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Volume 1 ~ Issue 10
1.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14105
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Data acquisition from X-band Microwave bench
Country :: Maharashtra, India
Authors :: S. S. Nalwad|| S. V. Vedpathak|| Dr. K. U. Gore
Pages No. :: 01-10
Paper Index :: :07.4721/011001010
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The dielectric parameters of liquids and solids are measured by using X-band Microwave bench manually. Hence, personal computer (PC) based automatic measurement technique is used for accurate measurement of the dielectric parameters. PC based stepper motor moves the plunger in liquid cell or to the probe in slotted section of the microwave bench. X-band Microwave bench at 10.95GHz is used. The sampled signal is fed into the instrumentation amplifier . A 12-bit analog-to-digital converter, designed for use in an integrated technology This technique is used to give the maximum accuracy for the measurement of the position of standing wave voltage minima and determine the wave length of the electromagnetic wave in the wave guide filled with air(𝜆g /2) or dielectric sample (𝜆𝑑/2). Further accuracy of this technique can be increased when the stepper motor is operated in micro stepping mode.

Key words:  ADC interfacing card, Instrumentation Amplifier, microwave bench, PC, stepper motor.
[1] Mandeep Singh, Rekha & Balwinder Singh :International Journal of computer science & communication Vol. 1, No. 1, January-June 2010, pp. 189-191
[2] R.H. Amenerkar, C.S. Adgaonkar, S.S. Yawale and S.P. Yawale, "Microwave properties of vanadium borate glasses",Material Science., 25, No. 5, October 2002, pp 431-434.
[3] S. S. Nalwad , S. V. Vedpathak, Dr. K. U. Gore IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)Volume 2, Issue 2 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 05-08
[4] P.J SINGH and K.S.SHARMA PRAMANA Journal of Physics,Vol.46 No.4 April1996 pp.259-270
[5] MANOJ JOHRI, ABHAY SAXENA, S.JOHARI, S.SAXENA and D.P.SINGH PRAMANA Journal of Physics,Vol.76 No.4 April 2011 pp.621-628 Books:
[6] DYNALOG[INDIA] LIMITED PCL-812 Enhanced Multi-function Card with AD-DA/DIO/TC User's Manual
[7] DYNALOG[INDIA] LIMITED PCLD-789D Amplifier/Multiplexer Board User's Manual
[8] E. Balguruswamy: Programming in ANSI C, TMH, New Delhi, 1999.
[9] Y.P. Kanetkar: Let Us C, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 1999.
[10] M. Kulkarni, Microwave and Radar Engineering, Third Edition, Umesh Publication, 2004-2005, pp 274276

2.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14106
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Operating Stoop for Efficient Parallel Data Processing In Cloud
Country :: Andhra Pradesh, India
Authors :: Krishna Jyothi K || Dr.R.V.Krishnaiah
Pages No. :: 11-15
Paper Index :: :07.4721/011011015
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Major Cloud computing companies have started to integrate frameworks for parallel data processing in their product portfolio, making it easy for customers to access these services and to deploy their programs. However the processing frameworks which are currently used have been designed for static, homogeneous cluster setups and disregard the particular nature of a cloud. Consequently, the allocated computer resources may be inadequate for big parts of the submitted job and unnecessarily may increase processing time and cost. We discuss here the opportunities and challenges for efficient parallel data processing in clouds and present our research project Nephele. Particular tasks of a processing job can be assigned to different types of virtual machines which are automatically instantiated and terminated during the job execution. Based on this new framework, we perform extended evaluations of Map Reduce-inspired processing jobs on an IaaS cloud system and compare the results to the popular data processing framework Hadoop.

