelles du traitement 2........

Keywords: Régimes d'irrigations, Production fourragère, Sahel, Niger.

Research Article  open access
The impact of COVID-19 on the sports event
Qiu Wan, Xichang Li, Gaoyu Chen, Xiaowei Jiang
China    Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 10


Sports event plays an important role in the development of the sports industry. Taking the basic characteristics of sports events and the current development status as the starting point, the study focused on the threatens and opportunities brought about by the development of COVID-19 to sports events. The study shows that the COVID-19 brings threaten to sports development from the aspects of economic loss, main business, major events, global competition, and event management services. Meanwhile, it also brings opportunities to expand sports market, realize the multi-functional value of sports venues, highlight the role of events in city governance, and change the business mode of sports events........

Keywords: COVID-19; Sports Events; Event management; Sports industry; Sports venues.

Research Article  open access
Analysis of the Effect of Workload Level and Compensation on Nurse Performance at Royal Prima Medan Hospital 2024
Hu Weidong
Medan    Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 10


The performance of health workers, especially nurses, is crucial in ensuring the quality of service in hospitals. As the spearhead of patient care, nurses are directly involved in almost all aspects of care, from initial check-ups to emotional support. The quality of their performance significantly impacts the success of treatment and patient satisfaction levels. This study aims to analyze the effect of workload and compensation on nurse performance at Royal Prima Hospital Medan in 2024. The method used was quantitative, with a population of 306 nurses and a sample of 175 nurses taken by purposive sampling........

Keywords: Nurse Performance, Workload, Compensation, Patient Satisfaction, Royal Prima Hospital Medan.

Research Article  open access
Heavy Metal Concentration and Feed Composition Analysis of Poultry Feedin Salalah
Umareddy Meka, Atasolom Omar Mubark Al-shahri, Atheer Azzan AL- Hussaini, Ghada Moosa Ahmed Ali Sulaiman
Oman    Download Certificate
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 14 ~ Issue 10


Feed is the substance developed or created for domesticated animals and poultry. This study is about the poultryfeed manufacturing process in Oman National Feed Company. Feed ingredients promote healthy digestion and provide proper nutrition such as minerals for farm animals. In this study there are four samples of premix feed were brought from a local feed mill company in Salalah, Oman. In samples B and D Proximate analysis was conducted to know the effects of the parameter of moisture, ash content, and volatile matter on the raw material formulation. From the experimental results analysis, the percentage of fixed carbon was 68.85% for sample B and 70.5% for sample D this means more amount of minerals are present in the sample........

Keywords: Poultry, Nutrient, Cattle feed, Pellet, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.