Ethical Issues and Safety in the Use of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
New York
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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The number of clinical applications usedin the medical field to reinforce and support physiciansin the applicationof their medical knowledge keeps growing tremendously. But some of the problems that occur at the same time are the efficiency of those applications and the ability of the practitioners to make the right choices regarding the feedback they received from their utilization. Clinical Decision Support Systems(CDSS), also called Medical Decision Support Systems(MDSS), belong to the wide category of those clinical applications. They must be used only for secondary care purpose, and if not, the risks of malpractice due to CDSS medical based diagnoses are greater. The main concern here is the reliability of CDSS which use is supported by both hardware and software components. The reliability of CDSS can be improved by integrating fault-tolerance and redundancy in their design features so as to increase their efficiency and reduce medical errors. This helps to prevent or reduce the number of accidental cases due to malpractice and also, to mitigate potential health care risks
KEY WORD: coding, clinical-decision-support-systems, fault-tolerance, medical, reliability.

Improved Power Gating Technique for Leakage Power Reduction
Akhila Abba, K Amarender
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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Now a day's low power circuits are most popular, in the circuit as the scaling increase the leakage powers increases. So for removing these kinds of leakages we are using many types of power gating techniques and to provide a better power efficiency. In this paper by using low power VLSI design techniques we are going to analyze the different types of power gated circuits. We are going to display the comparison results between different nano-meter technologies. Micro-wind Layout Editor & DSCH software tools are used for simulations & circuit design. The results were tabulated
KEY WORD: Sleep Method, Power gating, Sleepy stack, Sleep, Stack, Zigzag, Dual sleep, Dual stack , MTCMOS, Fine-grain power gating, coarse-grain power gating.

Numerical modeling of the welding defect influence on fatigue life of the weld bead with analyzing residual stress effects
Hamza KHATIB, Khalifa MANSOURI, Bachir Salhi, Abderrahmane Yeznasni
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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The main objective of this work is to modeling the effect of welding defects on the fatigue strength of the weld bead with taking residual stresses into account. Throughout this paper, we will present in the first part two principal approaches to predicting the stress concentration effects on the fatigue life duration, calculation methods based on each approach will be analyzed at the end of this part to determine the limitations and conditions of using each method. In the second part of this paper, we present our model based on the volumetric method to predict the fatigue life in the presence of defect in the surface of the weld bead. In the defect vicinity, the stress field distribution will be obtained with an elastoplastic material behavior, this distribution will be operated thereafter in a comparative study by introducing residual stress to illustrate the effect of the presence of these stresses on the fatigue life calculated with volumetric method.
KEY WORD: Nonlinear modeling, notch reduction factor, residual stress, volumetric method, welding defect

Rigorous Pack Edge Detection Fuzzy System
Hoda Farag, Said E. El-Khamy
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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Edge detection is crucial step in the image processing application image analysis. There exists no universal edge detection method which works well under all conditions. This paper shows a new method based on a pack of the most efficient techniques for edge detection, which is entropy-based thresholding, wavelet detail and the Sobel on a fuzzy Inference system. The main advantages of the proposed method are its high efficiency as it provides all thinned edges to overcome this drawback in the older algorithms. We present experimental results for this method, and compare it against several leading edge detection methods, such as Entropy method, Wavelet details, and Sobel edge detection method.

Developing a Computer-Assisted Instruction Model for Vocational High Schools
Abdul Muis Mappalotteng
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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This study aims to systematically develop a CAI model for vocational high school and develop a CAI model for VHSs which is valid, practical, and consistency and see CAI of aspects of the display, programming, materials, and aspects of learning This study was a research and development study for the program of electric energy use in VHSs of Technology expertise in program of Electrical Engineering. This study was carried out in three state VHSs in Makassar and Gowa. The results of the study are as follows: Systematic steps in developing a CAI model for VHSs began with a preliminary study in the form of a needs analysis for the client, followed by a learning system design and lesson planning, and materials development; Learning aspect, content aspect, display aspect, programming aspect; the integration of learning methods made through the strategies in CAI, namely Tutorial, Drill & Practice, Games, Problem Solving, Simulation, and Testing; Integration of constructivist learning theory in the development of CAI in VHSs models made through the interactivity of the CAI program was developed in the form of Interactive CD; The users' responses to the CAI product were very good; The developed CAI model was valid, practical, and consistency.
KEY WORD: Model development, CAI, VHS, Learning aspect, content aspect, display aspect, programming aspect