Keywords –   Many-Task Computing, High-Throughput Computing, Loosely Coupled Applications, Cloud
[1] Amazon Web Services LLC, "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)," http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/, 2009.
[2] Amazon Web Services LLC, "Amazon Elastic MapReduce," http://aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce/, 2009.
[3] Amazon Web Services LLC, "Amazon Simple Storage Service, "http://aws.amazon.com/s3/, 2009.
[4] D. Battre´, S. Ewen, F. Hueske, O. Kao, V. Markl, and D. Warneke, "Nephele/PACTs: A Programming Model and Execution Framework for Web-Scale Analytical Processing," Proc. ACM Symp. Cloud Computing (SoCC '10), pp. 119-130, 2010.
[5] R. Chaiken, B. Jenkins, P.-A. Larson, B. Ramsey, D. Shakib, S. Weaver, and J. Zhou, "SCOPE: Easy and Efficient Parallel Processing of Massive Data Sets," Proc. Very Large Database Endowment, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1265-1276, 2008.

3.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14098
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: High FFA Rubber Seed Oil as an Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine – An Overview
Country :: Chennai, India
Authors :: S.Senthil Kumar||K.Purushothaman
Pages No. :: 16-24
Paper Index :: :07.4721/011016024
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The large increase in number of automobiles in recent years has resulted in great demand for petroleum products. With crude oil reserves estimated to last only for few decades. Many countries import more crude oil causes huge foreign exchange out-go on the one hand and increasing exhaust emission on the other. Therefore there has been an active search for alternate fuels like biodiesel to provide a suitable diesel substitute for internal combustion engines. The Rubber seed oil based bio-diesel offer a very promising alternative to diesel. The acid value for Rubber Seed oil is high. Two step esterification i.e acid catalyzed esterification followed by alkaline catalyzed transesterification is developed to produce biodiesel from high FFA Rubber Seed Oil. The engine fueled with diesel and blends of Rubber seed oil based bio-diesel. The objective of the present study is investigating the use of blends of Rubber seed oil based bio-diesel on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine compared to that of diesel. Engine performance with biodiesel does not differ greatly from that of diesel fuel. The experimental results proved that the use of Rubber seed oil based biodiesel is viable alternative to diesel.

Key words:   Rubber seed oil, FFA, Blend, Engine performance, Exhaust Emissions.

[1] O.E. Ikwuagwu et al. Production of biodiesel using rubber [Hevea brasiliensis] seed oil. Elsevier (2000)
[2] A.S. Ramadhas et al; "Performance and emission evaluationof a diesel engine fueled with methyl esters of rubber seed oil", Science Direct, 2005.
[3] Potential use of Malaysian rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) seed as food, feed and biofuel, International Food Research Journal (2010)
[4] Performance Emission and Evaluation of Rubber seed oil in Diesel Engine, Natural Product Radiance,2006
[5] Production of Biodiesel from Non-edible plant oils having high FFA content. M.Mathiyazhagan1 et al ,
[6] A. Demirbas, "Biodiesel fuels from vegetable oils via catalytic and noncatalytic supercritical alcohol transesterifications and other methods: asurvey." Energy Convers Manage, , 2003.
[7] P. K. Srivastava, and M. Verma, "Methyl ester of karanja oil as an Alternative renewable source energy." Fuel, 2008.
[8] V. G. Shashikant, and H. Raheman, "Process optimization for biodiesel production from mahua (Madhuca indica) oil using response surface methodology." Bioresource Technology, 2006.
[9] V. G. Shashikant, and H. Raheman, "Biodiesel production from mahua oil having high free fatty acids." Biomass and Bioenergy, 2005.
[10] M. Di Serio, R. Tesser, M. Dimiccoli, F. Cammarota, M. Nastasi, and E.Santacesaria, "Synthesis of biodiesel via homogeneous Lewis

4.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14090
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: The Success Story of Rehabilitation of Jhumias in Tripura- A Study on Baramura-Deutamura Range
Country :: Tripura India
Authors :: Er.Sujit Das||Er.Subhrajyoti Choudhury||Ar.Arpita Roy
Pages No. :: 25-29
Paper Index :: :07.4721/011025029
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Shifting cultivation or slash and burn agriculture (locally called as jhum) is one of the main form of agriculture in the hills of Tripura. In view of the mountainous terrain, settled cultivation constitutes only in a portion of the total cultivated land, which is mostly confined to the valley lands and plain lands. In order to meet the growing food demand, the jhum cycle (the intervening period between two successive slashes) got shortened which resulted in the overall decrease of crop yield. Today the scientists view shifting cultivation as environmentally destructive and a faulty land use practice having very low output-input ratio. So the local tribes are being educated on the curse side of this old practice at Government level and by different local NGOs'. This paper describes the status and change in shifting cultivation in one of the hill ranges of Tripura, called Baramura-Deutamura hill range, using GIS and Remote Sensing technique.

