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Volume 2 ~ Issue 3
1.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21031
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Analysis Of Write Power Consumption For Single Gate And Dual Gate MOS Based SRAM
Country :: India
Authors :: Ramanpreet Kaur||Sonia Malhotra||Gurinderpal Singh
Pages No. :: 1-06
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/0230106
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In this paper the target is to study the write power of SRAM cell with dual-gate MOS.Earlier designed memories using single gate MOS faced the problem related with stray capacitance and leakage current which increase the write power dissipation with the shrinking MOS feature and the requirement of Low-power devices.CMOS scaling causes in low Vt(Threshold Voltage) and reduce oxide thickness.Reduction in high thickness at high bias voltage forced the electrons to tunnel through the gate.The proposed dual gate MOS cell present that this leakage current during write access decreased.Because the dual gate MOS requires less operating voltage.Hence,8-bit,32-bit & 64-bit SRAM cells are designed & their write power is analyzed with respect to single gate.

Key words:CMOS, Dual-Gate, Leakage Power, MOS, SRAM.
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2.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21038
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: High Efficient Asynchronous Buck Converter For Biomedical Devices
Country :: India
Authors :: M.M.Shanmugapriya||B.Sheryl Nivya,
Pages No. :: 07-13
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/02307013
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In this project, we present a fully integrated asynchronous step-down switched capacitor dc–dc conversion structure suitable for supporting ultra-low-power circuits commonly found in biomedical devices. The proposed converter uses a PI controller as the heart of the control circuitry to generate the drive signals. To minimize the switching losses, the controller scales the switching frequency of the drive signals according to the loading conditions. A total of 350 pF on-chip capacitance was implemented to support a maximum of 230- W load power. Experimental test results confirm the expectedfunctionality and performance of the proposed circuit.

Keywords –Asynchronous control, biomedical devices, dc–dcpower converters, dynamic voltage scaling, power management,voltage-scalable switched capacitor.
[1] K. Agarwal and K. Nowka, "Dynamic power management by combinationof dual static supply voltages," in Proc. 8th Int. Symp. QualityElectron. Design, Mar. 2007, pp. 85–92.
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3.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21041
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Analysis of Energy Spectra and Wave Function of Trigonometric Poschl-Teller plus Rosen-Morse Non-Central Potential Using Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics Approach
Country :: Indonesia
Authors :: Antomi Saregar|| A.Suparmi ||C. Cari|| H.Yuliani
Pages No. :: 14-26
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/023014026
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The Energy Eigenvalues And Eigenfunction Of Trigonometric Poschl-Teller Plus Rosen Morse Non- Central Potential Are Analysis Using Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. Trigonometric Poschl-Teller Plus Rosen-Morse Is A Non-Central Shaped Invariance Potential. Recently Developed Supersymmetric In Field Theory Has Been Successfully Employed To Make A Complete Mathematical Analysis Of The Reason Behind Exact Solvability Of Some Non-Central Potentials In A Close Form. Then, By Operating The Lowering Operator We Get The Ground State Wave Function, And The Excited State Wave Functions Are Obtained By Operating Raising Operator Repeatedly. The Energy Eigenvalue Is Expressed In The Closed Form Obtained

Keywords –Supersymmetric method, Non-central potentials, Trigonometric Poschl Teller plus Rosen Morse

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4.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21045
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol: A Review Study
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr.A.A.Gurjar|| Mr.A.A.Dande
Pages No. :: 27-29
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/023027029
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AODV Is Source Initiated A Routing Protocol. AODV Protocols Are Different From Traditional Proactive Protocols Since In Proactive The Routing Mechanism Is Based On Periodic Updates This Leads To High Routing Overhead. The Key Goal In Designing This Protocol Is To Reduce Overhead. Routing Messages In AODV Can Be Divided Into Path Discovery And Path Maintenance Messages. Path Discovery Includes The Route Request (RREQ) And The Route Reply (RREP), While The Latter Includes Route Error (RERR) And Hello Message. In AODV No Routing Structure Is Created Prior.