Design and Cost Optimization of Plate Heat Exchanger
Sreejith K., Basil Varghese, Deepak Das, Delvin Devassy, Harikrishnan K., Sharath G. K.
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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A plate heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger that uses metal plates to transfer heat between two fluids. This has a major advantage over a conventional heat exchanger in that the fluids are exposed to a much larger surface area because the fluids spread out over the plates. This facilitates the transfer of heat, and greatly increases the speed of the temperature change. The plate heat exchanger (PHE) is a specialized design well suited to transferring heat between medium- and low-pressure fluids. Welded, semi-welded and brazed heat exchangers are used for heat exchange between high-pressure fluids or where a more compact product is required. The hot fluid flows in one direction in alternating chambers while the cold fluid flows in true counter-current flow in the other alternating chambers. The heat transfer surface consists of a number of thin corrugated plates pressed out of a high grade metal. The pressed pattern on each plate surface induces turbulence and minimizes stagnant areas and fouling. Unlike shell and tube heat exchangers, which can be custom-built to meet almost any capacity and operating conditions, the plates for plate and frame heat exchangers are mass-produced using expensive dies and presses. In this paper we designed the PHE for the required operating conditions. In the design we calculated the overall heat transfer coefficient of PHE. The heat transfer rate and the number of plates required for the PHE were also calculated. Cost optimization of the designed PHE was carried out and it has been found that there is a considerable drop in the cost of the heat exchanger.
KEY WORD: Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE), Overall heat transfer coefficient, Cost Optimization

Sintering behavior of feldspar rocks
Radomír Sokolář ||Lucie Vodová
Czech Republic
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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Sintering behaviour as dependence of water absorption, flexural strength and firing shrinkage of dry pressed test samples made from three different types of feldspar rocks on the firing temperature (1120 – 1300 °C) was determined. Potassium, potassium-sodium and sodium-calcium industrially milled feldspars with similar granulometry according to equivalent mean spherical diameter of the grains d(0.5) in the range of 16.6 – 20.8 m were used. The sintering process was described according to changes in mineralogical composition of the fired test samples too. During the sintering process, feldspars gradually disappear in phases – first of all alkali feldspars (albite, microcline); anorthite (calcium feldspar) is more resistant to melting thanks to its higher melting temperature and it increases the sintering temperature of feldspar. Sodium-potassium feldspar Z43NaK50 with the lowest content of alkalis (3.35 % of K2O and 2.67 % of Na2O) and the highest equivalent 2mean spherical diameter d(0.5) showed the most intensive sintering activity. An explanation of this unexpected fact can be found in the equilibrium phase diagrams and in the formation of low melting eutectic mixtures.
KEY WORD: feldspars, sintering, porosity, mineralogical composition

Ajoko, Tolumoye John and Kilakime, Tari Amawarisenua
Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering & Science , Volume 4 ~ Issue 10 (October 2014)
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The prominence and sustainability of energy generation is global target which binds together the techno-industrial and socio-economic welfare of any developing country. Study carried out is a test on the proficiency of renewable energy through Hydrogen – Oxygen Fuel Cell to generate useful power supply. It attests that the set-up electrochemical fuel cell with the use of fuel value of hydrogen has the capability of converting the chemical energy involved in the process into electrical energy which generates electricity up to 13.44W with 11.20V making use of a short time duration of 12 – minutes with a small volume of hydrogen gas used (50ml) in the Hydrogen – Oxygen Fuel Cell Test Rig. One advantageous fact is that the end product of the reaction (water) is environmentally friendly, produces no emissions capable of depleting the ozone layer and also can be converted to home use for economical purposes. Obtained results at the test period are displayed on a characteristic curves which shows the relationship of the performance parameters such as electrical energy, power, voltage, electrical charge, etc. Meanwhile, in the process of the experiment; the converted energy was stored in an energy storage device in the test bed which was test run on rotary and lighting load component (Electromotor) in the test rig. Therefore, it is recommended that employing this innovative system in the energy sector will save the environment from decaying, and also as alternative means to the conventional system of energy generation. Thus, sustainability in electrical power generation will drastically improve.
KEY WORD: Current, Electrical Energy, Electrical power, Hydrogen – Oxygen Fuel cell, Test Rig.