Keywords:   GIS, Remote Sensing, Jhum, Baramura-Deutamura hill range, Burn Agriculture.

[1] Myung-Hee JO, 1994." An Analysis of Shifting Cultivation Areas in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR, Using Satellite Imagery and Geographic Information Systems", Journal of the Korean Society of Remote Sensing,10(1), pp.43-53.
[2] Myung-Hee Jo, 1993. "Preparation Of Thematic Maps for Nam Khane Watershed Management in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR, Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Geographical Review, Kyung PookNationaluniv., Vol. 12-13 pp. 101-108.
[3] Chaudhary, R.G, Dwivedi, R.N., Dutta, K.K., Sarma, B.K., Patel, C.S. & Prasad, R.N. 1993. Rice based farming of Apatani - an efficient indigenous system of hill farming. Indian Journal of Hill Farming. 6:93-102. Banai, R. K., 1989. A new method for site suitability analysis: The analytic hierarchy process. Environment Management, 6, 685-693.
[4] Brady, Nyle. "Alternatives to slash-and-burn: a global imperative." Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. Vol. 58 (1996): 3-11.
[5] Conklin, H.C. "The Study of Shifting Cultivation." Current Anthropology. Vol. 2, No. 1 (1961): 27-61.
[6] Giardina, C.P., R.L. Sanford Jr., I.C. Dockersmith, & V.J. Jamarillo. "The effects of slash burning on ecosystem nutrients during the land preparation phase of shifting cultivation." Plant and Soil. Vol. 220 (2000): 247-260.

5.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14088
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: A review on hot extrusion of Metal Matrix Composites (MMC's)
Country :: Bangalore, India
Authors :: C.S Ramesh||Adarsha Hirianiah|| Harishanad K.S|| Naveen Prakash Noronha
Pages No. :: 30-35
Paper Index :: :07.4721/011030035
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In this paper we examine the effects of hot extrusion used as a secondary process in fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites (MMC's). A comprehensive study was made on the properties of MMCs after Hot extrusion process. It was found that most properties are superior as compared to cold extrusion. Properties including hardness, impact strength, tensile properties, residual stresses etc. were found to be better for most of the MMC's. The results are discussed with respective plots and reported.

Keywords -   Metal Matrix Composites, Hot Extrusion.

[1]. A.T.Alpas and J.Zhang,"Effect of microstructure and counterface material on the sliding wear resistance of particulate-reinforced Aliminium matrix composites",Metallurgical and Material Transactions A,V25A(1994)969-983
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6.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14074
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: The Role of New Communication Tools In the Advancement of Social Movements in North of Africa
Country :: Iran
Authors :: shaghayegh Heidari||Dr. Mojtaba Maghsoudi
Pages No. :: 36-53
Paper Index :: :07.4721/011036053
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One of the most important issues in the twenty first century has been the start of the globalization process in its broad dimensions. In this view, globalization is the cause of a situation where the boundaries are removed; the power of the governments in some areas decreases; social relations deepen and integrated in a way as if they occur in the same place .it seems far events can have impact on the events around us. Also, the globalization can deepen democracy, decrease political concealment among the political figures, and helps to clarify this area, and can underlie people's movements and the emergence of democratic revolution. Formation and evolution of new social movements, especially in less developed regions, mainly is the result of communication development and the masses awareness of social, political, economic and cultural conditions. In this paper we studied the role of new communication tools for new social movements since late 2010 in the Middle East and North Africa and the Arab world which is called "Arab Spring". In an overview of the new movements in the Arabic Middle East, we should say that although many factors in how to shape these movements can be traced, but based on this study, the most important factor involved in the formation and promotion of these movements is the role of new communication tools. The new tools, which are considered in the present study are, Internet, satellite and mobile phone.