Keywords –Adhoc Network, Routing protocol, Flooding, Broadcasting, Active Route

[1] C.M barushimana, A.Shahrabi, "Comparative Study of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols Performance in Mobile Ad-Hoc
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5.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21032
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Design of Simplified Active NPC (ANPC) Inverters for Fault Tolerant Operation Using WECS
Country :: India
Authors :: S.Vivekanandan|| J.PadmaPriya
Pages No. :: 30-39
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/023030039
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Simplified Active NPC (ANPC) Inverters Enable A Substantially Increased Output Power And An Improved Performance At Zero Speed For High-Power Electrical Drives. This Paper Analyzes The Operation Of Simplified ANPC Inverters Under Device Failure Conditions, And Proposes The Fault-Tolerant Strategies To Enable Continuous Operating Of The Inverters And Drive Systems Under Single Device Open- And Short-Failure Conditions. Therefore, The Reliability And Robustness Of The Electrical Drives Are Greatly Improved. Moreover, the Proposed Solution Adds No Additional Components To standard ANPC Inverters; Thus, The Cost For Robust Operation Of Drives Is Lower. Simulation Results Are Provided For Verification. Furthermore, A Comprehensive Comparison For The Reliability Function Of ANPC And NPC Inverters Is Presented. The Results Show That ANPC Inverters Have Higher Reliability Than NPC Inverters. Two Inverters Have Similar Reliability For Device Open Failure, While ANPC Inverters Have Higher Reliability Than NPC Inverters For Device Short Failure. Therefore The Input Voltage Is Renewable Energy And Is Rectified To DC Using Rectifier Circuit And Stored In The Battery.

Keywords –Active Npc (Anpc), Electrical Drives, Fault Tolerant, High Power, Multilevel Inverter, Reliability.


[1].S. Ceballos, J. Pou, E. Robles, J. Zaragoza, And J. L.Martin, "Performanceevaluation Of Fault Tolerant Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters," Ieee Trans.Ind.Electron., Vol. 55, No. 3, Pp. 982–995, Mar. 2008
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[3].A. Chen, L. Hu, Y. Deng, And X. He, "A Multilevel Inverter With Faulttolerantability," Ieee Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 20, No. 2, Pp. 405–415,Mar. 2005.
[4].J. C. Lee, T. J. Kim, D. W. Kang, And D. S. Hyun, "A Control Method Forimprovement Of Reliability In Fault Tolerant Npc Inverter System," In Proc.Power Electron. Spec. Conf., Jun. 2006, Pp. 1–5.
[5]. J. D. Lee, T. J. Kim, J. C. Lee, And D.W. Hyun, "A Novel Fault Detection Ofan Open-Switch Fault In The Npc Inverter System," In Proc. Ind. Electron.Soc. Annu. Conf., Nov. 2007, Pp. 1565–1569.
[6] S. Li And L. Xu, "Fault-Tolerant Operation Of A 150 Kw 3-Level Neutralpoint Clamped Pwm Inverter In A Flywheel Energy Storage System," Inproc. Ind. Appl. Soc. Annu. Conf., Sept./Oct. 2001, Vol. 1, Pp. 585–588.
[7] .S. Li And L. Xu, "Strategies Of Fault Tolerant Operation For Three Levelpwminverters," Ieee Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 21, No. 4, Pp. 933–940, Jul.2006.
[8].P. Lezana, J. Pou, T. A.Meynard, J.Rodriguez, S. Ceballos, And F.Richardeau,"Survey On Fault Operation On Multilevel Inverters," Ieee Trans. Ind.Electron., Vol. 57, No. 7, Pp. 2207–2218, Jul. 2010.
[9] G. T. Park, T. J. Kim, D. W. Kang, And D. S. Hyun, "Control Method Ofnpc Inverter For Continuous Operation Under One Phase Fault Condition,"Inproc. Ind. Appl. Soc. Annu. Conf., Oct. 2004, Vol. 4, Pp. 2188–2193.
[10] J. J. Park, T. J. Kim, And D. S. Hyun, "Study Of Neutral Point Potentialvariation For Three-Level Npc Inverter Under Fault Condition," In Proc. Ind.Electron. Soc. Annu. Conf., Nov. 2008, Pp. 983–988.