Keywords – New Communication tools, New Social Movements, North of Africa, Arab Spring, Democracy.

[1]. Barber, Benjamin (1998) "Three scenarios for the future of Technology & Strong Democracy", Political science Quarterly, Vol. 113, No. 4.
[2]. Bimber, Bruce (2003), Information and American democracy: technology in the evolution of political power, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
[3]. CIA World Factbook, 2011.
[4]. "Civil Movements: The Impact of Facebook and Twitter", This report is produced by DSG's Governance and Innovation Program and co-authored by Racha Mourtada and Fadi Salem, Arab Social Media Report, Vol. 1, No. 2 May 2011, available at:
[5]. Coleman, Stephan (1999), "From virtual Representation to Direct Deliberation", in Barry Hague (eds) Digital Democracy, London, Routhelge.
[6]. Della Porta, D., & Mosca, L. (2005), Global-net for global movements? A network of networks for a movement of movements, Journal of Public Policy, 25(1), 165–190.
[7]. Eyerman, R, and Jamison, A. (1991), social Movements: A Cognitive Approach, Cambridge: polity.
[8]. Ghannam, Jeffrey (2011), A Report to the Center for International Media Assistance, The Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), February 3.
[9]. Gladwell, Malcolm (2010), "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted," The New Yorker, October.
[10]. Habermas, J. (1996), Between Facts and Norms, London: polity press.

7.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14051
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Stability Improvement in Automobile Driving Through Feedback Loop and Compensator
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr. Sourish Sanyal||Prof. Raghupati Goswami||Prof. Amar Nath Sanyal
Pages No. :: 54-58
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/011054058
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The paper gives the mathematical model of an automobile along with its driver. The automobile has
been modelled from the standpoint of mechanics and the man driving the car has been modelled from the
standpoint of physiology. The later contains a time delay. The directional control through steering has been
considered as a closed-loop process. Analytical treatment of the control system has been made by replacing the
delay element by a zero based on binomial approximation and the stability of the system has been ensured for
the given gain. MATLAB tools have been used for the analysis. However the design specs could not be fulfilled.
To compensate the system rate feedback was tried but desired results could not be obtained. So a lag type
compensator was inserted in the forward path which could successfully meet the requirements. The design was
made using SISOTOOL of MATLAB.

Key Words:   Automobile, Driver, Feedback Loop, Time Delay, Compensator


[1] R. Goswami, S.Sanyal, A.N.Sanyal, The Motor Cycle and Rider-Modeling and Analysis of the Control System, Internat ional
Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 10, October, 2012, pp 192-196.
[2] S. Sanyal, R.K.Barai, P.K. Chattopadhyay, R.N. Chakrabart i, Design of Compensator for a Hydrofoil Ship, Internat ional Journal
of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 9, September- 2012, pp 266-271.
[3] S. Sanyal, R.K.Barai, P.K. Chattopadhyay, R.N. Chakrabarti, Design of Att itude Control System of a Space Satellite,
Internat ional Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol. III, Issue II, April-June, 2012, pp 13-16.
[4] S. Sanyal, Some Studies on Remote Control and Coordinat ion of Mobile Devices, Doctoral Dissertat ion, Jadavpur University,
[5] M. Gopal, Modern cont rol system theory, 2nd Ed., New Age International.
[6] S.M. Shinners, Modern control system theory and design, John Wiley and Sons.
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[8] D. Patranabis, Sensors and Transducers, PHI, 2008.
[9] A.J. Grace, N. Laub, J.N. Litt le and C. Thomson, Cont rol system tool box for use with MATLAB, User Guide, Mathworks,
[10] Rudra Pratap, Gett ing started with MATLAB & Oxfor Indian Ed.