6.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21049
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Analysis of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Compensation Capability & Quality Performance against Voltage Sags in Distribution Systems
Country :: India
Authors :: H.Lakshmi
Pages No. :: 40-48
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/023040048
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The Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Is Used To Regulate The Voltage At The Load Terminals From Various Power Quality Problems Like Sag, Swell, Harmonics, Unbalance Etc. In Supply Voltage. This Paperprovides Analyses Of Working Performance Of The Device, Including Capability And Quality Of Compensation Of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Working Against Various Voltage Sags By Simulation.Dynamic Voltage Restorers (Dvrs) Are Used To Protect Sensitive Loads From The Effects Of Voltage Sags On The Distribution Feeder. Significant Simulation Results Show That These Several Types Of The Modelled Device Can Work Very Well Against Balanced And/Or Unbalanced Voltages Caused By Faults In A Distribution System. In Addition, Appropriate Ways To Obtain A Good Quality Output Voltage By A DVR During Voltage Sag Is Also Presented.

Keywords –Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Balanced And Unbalanced Faults, Compensation Capability, Power Quality Sag Severity, Voltage Sag.


[1] T.L. Tan, S. Chen, and S.S. Choi, "An overview of power quality state estimation", the 7th International IEEE Power EngineeringConference, (IPEC05), 2005, pp: 1-276.
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7.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21061
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Nondeterministic Procedure of Solving Simultaneous Equations
Country :: India
Authors :: N. Shobha Rani
Pages No. :: 49-54
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/023049054
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This paper revises the study of computational complexity of solving the simultaneous equations. An equation is an expression of the form W1.W2.........Wk=id where each Wi is a variable with operator and id is the identity element. A solution to such an equation is the assignment of variables which realizes the equality. A system of equations is a collection of such equations; a solution is the assignment of values to unknown variables which simultaneously realizes each equation. We show that the problem of determining the solution is NP. The system of simultaneous equations is probably one of the most important topics in modern engineering computations. The paper examines the Methods of solving the Simultaneous Equations. Section 1 presents introduction. Section 2 discusses the Simultaneous Equations solution as NP. Section 3 describes Method of solving Simultaneous equations in detail. Section 4 Concludes.

Key Words: Simultaneous Equations, NP, Gaussian elimination


[1] Ron Larson, "Elementary Linear Algebra", 5th Edition, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College
[2] Mikael Goldmann, Alexander Russeli, "The complexity of solving Equations over finite group", 2003
[3] Gary D. Knott, "Gaussian Elimination and LU-Decomposition", www.civilized.com, Feb 28, 2012
[4] Joseph F. Grcar, "Mathematicians of Gaussian Elimination", Notices of the AMS, June 2011

8.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 21070
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Implementation Of Community Participation Concept In Rebuilding Housing Post Earthquake Disaster
Country :: Indonesia
Authors :: Rumiati Rosaline Tobing
Pages No. :: 55-63
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/023055063
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Besides devastation, an earthquake also caused trauma and distress to many people who experience it. Due to that fact, the ruined housing area needs reconstruction, which is not only to build, but also to restore the "lives" in it. An interesting study in architecture field had been conducted in Bantul village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, where all victims of the earthquake, without any background of formal education in engineering, had roles in reconstructing their devastated settlements after the earthquake. They did this only by holding into the mutual spirit to rise and restore their lives as soon as possible. The participation of Ngibikan Bantul village community after the earthquake had been written in history as a part of completing the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the housing after an earthquake.This study will discuss about things related to the success of that participatory reconstruction. Both roles and involvement of the builders, the rebuilding process, physical products of the process, and its impact for community's social life and the general communities. The explanations will refer to the pattern of community participatory in the rebuilding process after the earthquake.

Key Words:   earthquake, reconstruction, participatory, community


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