8.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 13007
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Chemical Oxidation Method for Synthesis of Polyaniline–In2O3 Composites
Country :: Karanataka, India
Authors :: Shankarananda|| Arunkumar Lagashetty|| Sangshetty.Kalyani
Pages No. :: 59-64
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/011059064
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Polymer composites containing metal oxides are new class of materials shows the enhanced properties and applications. Insitu polymerization by chemical oxidation of aniline is carried out for Polyaniline (PANI) and Polyaniline-In2O3 (PANI- In2O3) composite material. Different weight percentage of InO in PANI constitutes different PANI- In2O3 composite materials to know detailed changes. The structural changes of prepared composite materials were carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) tool. Morphological study of Indium oxide, PANI and PANI-InO composites was studied by Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) tool. Bonding changes was observed by Infrared (IR) study. Structural, morphology and bonding variation is observed in PANI- In2O3 composite materials compared to pure indium oxide and PANI samples. Dielectric study of the composite materials is undertaken for its dielectric behavior. The study shows the variation of the dielectric behavior for different weight percentage composite materials..

Key Words:   Synthesis, Composites, Structure, Morphology, Polyaniline, In2O3


[1]. L. Guodong, Synthesis, Characterization of In2O3 Nanocrystals and Their Photoluminescence Property Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6, 2011, 2162-2170
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9.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 13070
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Microwave Absorption Studies on Conducting Polymer (Pani-Pbo) Composites
Country :: Karnataka, India
Authors :: Sharadatayi Patil|| Arunkumar Lagshetty|| Sangshetty Kalyane
Pages No. :: 65-67
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/011065067
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Conducting polymers (Polyaniline) has received much attention because of its unique reversible proton doping, high electrical conductivity ease of preparation and low cost. Conducting polymer Composites are required in many engineering applications, especially electromagnetic compatibility. conducting polymer (PANI) and its composites are prepared by oxidation of aniline and the polyaniline composites were prepared by in situ polymerization method with dispersion of Lead oxide (PbO) and microwave properties such as the permittivity, return loss and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMI-SE) of composites in the frequency range 8-12 GHz is discussed in this paper and the maximum EMI-SE is observed in 10 wt% PbO in PANI.

Key Words:   Polyaniline, Composites, Electromagnetic, microwave, shielding.


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[8] J. Magn. Mater, V149, 1995,pp. 10.

10.Full Citation
Manuscript Id :: 14103
Manuscript Type :: Research
Manuscript Title :: Synthesis and characterization of 1, 8-dioxo-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-octahydroxanthenes derivatives with evaluation of biological activity
Country :: Maharashtra,India
Authors :: A. A. Kale|| A.S.Burungale
Pages No. :: 68-74
Paper Index :: : 07.4721/011068074
Full PDF ::

A large number of organic compounds are synthesized using 1, 3 dicarbonyls. Active methylene group at C2 position in the 1, 3 dicarbonyl compounds plays an important role in the synthesis of a variety of compounds. Synthesis of condensed (3, 6 and 9) and cyclised (4, 7and10) compounds using dimedone and different aldehydes. Synthesized condensed compounds 3, 6 and 9 having fused ring systems are further cyclized to yield compounds 4, 7and10 respectively. Synthesis of dioximes ligands (11, 12 and 13) from condensed (3, 6 and 9) respectively. Xanthenes widely used as dyes fluorescent materials for visualization of bio-molecules and laser technologies due to their useful spectroscopic properties1 all these compounds have been characterized by modern spectral techniques such as IR, 1HNMR, CMR, Mass etc. Evaluation of synthesized compounds (3,6,9 ), (4,7,10) and ((11, 12 and 13) for antimicrobial activity against specific bacterial strains like 1)Escherichia coli 2) Salmonella abony 3) Staphylococcus aureus and. Ligands 7,12,13 is found to be active in sterile water and in DMSO towards against Escherichia coli. Salmonella abony, and for Staphylococcus aureus.

Key Words:  Dimedone, Xanthenes, antibacterial activity


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